I'd like to praise the Lord and thank Him for letting me be here today.
Last edited Wed Feb 13, 2019, 11:05 AM - Edit history (1)
I had a dream last night about a man whose greatest desire in life was to be on the Family Feud TV game show. He finally got his chance to be on there with his family. He got one of the answers right, but his family lost in their first go around. Knowing the man's story I felt really bad for him. The camera zoomed in on the man as he walked from behind his spot on the stage to the center of the stage. He knelt down on his knees and said in prayer, "I'd like to praise the Lord and thank Him for letting me be here today." It really pulled at my heart strings.
A dream about humility, and maybe telling me that I could be more humble. Not my will, but Thy will, Lord.

(17,714 posts)

Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)magicarpet
(17,714 posts)That someone would make a connect or otherwise disturb the Lord with payers to win a game show ?
There seem far more altruistic things to pray to or about.
Like cavorting with the Lord about making your lottery ticket the winner out of the millions of lottery tickets sold to millions of other people.
The frivolity of it all certainly must be taking the power of prayer,.. and the Lord's powers to act on those types of prayers as an act of selfishness and taking the name and the powers of the Almighty in vain.
That to me is scary that religion is used for such mundane and selfish purposes.
There must be a higher calling when it comes to dialing up the Lord God Almighty.
It seems a tad more like a nuisance call reeking of the absence of selflessness.
We are all wired a bit differently,.. see things from a different point of view,.. and entertain differing perspective. I hope mine are not found offensive. Because being so was not my intent.
But you did ask me....
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)After he lost he thanked the Lord for letting him be there. It's a metaphor for life. We have work to do here in this lifetime. Win or lose it's a blessing to be here.
(17,714 posts)Praising the Lord for your being here on the planet,.. not much argument coming from me pertaining to that statement of Prayer/Heavenly Communications.
Heavenly Communications/Prayers pertaining to Television game shows to me is frivolous and a step beyond the line.
Again we all have our own perspectives,.. I respect your rights to hold and freely express yours.
May a wonderful day visit upon you,.. I mean that sincerely.
Tobin S.
(10,420 posts)But feel free to keep on missing the point.
(17,714 posts)