Seekers on Unique Paths
Ive always been a little bit of a thrill seeker. Ive skydived, kayaked class V whitewater, skied double black diamond slopes and all of these activities have profoundly awakened me to life. None of them, however, had as dramatic of an effect on me as walking on fire.
Unlike the other activities, I didnt expect I would ever walk on fire. It sounded stupid, pointless and like a freak show. However, that all changed when I met a shaman named Wytomi at a sweat lodge and he planted a seed in my mind.
It started when I was exploring a path of self care and gratitude to improve my life balance, when I met Wytomi. He put us all through various rituals and it was mystical and interesting, but not cathartic. That day I was talking to the shaman and he brought up the power of fire walking. Just his mention of the activity made my spine crawl. It scared me. Merely talking about fire walking caused a panic inside of me that was so unfamiliar that I was baffled.
After that day I reflected on the shamans recommendation that I fire walk and how profoundly it upset me. Because simply talking about it created such deep anxiety, I decided I had to examine why. One conclusion I came to was where I put my faith. When I kayaked or skied, I put faith in my skills. When I skydived, I put faith in the equipment, i.e. the parachute and the harness. But I had no idea where I would put faith in walking on burning coals. My faith said, this will hurt and may injure me badly. Ultimately I determined that if something scared me this badly, it was something I simply had to do. I didnt want to become a prisoner to my fears.

(3,286 posts)And welcome to DU.
I've been going on incessantly while here about the power of beliefs so while I have always believed in the minds ability to control pain, unlike you I haven't had the opportunity to "Firewalk". I like your description of how you got there....
(36 posts)It was a cathartic experience.
(3,286 posts)...promote the power of the mind. I consider it a public service.
The following video is a personal favorite of mine that reinforces the theory that the so-called "science" that we have depended on all our lives, isn't all that reliable.
(36 posts)Gregg Braden is so clear. He and Bruce Lipton do a great job of putting these ideas into understandable words.
(3,286 posts)Jeffersons Ghost
(15,235 posts)Actually, I explored the same spiritual concept and then tried to "walk on water" while getting drunk, after listening to wild radio music. ALL I GOT WAS WET LEGS! I'll try walking on fire when Hell freezes over.