(Jewish Group) Siberian Jews open region's largest Jewish education center in Tomsk
A century ago, communists shuttered the synagogues of Tomsk, one of the oldest cities in Siberia.
It was a painful blow, especially to the local community of Jewish Cantonists former soldiers who had been recruited against their will or abducted into the Russian Tsars army and forbidden from practicing their faith. After many years of forced service and persecution, many of them returned to Judaism in Tomsk, a city of about 500,000.
This week, local Jews feel a circle has been completed, as the city opened a Jewish education center, the largest currently in Siberia the area of Russia that is east of the Ural Mountains and has been home to tens of thousands of Jews.
The building, which has a floor space of about 25,000 square feet, was inaugurated on Sunday with the help of leaders from the Hasidic Chabad-Lubavitch movement. The festive ceremony was attended by about 400 people, including Russian Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, who flew in from Moscow, which is situated about 2,000 miles west of Tomsk.

This is interesting on so many levels.