Atheists & Agnostics
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(12,666 posts)TlalocW
(15,632 posts)The internet. Now people are able to read the real history of modern religions; the hypocrisy and crimes of religious leaders and institutions are forever documented; there are resources that answer Christian apologetics, and most important, people questioning their beliefs find not just resources to help work their way through their issues but communities that support them and let them know they're not alone.
(162,212 posts)still, people will cling to religious beliefs mostly because that's what they were taught to do
(269 posts)Because religion is used to control.
Because religion is used as a Trojan horse for bigotry.
Many people have seen the light and are tired of it.
(11,667 posts)Your description of religion being a Trojan horse is very apt. To believe the crap spit out by judges about taking away the right to abortion, (especially now that it only takes a couple of pills,) you have to believe in a religion first.
First they con you into believing in magical, mystical supernatural, unsubstantiated, illogical crap. Which on the surface is benign but illogical nonsense. Who cares if you think a snake can talk. It isn't hurting me. None of these religious superstitions are ever logical. They never make much sense. But you just have to have faith, blind faith.
But then they start adding rules to these illogical claims. You believe we are the image of a God? Really? Humans don't look very god-like to me.
But now we add the rule because we are somehow god-like we got to prevent women from stopping another god-like creature from coming out of their bodies. We must control another god-like being to make the magical being that controls everything happy. Because he can't do it himself? Because though he is the creator of everything, somehow these abortion pills slipped by him?
I mean it's ok to eat chicken embryos and fetal pigs, fish embryos and stop pets from procreating. It's only humans, (who are currently destroying their own habitat,) that have a special place in this supernatural nonsense.
Religion is a Trojan horse.
(18,421 posts)..because of abuse and cruelty and hes STILL a Chaplin. I mentioned to her thats why so many young people are turning from religion. Im atheist so i dont care but when churches start 'bichin' and moaning about low attendance they need to look inward for that problem.
Sky Jewels
(8,864 posts)It was much easier to convince the peasants that a cruel male "god" and his "son" were watching over them in, say, medieval times, when everyone in a village went to the same church and never heard a word that these silly stories might not be true.
With the internet, that isolation is blown to bits. People can compare notes and admit to one another that the emperor is buck nekkid.