Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumAtheist Richard Dawkins Denounces Islam for Upholding Ancient, Violent Laws...
...While Christianity, Judaism Have Not[font size=+2]WARNING!!! DAWSIKN TRIGGER ALERT!!![/font]
"Laws designed for 7th-Century tribal desert society are not always well suited to modern conditions. Jews & Christians mostly realise this," Dawkins wrote in a Twitter post.
"Yes, Christianity & Judaism are every bit as stupid as Islam. But they don't preach world domination, theocratically imposed law, stoning, etc.," he added in a follow-up post. "And yes, Christianity and Judaism USED TO preach equally terrible things. But we live NOW, not in the Middle Ages. That's kind of relevant."

(9,840 posts)Indeed. I love it when he tells it like it is.
I've been saying something similar for awhile. I suppose we could get along with Muslims if the fanatical adherents would just quit taking everything so goddamn seriously. Lighten up, pinheads! Or are you begging to get an exploding drone shoved up your ass?
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Wait, wut?
(49,533 posts)
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I'm worried that someone will read this and have an aneurysm.
(9,116 posts)[div style="font-size: 72px;"] BIGOTRY
Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)I have no idea why but I am sure it must mean that DASKwin!s wants to KILL ALL MULSIMS!
Plus he called Jews stupid so he is an anti-semite. And GIOD will SMite hiom with hsi MITY GOTE!
(33,982 posts)Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)AtheistCrusader
(33,982 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Not the GOTE!!!eleventy1!11!!!
(33,982 posts)Am I doing it right?
(9,840 posts)but the "Gospel Herald Society" (shudder) likely hates Islam as much as they think Dawkins does. So they will publish what Dawkins has to say about Islam, but they have to throw in another atheist - Patton Oswalt - to slime Dawkins as being a big meany who generalizes too much.
See? Even other atheists hate Dawkins.
And in the same article is the Dawkins quote: "Of course most Muslims are peaceful."
I've heard Oswalt make comments to the effect that atheists ought to just be quiet and not criticize anything about religion. To which I would say, Oswalt, STFU.
(17,505 posts)Yes, because just saying "Islam", "Jewish" and "Christian" is just so general. He needs to address each and every sect and congregation individually.
(49,533 posts)who don't feel comfortable enough with their own opinions. So to assure themselves of how superior their position is, they have to label everyone who thinks differently than they do as an "extremist." Ta da, if everyone else is an extremist why then by definition you are in the eminently sensible middle!
(12,799 posts)we are named anti-Muslim, white supremacists. The name calling creates enough cacophony around the discussion as to almost drown it out. It's hasn't escaped my notice that it is most often other religionists who are quick to make the accusations. Our point must strike too close to home since we are, after all, arguing with ancient doctrines.
(49,533 posts)is that when you insult someone's religion, and their response is to violently attack you, well the problem is never their religion. It was that you insulted an idea. As the Wonderpope says, you can't do that and NOT expect extreme retribution.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)And everyone knows atheists are responsible for the anti-sharia law legislation being introduced around the nation.
(12,799 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Sorry, can't stream videos, I would trade the big screen tv and dish just to have broadband again.
It wouldn't be so painful if I didn't know what I was missing but I went from one of the fastest speeds in the region to dial up.
It's embarrassing and right now physically painful.
(12,799 posts)This is a rough transcript, but you'll get the idea. It's dated but still relevant.
Posted January 2008.
They are talking about holy war. They see themselves as martyrs. For them, other religions are heresy. You will probably think its about radical Islamists. No, this time we are talking about radical Christians.
There are several millions of these fanatic fundamentalists in the U.S.A. Thanks to them, George Bush became the president. But the actifities of these Christian fanatics arent limited just to the U.S. They want to convert the whole world to Christianity.
A sudden chance is given to them, with the start of the war in Iraq. Just after the occupation, came the missionaries. And while people get killed every day they are trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. In most cases secretly, but with permission of US government.
John Goetz i Volker Steinhoff about Christian holy war:
It seems unnoticeable from the outside, but this is a new-built church. Iraq Christians during liturgy. Among them there are American missionaries. The church is their base. From here, they are planning to convert the Iraq to Christianity.
Tom White has dyed his hair:
Tom White: We disguise ourselves as tourists. I have these glasses, I dye my hair black, false beard, etc. In the next room we have several tons of Christian literature. We have given away tons of thousands of these colorful Bibles in Iraq. Bible for Children, The Life of Jesus, etc. Gospel booklets with mainly the scripture with the life of Jesus.
We Christians are always in war.
The man with children bibles is a chief of a million-dollar-worth organization called Voice of the Martyrs. The martyrs are Christians who have died in a holy war for their religion for Gods aggressive love.
The war is a material struggle. The Iraqis are to be converted to Christianity with the help of propaganda and humanitarian help.
