Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumThis Week in God - 20 Feb
OK, so how many of you good atheists and agnostics want to sandblast crosses off of veterans tombstones? None? As I suspected.
This is one of the reasons I cannot stand Ted Cruz. He makes up so much stupid shit, but he knows many of his followers are idiots and they will believe him.
BTW, did you see a recent headline that not one newspaper in Texas is endorsing Cruz? heh heh, you fucking dirtbag.
This Week in God, 2.20.16
As a rule, when national GOP candidates make appeals to social conservatives, they stick to the usual issues like reproductive rights, the Second Amendment, and LGBT rights. But McClatchy reported this week on a new area of interest for one Texas senator.Even before Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalias death last weekend, Ted Cruz was already stoking fears among conservatives about what could happen if Democrats win the White House and trigger a liberal takeover of the high court.
Like sandblasting the crosses and Stars of David off of the headstones in veterans cemeteries?
Thats actually the argument Cruz made on NBCs Meet the Press earlier this week. As the Texas Republican put it, If liberals are so confident that the American people want unlimited abortion on demand, want religious liberty torn down, want the Second Amendment taken away, want veterans memorials torn down, want the crosses and stars of David sandblasted off of the tombstones of our fallen veterans, then go and make the case to the people.
The notion that liberals want the crosses and stars of David sandblasted off of the tombstones of our fallen veterans seemed new to me, but Cruz campaign spokesman Rick Tyler defended the claim in a McClatchy interview, citing several cases where memorials to veterans in the shape of crosses built on public land have triggered lengthy legal battles.
Still, theres a pretty significant difference between crosses erected on public land and sandblasting crosses off tombstone in veterans cemeteries.
So, I checked in with Rob Boston, a longtime friend and a spokesperson for American United for Separation of Church and State, to ask if Cruzs concerns have merit. Boston described the senators argument as pathetic, adding, At cemeteries like Arlington, the families of deceased veterans have the right to choose from a variety of religious and secular symbols to use as grave markers. Obviously these are private graves that memorialize the individuals buried there. Thats far removed from the government erecting a giant cross and saying it represents all veterans. Im sure Cruz knows the difference.
Yeah, but he doesn't care about the difference because his followers "don't do nuance."

(9,356 posts)Caught Cruz on some morning news show, claiming: "The Supreme Court is just ONE VOTE AWAY from legalizing full abortion on demand. Right up to the moment of delivery."
That afternoon, Scalia croaked.
(Just kidding about almost believing in God.)
mountain grammy
(27,566 posts)just kidding.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)then we have a Baby BBQ Picnic for the whole family.
Usually in a churchyard as those places are pretty empty around here.
(9,827 posts)but I like it!