Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumPat Robertson (On Thursday): God Is Going To Give Trump Victory With the GOP Health Care Bill
March 25, 2017
by: Hemant Mehta
Youll never believe this: Pat Robertson was wrong about something.
Okay, thats not news, but its entertaining as hell to watch the day after House Speaker Paul Ryan and Donald Trump failed miserably in their quest to make 24 million people suffer more so that rich people could get even richer.
On Thursday, Robertson told his viewers on The 700 Club that the American Health Care Act was definitely going to pass and the Lord was going to give Trump victory.
"Its going to go through the Senate, and were all going to rejoice that were going to pay less on health care,] he said, despite the fact that if enacted, most people would see their premiums skyrocket.
Robertson said that he knew that the Lord was going to give Trump victory and that God is using the president to do great things.
Theyre going to get it, he said. Theyre going to give it to the president. Mark my word: it will pass. They will get those extra votes. It will go through. Theyre going to work together to give us tremendous health care.
Will Robertson apologize for lying? Will he admit he was wrong? I doubt it. Hes hoping that viewers will just forget what he said, which shouldnt be hard, given his typical audience. Good thing theres video evidence.
(via Right Wing Watch)
Pat is as prophetic as ever, God must not be speaking to him anymore.

(27,835 posts)... has inadvertently outed God as just another purveyor of "fake news".
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)LakeArenal
(29,941 posts)Have you read that book of his..? They have been purveying fake news for over 2000 years.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Lotusflower70
(3,100 posts)Thank God that God gave people the victory over the GOP instead.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I'm reminded of that old quote about God and evil often attributed to Epicurus:
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
(29,941 posts)Still holding a grudge over his imperfection 6000 years later...
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)- Gene Roddenberry
(29,941 posts)I guess he does have a god complex.
(3,510 posts)I feel the same, lotusflower.
trusty elf
(7,484 posts)Why does anyone think that this old fraud is anything other than a snake-oil salesman?
How can people be so fookin' gullible!
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I don't get it either, never did - even as a kid I knew he was full of it.
(2,108 posts)That makes a person buy a lottery ticket.
(2,533 posts)I think he looks like 'The Brain' lol
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I think the young'uns prefer the flashy new Bapti-domes with their gawdawful Christian 'rock' bands.
(2,533 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)These are the 'family values' voters - the disconnect is stunning.
(18,141 posts)I am hoping for that special hot mic moment.
Won't make a difference though. These folks support a Supreme Court nominee that is less compassionate than the craziest men of God from the Old Testament.
(10,252 posts)the words that come to mind are "stupid senile old fart." Robertson is an object lesson in cults and a type Christianity that has degenerated into "prosperity Christianity." The basic tenets of which go something like this: When you follow God's law, he will bless you with good fortune, good health, and prosperity. But you have to have strong faith in the cult leader and show your faith by giving the cult leader money. People are poor because they are sinful and immoral and don't have faith in the cult leader.
This is a pernicious preying on gullible people. It has very little to do with Jesus teachings of feeding the poor, healing the sick, practicing peace, and loving thy neighbor. You don't have to believe in god to be a good person with a kind and loving heart. You just have to be a good person.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)
(13,844 posts)35 years ago... exact same prophesy format and display... and call in your pledge bs.
Someone is keeping him on business. Must be god.. or some other malevolent beings.
(43,308 posts)Bullshit.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)
(8,422 posts)nocalflea
(1,387 posts)Why is moral bankruptcy so prevalent among the fundamentaists ?
The belief that one cannot live a moral life without the belief in god has always astounded me.I always wanna ask these folks -What immoral acts is their fear of hell preventing them from committing ?
Nothing like being on the wrong side of morality , huh Pat ?
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I've been asked how I can be a moral person without a belief in God. As if religion created morality or has a monopoly on it. How arrogant can you get? It's infuriating.
(1,387 posts)thing because it's the"right thing" to do, is lost on these people.
(6,865 posts)to clean up the lumpy fart of an ill-fated Republican health care plan.
The rest of the Charman will be stuffed in the mouth of the leader of Christian Hate movement. Yes, that's you Pat.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Nothing like seeing people pray for others to lose their health care.
(14,105 posts)I do not get the right wing nuts attitude that this is Christ like the need to repeal health care Christ fed the poor healed the sick
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I can't wrap my head around anyone praying for others to lose their health care - and it has nothing to do with what religion they belong to.
What kind of person actively wishes for others to suffer so the guy they voted for can get a win?
Of course these are the same people who want to force women to carry their rapists' fetuses to term and think lgbt people don't deserve human rights.
(2,678 posts)the women attempt to give the child up for adoption they are publicly shamed. Jeb! Bush did just that a few years ago. "You'll have the child and you will keep the child." That is really authoritarian!
Bernardo de La Paz
(52,798 posts)First there is the fiscal conservative idea that government should not forcibly take (taxes) and redistribute to the poor. That's "socialism" or "communism". That's what the Romans did through Herod. But paradoxically Republicons and christian RWAF adore Rome for its power and order and authoritarianism (lots of overlap between christians and RWAF).
Secondly, there is the idea that "god helps those who help themselves". It is the idea that hard work should be rewarded and needy people don't work hard. It is reinforced by the framing of language like "welfare queens". It shows itself in Republicon statements like Chaffetz saying that poor and people with pre-existing conditions need to choose between getting an Apple phone or health insurance / care.
The mistaken self-view is that they view themselves as "very charitable". They think that charities could and should do all the helping of the needy. They do not realize that the most charitable people, by percentage of disposable income, are the poor. The average RW christian is middle class and gives some money to churches and charities, many of which have high overhead, and some of which have CEOs and mega-pastors who live very high indeed.
So they overrate their charity and underrate the needs of people and ideologically endorse strict government fiscal conservatism.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)One local Baptist church puts on a big televised event here every year at Christmas, they select several local families in need and instead of quietly delivering the gifts to them they make a huge spectacle out of it. They bring the families up on stage one by one, explain how they've fallen on hard times and then they bring out the gifts - one at a time and with much fanfare. They stop after each one is handed out so the well-to-do audience can clap and feel good about themselves. It's excruciating to watch because you can tell some of the families are embarrassed because they have to rely on charity and are uncomfortable being used as a photo op.
(2,678 posts)for them if they did it real quiet like, without all the fanfare and the "look at all the good deeds we're doing."
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)We dropped off the gifts when the kids weren't home so the parents could enjoy their children's excitement in private on Christmas morning. Charity isn't all about making YOU feel good. If it is you're doing it wrong.
The most depressing 'adoption' was when we purchased gifts for patients in a nursing home. They were so happy with the simplest things - all that mattered was that someone remembered them.
(1,427 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)mdbl
(5,814 posts)Robertson is a moron of the highest order. He shits stupid phrases and religious BS all day.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)Not even his audience forgets that quickly.
(5,814 posts)they are pretty resilient in their belief systems. All it will take for Pat is to say it worked out like he said and they all turn east and bend over, or something like that.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)I just like the idea of him having to scramble to try to do damage control so soon.
(273 posts)beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."
- Denis Diderot
(8,422 posts)What a perversion of Christianity.
beam me up scottie
(57,349 posts)They've been perverting it for almost 2000 years.