Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forum"He saw Jesus . . . . "
This has got to be one of the worst things I've seen on television.
Kathie Lee Gifford on Tamron Hall last week.
Here she is recounting how she found her husband, Frank, dead on the floor. Watch her face.
At 0:56.
"He saw Jesus . . . and leapt into his arms . . . . "
No KL. When you die, you lose muscle tension and control. I've seen a few choice corpses minutes after they became corpses. They are slack-jawed. Some look like they're screaming. Some look . . . well, like a dead codfish (like Frank). They didn't see Jesus and their faces froze. Not at all.
And how about the reaction of the studio audience. They're nodding their heads. Yep, that's how it happens. KL is right.
No she isn't! It's misleading. It's propaganda for Christianity and the myth of life-after-death.
I can't stand the fact that she got support from the audience. If she wants to be delusional, go for it. But what the hell about the audience?

(63,497 posts)no_hypocrisy
(50,575 posts)Croney
(4,937 posts)You'll see your loved ones again when you die! They're up there waiting for you!
Nobody can answer my questions. What if somebody wants to see me up there, but I don't want to see them. Can I refuse? Whose will takes precedent? What if I want to see Ricky Nelson (I loved him) but he doesn't want to see me because I'm a total stranger?
It's ridiculous.
(26,329 posts)When her children were young, she used to moan and complain about their privacy being invaded, while being on EVERY damned magazine cover in the stands at the grocery store checkout aisles.
(18,093 posts)I get people want to believe in something beyond this world but I'm sorry to report damn near every dead person I've seen in my career have that same look of medical jargon it's called a positive O sign or Q sign depending on whether the tongue is sticking out or not.
I also find it strange when a person says a loved ones death was "a blessing". Ok, if they're suffering and in pain, ok that I can get...but it sounds like from the description Frank was living his usual life. It's just creepy to me.
People will always look for signs that affirm their faith. It brings them the same comfort their religion gives, I suppose. But to say things like this as if it's a fact and to have people cheer in an audience when it's said...yeah that's just fucking creepy and it makes me nauseated.
Here's a question I've always wondered...let's say in death there's a whole line of people who also died the same day. Is time then meaningless? Aren't you just waiting in line to see Jesus? Or is Jesus like "Death" greeting everyone who passes on and then they pass into whatever afterlife? Enquiring minds want to know 🤣🤣
(11,692 posts)They also make that weird expression at least cats, dogs and sheep do. If you aren't around animals much, you don't see the similarities.
It's so weird to me that humans think they get a different kind of death than animals do. I mean people don't usually end up being someone's dinner, but aside from that, we die just like animals do.
Why do humans think they are so special?
(28,289 posts)And hearts to you Rick.
(28,289 posts)That we're atheists, first and only thing she said was, "What do you do about dying?"
That statement revealed she was hyper-religous mainly because of her fear of dying.
"We all just die, mom, just like any other animal does." She was horrified.
I've lost a full term baby daughter, my most cherished childhood nanny who was family, a dear friend in Vietnam, and a number of very beloved dogs, all of whom I dearly loved.
"Not afraid of burning in hell."
(28,289 posts)Hubby & I were once close friends with two physicians in the Knoxville area, both religious, both Republicans.
They were my hubby's former students when he was a physics grad assistant at UT. Of course, the friendships didn't last too many years, given such stark philosophical differences.
(11,692 posts)They don't want to think they will never, ever see the person they loved again...ever.
It's such a comfy lie to tell yourself that you will see this wonderful person again. It maybe in some weird spiritual world but you'll get to see them again. That feels sooo good. But it is one big fat lie.
Many a person has promised to come back after death to say hi. But not a single one has ever come back.
Death will always be scary and something we should fight against. Because nope, you will not get another life in an imaginary heaven. There's no evidence for it and it's such a bizarre thing to think when there's no evidence for it.
Make your life choices as if this is the only life you get.... because it is.
(113,131 posts)You got your "O" sign and you got your "Q" sign and trust me, nobody looks their best when they're dying or newly dead. That's the undertaker's job.
If people who have never seen death want to rationalize it like this twit did, that's their business.
It's not like anyone has ever come back and told us what to expect a few weeks later.
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