Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumBRIAN COX BIBLE'S THE WORST BOOK EVER, IMO ... Just Propaganda & Lies!
Brian Cox is crapping on organized religion, and especially Christianity ... calling the Bible the worst book to ever grace human history, 'cause it's duped so many suckers and fools.
The "Succession" star sat for an interview with 'The Starting Line Podcast' ... and they talked about a lot of stuff -- including introspective thoughts on religion, God, spirituality, and all the rest. From Brian's POV ... it's all a bunch of hogwash, not buying any of it.
You can check out the full video to see his whole thought process -- but this clip here (see link below) gets the job done ... with Brian explaining why society needs to move more toward a matriarchy.
He says the reason humans are so damn resistant to that, though, is because of the Bible -- and all the stories that go all the way back to Adam and Eve ... which he thinks subjugate women to a lesser-than role in society, and which are burned into our subconscious today.
Have to admit I never watched Succession, but when someone well-known comes out as atheist, it's newsworthy.

(25,160 posts)the craving for power are way more detrimental.
(9,847 posts) doubt religion has pushed back against all sorts of social norms changing. Women's rights, minority rights, the freedom to do what you wish with your own body, and family.
Seems like greed and a lust for power could easily retard and delay some scientific advances. Back-stabbing, dirty tricks, outright theft can benefit one side over another in competition, but the science wins out, and someone gets very rich. Religious fools might have initially discouraged spaceflight, because it's not in the Bible! But it's often not strong enough to stop science.
If you look hard enough, you can find some common sense in the Bible, but most of it is no sense. You can find other "ways to live" in countless other books
(25,160 posts)How many people do you know who happened to pick up a Bible and suddenly believed everything in it?
I also don't know anyone who suddenly became greedy and developed a lust for power.
But I don't get around much anymore.
(25,160 posts)taste for money, property, and power over time. But then I'm 72 years old, and I've known a lot of people during my long life. You'd be surprised how much people can change over time. It's never the Bible that does it in my experience. It's deciding the money and influence are more important than friends and people. Very sad, but true.
(25,160 posts)with money, property, and power over time. But then I'm 72 years old, and I've known a lot of people during my long life. You'd be surprised how much people can change over time. It's never the Bible that does it in my experience. It's deciding the money and influence are more important than friends and people. Very sad, but true. Religion is not more powerful than capitalism.
(9,847 posts)...that's why they insist on children going to church and Sunday School - to get indoctrinated into the thought-malady. If you can snatch them early, they will likely stay in the church for a long time, or at least until they start getting exposed to freethinkers and rational people.
But no, I have not known anyone who went off the deep end and went nuts with greed and power. No one in my family or circle of friends. That is likely something that develops over time. It seems the other way around with religion: you get brainwashed early in life and eventually you can shed that mental straightjacket.
And I'm not claiming that one is more powerful than the other. But even with the accelerating rise of the "nones" the big-name preachers can still move a lot of sheep to do a lot of stupid shit.
(25,160 posts)Bundbuster
(4,018 posts)
Brian Cox, the 77-year-old "Succession" actor is a self-proclaimed socialist well known for his controversial and discourse-sparking opinions. In an episode of "The Starting Line Podcast" with Rich Leigh, Cox shared more of his thoughts on religion, wealth distribution and politics.
When asked about religion holding humanity back, Cox said, "Oh considerably, yes I think religion does hold us back because it's belief systems which are outside ourselves."
"They're not dealing with who we are. Were dealing with, 'Oh if God says this and God does that, and you go, 'Well what is God?' Weve created that idea of God, and weve created it as a control issue, and its also a patriarchal issue . . . Its essentially patriarchal; we havent given enough scope to the matriarchy."
"I mean the propaganda goes right way back. The Bible is one of the worst books ever, for me, from my point of view." He continued that people may need religion, "but they dont need to be told lies, they need some kind of truth, and that is not the truth. It is not the truth, its a mythology you know . . . its not really to do with what women understand more than anybody."