Ancient artifact exhibition sheds light on Peru's mysterious Nazca culture
Source:Xinhua Published: 2017/6/22 8:24:12
Rare 2,000-year-old relics from Peru's pre-Incan Nazca archaeological site went on show in the capital Lima for the first time on Wednesday.
Some 300 artifacts, from ceramic pieces to textiles and jewelry, as well as images of the mysterious Nazca Lines carved into Peru's southern Nazca Desert, are part of the exhibit at the Lima Art Museum (MALI).
The exhibit sheds some light on the life of the pre-Incan peoples who inhabited the desert region and their ceremonial center Cahuachi, which means "observatory," located 400 kilometers south of the nation's capital.
"After several years of research, we have compiled quite a lot of information about the lifestyle and organization of the people, and how they went about their different activities," said archaeologist Johnny Isla.

Puquios, created to supply water in Nazca
More interesting images of puquios:

More images of Peruvian Cochas:;_ylt=AwrB8pUPH0tZDAcAqSyLuLkF;_ylc=X1MDOTYwNTc0ODMEX3IDMgRiY2sDZWFlcjdmOWNnbDI5ZyUyNmIlM0Q0JTI2ZCUzRGtyRmJQQ0ZwWUVJanZxa0JhenBsUEYwYURZRC5NaEVpb0RnLjV3LS0lMjZzJTNEcXQlMjZpJTNEZTVHQmFhNVJvVU9VVk5VQnlRbTUEZnIDBGdwcmlkA01Dd2lxNzVFUlYyVF9BVWhkcE82Y0EEbXRlc3RpZANudWxsBG5fc3VnZwMwBG9yaWdpbgNpbWFnZXMuc2VhcmNoLnlhaG9vLmNvbQRwb3MDMARwcXN0cgMEcHFzdHJsAwRxc3RybAMxNgRxdWVyeQNQZXJ1ICAgICdjb2NoYXMnBHRfc3RtcAMxNDk4MDk1Mzc5BHZ0ZXN0aWQDbnVsbA--?gprid=MCwiq75ERV2T_AUhdpO6cA&pvid=ZzU0XjY5LjHlO2d6WQqJMAb_MjYwMgAAAACCtdwt&