Interviewer: Some Muslims become very angry. In an Islamic country, a person who converts to Christianity is a subject to be killed. Wouldnt that mean that your activities can lead to people dying?
Tom White: Our activities can lead to people dying. We are aware of that. But to spend the eternity in heaven and not in hell seems like a good deal. It is a good deal, a good decision even if it results in a physical punishment here on Earth.
The martyrs arent the only missionaries in Iraq. The internet is full of propaganda videos. Christian fundamentalists have come here with the support of the American military. The things that are forbidden in other Arabian countries have been allowed here by the American generals. Missionary work American holy war in Iraq finds disapproval. These politically motivated missionaries support the tensions and hostility. Radical Christians as disguised humanitarians want to convert Iraq. But the cover isnt always helpful. Its often seen missionaries being killed. Such is the case with these radical Baptists. Their organization, The Southern Baptist Convention, sends the biggest number of missionaries to Iraq.
The Imams are scared. If Christianity gets settled here then it will continue to be the case in the whole Middle East. Right now the most important place is Iraq. The Southern Baptist Convention supports G. Bushs war and he is grateful for their work.
G.W. Bush: You represent more than 16 million Baptists in the whole country and many other missionaries far from home. And all of you are feeling invited to spread the word of God and proclaim the Kingdom of God.
The President of the United States, George Bush himself, has spoken about the Christian war. There is a rising number of right-oriented fundamentalists seated on highest positions who see all of this as a holy war against Islam. One of them is positioned in the Pentagon, and coordinates the search for Osama bin Laden General William Boyken. When he is not busy with hunting Islamists, he loves to attend Baptist meetings.
General Boyken: Its not about Osama bin Laden. The enemy lies in the spiritual Realm.
And then the general has said something that was documented only on audio tape. For Muslims, this was a huge provocation.
General Boyken: I knew that my god was bigger than his. I knew that my god was a real god and his was an idol.
This major fight against Islamists has spread his convictions in this Baptist church.
Church member: This community fell in love with General William Boyken. He has risked his life in the army. We love our military.
The members of this church have the same opinions on the war in Iraq as the general himself.
Church member: Its a religious war. They dont hate us. They hate our god.
Church member: They are believing in a lie. If you go back to the Old Testament
there have been a lot of false gods like their Allah, but that stays a lie and thats what the prophets say.
Mass in the city of Broken Arrow, Midwest -- Hundreds of people who are a part of this Baptist church. There are over 40,000 churches like this one in America. All of these churches belong to The Southern Baptist Convention.
Our president needs you. Our military needs you.
These people will be sent on a journey. Over 5000 of them are positioned in various placed of the world. This group is going to Mexico. But they would also like to go to Iraq.
I am willing to die. I would go to Iraq, even if it meant my death.
We have to defeat them. They want to kill us. They have killed 3000 of our people.
All Iraqis should be converted. All of the Middle East, as a matter of fact. Its a spiritual war. We want them to come to Christ. We are fighting the forces of darkness.
A backup for Iraq including new volunteers doesnt seem to be a problem. Over 16 million Americans belong to The Southern Baptist Convention. And one of them who wants to be elected again, the president of the U.S.A.
GWB: Freedom is not Americas gift to the world, its Gods gift to every man and woman who lives in this world.
Good times are ahead for the holy war. There are numerous challenges awaiting them next week -- the Iraqi Government. But then missionary work will be more difficult. But that is motivating for these American holy fighters.
Conflict is a natural part of the Christian life.
Politics and religion are being joined here. That reminds me of Al-Qaida.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)These people are sick/delusional/mentally ill and dangerous.
They don't want to protect Israel because they care about jews, it's all part of the plan.
How can people NOT see what a threat this is, not just to the US but to the world?
Yay, vote for christian Republicans, bring on the end times.

Thank you for posting that for me.
(17,505 posts)The truth is inappropriate, hurtful and over the top.... hide it!
(27,985 posts)onager
(9,356 posts)So they deserve our respect and vener...nah, I can't even mock that idea. It's already too stupid to consider.
I will have to slightly disagree with The Dawk. IMO, in these modern times - if the Fundie Xians and Jews could legally get away with punishing people for insulting their pre-medieval bullshit, they would do it in a heartbeat.
Living in East Jebus right now, I see letters in the local papers every day proving that. Just today one paper ran a weird screed about homo-loving liberals thwarting the will of Gawd. The letter approvingly quoted only one source, famous historian and theologian Bill O'Reilly.
Dawkins is still amazing. In his 70s, rich and respected in his scientific field, best-selling author etc. etc. He could have long ago retired to a quiet life. But he's STILL in the trenches throwing grenades at the wowsers.
And for anyone planning an atheist convention, his Foundation still pays for child care. So more Moms and kids can attend, and increase the ranks of the non-faithful. What a hater!
(49,533 posts)