Atheists & Agnostics
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(42,649 posts)And all of the variants as well?
(41,462 posts)Atheists don't have to observe religious sensibilities. AFAIK, religiosos aren't allowed to swear, anyway. It's a free country, so fuck it, goddamn it. Jesus H. Christ!
(50,463 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Dorothy Parker did have a way with words, judging by the little by her that I have read.
(23,342 posts)I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
ETA: I know this is a concept that is foreign to Republicans.
(42,649 posts)I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the help me.........?
Personally, I affirm to tell the truth. That is always accepted.
For the GOP, truth is synonymous with "whatever serves my interests at this moment".
(23,342 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)True Dough
(22,053 posts)I like to mix it up. I'll toss around the f*cks and shits, sometimes just for shits and giggles.
But I don't consider the use of god damn or Jesus (or Jesus Christ) off limits. Even though I'm not a believer, they are ingrained in my lexicon and sometimes naturally pass my lips in frustration.
As a kid, I remember my father periodically saying, "Jesus Marion Joseph" while angry. It made me wonder if those were Jesus's middle names. Then I came to learn that it was just dad slurring the words "Mary and," so it was really "Jesus, Mary and Joseph."
(42,649 posts)That certain phrases are so ingrained that everyone uses them.
I had no idea that Marion was Jesus' middle name.
(41,462 posts)It started with an "H."
(113,131 posts)and if my mother thought she'd been overheard (but was really out of fucks to give), it was "SHIT!....and two make eight." Her disgust with fluttery church ladies was expressed by "she wouldn't say 'shit' if she had a mouth full of it."
My mother had no patience for ladies who objected to language, said they were obvious frauds because no real lady would ever admit to knowing what the words meant.
In my experience, most of us atheists will use the god stuff in swearing. It just lacks the sting it has when delivered by a believer. Lacking gods to damn or hells to damn them to, it just becomes an academic exercise.
(42,649 posts)I think that even for most believers swearing is something that is done purely as an expression.
In our town, my grandfather's favorite expressions (in French) were more centered around religious language.
(1,129 posts)Those who embrace religious beliefs will assign meaning to words based on their religious beliefs...
hence, even the use of the term "swear words" would most likely be by those who embrace religious beliefs .... rather than by those who do not embrace religious beliefs.
those who do not embrace religious beliefs recognize that these exclamatory expressions originated from religiously based terminology / meanings...
however, do not themselves define or use the exclamatory expressions in terms of religious concepts....
the exclamations are used as expressions of emotional intensity associated with an event, situation, or circumstance
just as "ouch" is an exclamatory expression indicative of experiencing physical pain.
Much the same as those who embrace religious beliefs assign meaning & significance to books such as the Bible, Koran, etc based on their personal beliefs...
Those who do not embrace religious beliefs recognize that the content of those books reflects the teachings of a given theologically based set of beliefs...
but do not themselves assign any significance to the books beyond that of any other piece of literature.
(42,649 posts)Swearing as an emotional relief or an outlet.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)Not too many of them actually believed in Jupiter the "God"
(42,649 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)U.S. Constitution.
(6,452 posts)For example, if I was talking to my Mormon neighbor, it would go something like this:
(42,649 posts)But when everything collapses, remember that he probably has a lot of food stocked in his basement.
(6,452 posts)When he's done eating the food, I'll have him, his wife and their 83 kids to dine on.
(24,732 posts)if you decide to cook them all at once. Unless you quarter them out and freeze them.
Babies first, you know and don't forget to rotate your stock.
(6,452 posts)Better put that on my shopping list.
(24,732 posts)
(6,452 posts)is watering already.
(24,732 posts)I think I'll go bore a Jainist to death and make a casserole.
(6,452 posts)You could just stop in for an evening mass. I heard the wafers turn to actual flesh and the wine to blood. Unfortunately the dude's been dead for a couple thousand years so the flesh is probably pretty rank - just make sure to use lots of A1 sauce.
(42,649 posts)If I am ever a guest in your house, remind me not to eat the stew.
(36,449 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)5X
(3,988 posts)warmfeet
(3,321 posts)God damn it all to hell. Sorry about the language, being my first post and all. Born again atheist here.
