Catholic leaders urge voters to back death penalty repeal
Catholic leaders are launching a campaign that will urge voters to retain Nebraska's repeal of the death penalty in the November general election. The Nebraska Catholic Conference announced a series of steps Thursday that church leaders will take to speak to the state's 375,000 Catholics.

State Sen. Ernie Chambers of Omaha speaks during second-round debate, Friday, May 15, 2015, at the Legislature in Lincoln, Neb., on a bill to abolish the death penalty. On Wednesday Nebraska's unicameral legislature voted 32 to 15 in favor of the bill. (Credit: AP.)
Associated Press
September 30, 2016
LINCOLN, Neb. - Catholic leaders are launching a campaign that will urge voters to retain Nebraskas repeal of the death penalty in the November general election.
The Nebraska Catholic Conference announced a series of steps Thursday that church leaders will take to speak to the states 375,000 Catholics.
The church has distributed materials to parishes throughout the state, including videos filmed by bishops that outline the churchs teachings on capital punishment.
The Nebraska Catholic Conference will also advocate through radio and video spots and events planned in Omaha, Lincoln and Grand Island. Priests throughout the state are expected to speak about the issue from pulpit.