Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumBlank Frank - is there ANYTHING he doesn't know?!

This startling piece of insight might sit a little better if he wasn't the head of his own state and live in a palace full of priceless books and artworks.
What will he come out with next - rain is wet? Bears shit in the woods?
Queue here to say what a wonderful, caring, liberal, humble genius the man is...

(17,997 posts)Since people are still, very much, discriminated against in the Catholic Church.
(18,219 posts)This is not earth-shattering. This is not insightful.
I am glad that he said it, but everything he is saying is just platitudes. I will be impressed when I see any results.
(27,985 posts)AlbertCat
(17,505 posts)"Does the Pope wear a funny hat?"
Or my fave (because it's SO TACKY it's transcendent..... so don't have a hissy fit)
"Did Rose Kennedy own a black dress?"
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)I don't think you can. I think it is possible that bears shit on the top of the heads of atheists. While it is much more likely that bears shit in the woods by several orders of magnitude than that bears shit on the top of heads of atheists, both positions are equally valid.
(6,604 posts)Meanwhile, gays still go to hell, women aren't in charge of their own bodies, and STDs--well, they must be god's will.
Fuck him.
Rob H.
(5,620 posts)Too bad he doesn't do anything to stop it within his own church, though.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)
Funny how he threw that "zero tolerance" policy out the window and rewarded another pedophile protector.
But the I Love This Pope brigade just gushes over the guy because haircuts.
I read in the other place that Teh Pope is a Christian!
(12,799 posts)It shook American conservatives up, so I'll give him props.
(22,340 posts)
(49,533 posts)Drives home the point that if anyone else says that, it's greeted with a shrug. But Wonderpope says it, ZOMG, he's the most wonderful person ever in the history of humanity! This totally means we should ignore what a raging homophobic misogynist he is!
mountain grammy
(27,554 posts)Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)When will they start ordaining them, I wonder? Will we see a woman pope soon?
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)You people and your ridiculous demands! You can't expect this pope to change things overnight.
Arugula Latte
(50,566 posts)Act_of_Reparation
(9,116 posts)We got a real deep thinker in this one. Obviously, he read the Communist Manifesto in high school, too.
(33,982 posts)
(27,985 posts)I've had a ton of exposure to the sins of the church in context of St John's School for the Deaf and that rat bastard Timothy Dolan.