(42,649 posts)I am a Christian, but one birth was enough for me. I still remember the experience.
True Dough
(22,053 posts)Your feet are bound to be warm in the afterlife with your atheist beliefs!
P.S. I'm a fellow atheist, so you'll be in mediocre company, at least!
(42,649 posts)Do atheists believe in an afterlife?
True Dough
(22,053 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)But if Buddhists can believe in rebirth, it is plausible that some atheists might have similar beliefs.
(22,340 posts)a belief about rebirth or an afterlife.
Atheism is just simply a lack of belief in a god. Afterlife could be a multiverse.
(42,649 posts)not limited of course to the Bible, of an afterlife.
(42,649 posts)And how do you know that you truly know it?
Perhaps you are merely imagining that you know whatever it is that you appear to know.
(845 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Be up front with it then. For fuck's sake.
(42,649 posts)And, as I mentioned, culture influences language, so if religion is common to human culture, it is interesting to see how religious terms are used by even the non-religious.
(49,533 posts)Doesn't make religious beliefs valid, though.
Rape and violence have been common to human culture as well. Doesn't mean we should venerate those things either.
(2,453 posts)However, when I catch myself saying, OH, God, or My God, especially in front of folks who know I'm a heathen, I usually add, "It's a figure of speech."
(42,649 posts)edhopper
(35,472 posts)that the weekly and monthly calendar reflects belief in the pantheon of gods from different areas of older European civilizations.
Yet God fearing Christians today still use them.
(18,312 posts)Certainly not by using the dead, mythological, fake GREEK AND ROMAN GODSSSsss!!!!11!!1eleventy!1!
(42,649 posts)Lundi: moon's day
Mardi: Mars (Roman god of war)day
Mercredi: A day for Mercury
Jeudi: day of Jove
Vendredi: market day and Venus day
Samedi: Sabbath day,
Dimanche: the Lord's day
So yes, I am aware in both of my principal languages of the root meanings. And, as I pointed out above, I mentioned that history frames how we speak even as that history might no longer be relevant.
(35,472 posts)if an atheist says Goddamn or Jesus fucking Christ?
I also say Fuck You to people and don't intend a connection with the actual physical act.
Are you coming here to this atheist forum to point out that religion has had a great influence on our culture and society?
As if we didn't see that every goddamn fucking day in this god forsaken country.
(42,649 posts)Why are you making a big deal out of a question?
IS the forum not open to dialogue, similar to the Religion forum, or is it restricted to certain viewpoints?
(35,472 posts)that atheists' non belief affects their cursing?
Curious thing to be curious about.
I hope your curiosity has been satisfied.
(42,649 posts)And religion is an integral part of most cultures. So it affects even speech.
religion has a far to great influence on society and culture.
It is one of the great weaknesses of mankind.
(42,649 posts)That could be an interesting debate.
(35,472 posts)I think religion is a social construct made possible by varied genetic predisposition in humans.
(42,649 posts)Doreen
(11,686 posts)OK, is that bad enough? You could actually say any name first then Fucking Trump. Oh, even better Spicer Fucking Trump.
(35,472 posts)Jokerman
(3,539 posts)I remember being fascinated as an adolescent that "god dammit" would get me into trouble while the bastardization "gosh darn it" could slide by.
It eventually became one of those many things that bothered me about religion. Surely god knows what I really mean. All I'm doing by saying slightly different words is placating people who were using their "god" as a threat to control my behavior.
I will say that having to watch my language, which meant not using the words dad taught me around mom, I developed a pretty good filter that allows me to hold a civil work conversation then turn around a swear up a blue streak with my friends.
(42,649 posts)But, as others have noted, using the word fuck does not imply a sexual component.
And politeness is one reason that I was taught not to swear in normal conversation.
(12,132 posts)she was probably 12 or so and had just died in a video game for the millionth time and just hollered "SHIT!" and then looked around and got this kinda scared look when she realized it was me laughing.
I told her I didn't give a fuck what swear words she said as long as she remembered not in front of grandma and maybe take it easy on her mom.
