Eric Metaxas
This man seems to be the latest rising star in the Religious Right, "yes, I still use that term" with his popular biography on WWII hero Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a book that others have criticized for his apparent to attempt to adopt Bonhoeffer into the evangelical and Christian Right movement. Keep an eye on this guy. From some of the comments I have read, he has a dangerously annoying assurance that everybody is in deep need of his brand of faith, and he seems to have no qualms with government prescribing it to them. I took a quick look at an article that he wrote entitled "Cultural Elites: The Next Unreached" where he brings up a story of a celebrity that he claims he knows, who innocently asks a Catholic priest a question about religion, because he did not know the answer. Metaxas goes on, naming names, and pointing out that this man, who did nothing but make an inquiry, and points out that he is a member of the cultural elite that Metaxas points out is suffering from secularism. The question the celebrity asked about was concerning the Golden Rule and where it originated from. Now the question I have is, since the question was about the Golden Rule, would Metaxas be happy if he, asking a question out of the mere ignorance of the answer, if someone went out an wrote an article naming them publicly and making look foolish? It seems that to people like Metaxas, all is fair in love and culture war. As long as people politically or religiously disagree with him, it is okay to do whatever he wants to them. Isn't that a perfect example of the attitude one would expect from people in the Christian Right, now that we are in the age of Trump? Apparently so. And what's worse is, Metaxas tries to come off like he's a super civil and nice guy. What a joke.

(5,376 posts)I had not heard of Metaxas. A former lifelong evangelical/fundamentalist, I have stepped totally away and am now an atheist. When I read the ugly, angry, hateful rhetoric coming out of the Christian Right in the age of Trump (well said), I feel heartsick. Metaxas and his ilk should be ashamed of the way they pervert their faith, but of course they're not. I despair.
(454 posts)I'm not familiar at all with this guy, but it's horrifying how much the right-wing has co-opted Christianity as its own and corrupted and perverted it to support practically everything that biblical Jesus emphatically stands against according to Jesus' actual teachings. "Republican Jesus" is a false god. They are also heavily influenced by the false teachings of the Prosperity movement that has deceived and poisoned the minds of many Christians today.