41,500-year-old ivory pendant may be oldest human-decorated jewelry in Eurasia
Polish archaeologists have discovered the remains of a 41,500-year-old pendant
made of mammoth ivory and adorned with puncture marks. This is the oldest jewel decorated by modern humans on the Eurasian continent.
The pendant is currently divided into two parts and was discovered during an archaeological excavation in Polands Stadinia Cave in 2010.Recent radiocarbon dating dates back about 41,500 years, a team of scientists reported in a paper published online Thursday (November 25). Science report..
The decoration of the pendant contained more than 50 puncture marks with irregular loop curves and two complete holes, the team said in a statement.They pointed out that each puncture could represent a successful animal hunt or cycle. Month Or the sun.
Its the oldest known [jewelry] That kind of thing in Eurasia, it establishes a new start date for traditions that are directly related to modern dissemination. Homo sapiens In Europe, researchers write in their studies.