We've had fun cussing ever since.
I have an incredibly foul mouth but I can usually maintain in mixed company - and by mixed company I mean "any people I don't know well enough to know if they are cool with my fucking mouth"
I remember day care teachers washing my mouth out with dish soap. Fuck them. They didn't clean up a goddamned thing. I remember getting beat by my stepfather when he overheard me say the same fuckin shit he said almost every day. Particularly fuck that motherfucker. Hypocritical piece of shit can go fuck himself right in his tear duct.
(35,472 posts)is why does the master of all creation give two fucks if someone takes his name in vain.
Ferchristsake, he is more thin skinned than Trump.
His commandments on how to behave start with me, me ,me.
What a wanker.
(42,649 posts)Saran wrap is much thicker than Trump's skin.
(35,472 posts)it seems God is.
A petty, vengeful God, who cannot handle any descent or criticism.
(42,649 posts)And he replied essentially that forgiveness has no limits.
(35,472 posts)4 BCE and 33 ACE in a backward area of the Middle East, God completely changed his nature and personality?
After 14 billion years he decided to not be an asshole because somehow he learned something walking around with people that his omnipotence didn't clue him in on?
Sounds reasonable.
(42,649 posts)Somewhere between 4BCE and 1543CE, science went from an earth centered view of the solar system to a sun centered view. The solar system did not change, but human understanding did.
So if we look at your framing in this way, we can arrive at a different result.
(35,472 posts)none have any verisimilitude?
The God that acted from Adam to the Kingdom of Israel wasn't real?
The Ten Commandments aren't really from God and none of those people that the Bible clams talked with God really happened.
If so, why should the NT be any more true.
I can clearly delineate why the sun centered Solar System is a fact.
Looking at religion around the world, there is no justification to accept any claim.
You just accept one part of the story and reject other parts that others believe with equal fervor.
Science is not a belief system, it is an evidence based process.
(42,649 posts)Some read the Bible literally in every word, some read it mainly metaphorically.
(35,472 posts)do you take literally?
Virgin birth? Nativity story? Miracles? Rising from the tomb?
And in science, people aren't free to just accept Ptolemy and reject Copernicus.
(42,649 posts)And this question has been discussed in the religion group.
Briefly, I take the message of Jesus as the important part.
(35,472 posts)specific questions.
You came here to talk, so talk about it here.
(42,649 posts)you gave an obscure bullshit answer
Again, some read it metaphorically.
And this question has been discussed in the religion group.
Briefly, I take the message of Jesus as the important part.
So what, you don't accept that any of the story of Jesus happened, you just like the message?
What do you take as metaphor and what was true?
(42,649 posts)who lived in the area of Jerusalem.
And 2000 years later, his words are still important.
(35,472 posts)or the son of God?
(42,649 posts)there was no creator, but that bullshit "answer with a question" doesn't fly here.
So you obviously can't be straight forward.
Done now, have a good day.
(4,261 posts)Because of the taboo nature of swear words they will reflect the taboos of the surrounding culture. I say Jesus H Christ because of the 'taboo' present in my anglo culture. "Buddha's bunions" or somesuch doesn't have the same friction for me because it wasn't part of my upbringing.
The total hypocrisy of odd's bods and the like puzzles me, as we know what it is meant to be, which sort of defeats the purpose.
(42,649 posts)Even swearing.
Faux pas
(15,555 posts)I swear with no holds barred, letting it rip and getting it out of my system. Ah, so cleansing!
(42,649 posts)Thank you.
Faux pas
(15,555 posts)Always remember and never forget....out with the negative in with the positive.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,630 posts)
(42,649 posts)Especially in a very rich country where a few billionaires have more money that the bottom 40% of workers.
Eliot Rosewater
(32,630 posts)Half the country thinks if you own a refrigerator you cant be poor.
Half the country wants poor people to go without healthcare.
WANTS this, they actually WANT that.
We dont deserve this country, it is far too beautiful and wonderful for half of us, and the other half of us dont deserve it if we dont stop this madness.
(42,649 posts)if you own a cellphone, you are choosing to suffer if you get sick.