Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumHow your secular kids should deal with religious bullying from other kids
Tell youre kids that its OK to believe in God or not to believe different people have different view and we are all good people!
If another kid threatens your kid with Hell and tells him/her that they will go to Hell if they don't believe in God:
tell your kid to tell the aggressive kid one of the following responses:
-not everyone believes in God and its OK not to believe - we're all good if we do good
-stop being a bully (if they persist to threaten)
-Hell is as make believe as Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, so stop being a bully
and then if the aggressive kid keeps threatening to just walk away and say nothing further (or if in danger go to a teacher they like and complain).
(This stuff is very hard for kids to deal with and that's why I and other atheists have been trying to come up with ways for them to cope)

mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)from a kid who was a victim of religious bullying. One good Catholic girl told my my dad, who had died the year before, was burning in hell because he wasn't Catholic and being ridiculed for not having dirt on my forehead. I was 10.
(2,107 posts)When I was 6, I asked too many questions in Sunday school -- about Noah's Ark, and how all the babies of the animals would have to marry their brothers and sisters -- and other things. So, I was ejected. My mother was called to come and get me. The teacher sat me out on a big tree stump in front of the church to wait. I heard something, and turned to see all the kids in the Sunday school class clustered at the windows of the school -- looking at me. They weren't really laughing, or jeering, or anything -- just looking with interest. Actually, I suspect that many of them would have loved to join me on that stump.
mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)My mom was great. whenever I told her some religious thing someone said to me, she would laugh and laugh until I laughed too.
(2,107 posts)She was a single mother, and I think she felt pressure to try to give me as 'conventional' a childhood as possible. When she saw it was a poor fit, she dropped it... thankfully.
mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)Freelancer
(2,107 posts)Something like... I heard that Jesus was bullied horribly, and that he forgave them. I forgive you. That put's me on Jesus' side here. What side are you on?
(113,131 posts)When I became an angsty high schooler, it was more along the lines of "Oh, come off it, you don't really believe that bullshit, you're too smart for that."
(2,107 posts)mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)I don't believe in Jesus, but it'll get to someone who does.
(12,240 posts)Why don't you bawl Jesus out in your prayers for not being a Christian?