Atheists & Agnostics
Related: About this forumOne of my first clues was, if these people are so Jesusy and it's so important, why do they make people work
on Sunday? That was in the 70s when it wasn't long before that most businesses closed on Sunday.
It never really had to change but it did. Everyone could still do as much business as they do but not on Sunday. Other than stuff that has to run 24/7, put up or shut up. Show me you even take it seriously before you ask me to. Fix that.

(8,038 posts)LauraInLA
(1,746 posts)stores started opening up. This went on throughout my childhood. The last pillar to fall was the liquor Blue Laws. But to be fair, the more conservative Catholics and Protestants didnt want either rule to change.
ms liberty
(10,002 posts)And the God Mammon became supreme in America, dethroning Jesus and any other God that dared to get in its way.
(4,979 posts)absolutely everything was closed here in these small Midwest cities. Used to make me frustrated... and that was when, as a teenager with an after school job, I still had things I needed to do. I worked every day after school and on Saturdays. Trying to get running done before Sunday was a real pain in the butt!
But the frustrating yelling wasn't only coming from teenagers like me... the adults were really yelling about it. The cacophony got to be way too much for the politicians. They had businesses talking about all the profits they were losing, people screaming about the lack of time to do their family work, and on the other hand, churches who didn't want to lose butts in pews. Of course, money won out!
Now, if t is installed in the oval office again, you can expect this country to go directly into a theocracy, and the blue laws will be back, I'll wager. Time be damned. Church will be mandated, and if stores are open at all, it will be after the last Catholic mass is said!
(15,359 posts)and all of these complaints wouldn't matter. No inconvenience would ever keep them from getting more Jesus. If they don't think that's important, why should we?
(13,922 posts)You can't buy hardware, clothes and not much of anything else.
In the 60's a Jewish assemblyman, proposed making Sunday a state lue day. The law passed. His name was Murray Klepish. (I went to school with his son.) This lasted for about five years until people got tired of the nonsense of having to go to Pa. or wait until Monday to replace a burned out light bulb or get parts to fix a sink leak.
The assembly instituted a county-by-county referendum to abolish the blue law. Every county but Bergen voted to abandon the law.
(113,131 posts)as we wait on them in restaurants, care for them in hospitals, run gas stations so they can top off their tanks and maybe buy some Slim Jims to tide the kids over until they get to the restaurant for a Sunday dinner they don't have to cook or clean up after.
Besides, none of those people goes to OUR church, so it can't be as important to them, yanno?
That's the explanation for Jesus Jumper lack of respect for anyone else's right to a day of rest.
I've been rereading a mystery series I enjoyed some years ago. On characte, who is almost as hostile to religion as I am, says he thinks organized religion is the Fifth Horseman. Yeah, I certainly agree with that one.
(4,666 posts)When stores started opening on Sunday and people had to work on Sunday and couldn't use the excuse of having to go to church to not work or go in late. I knew those Jesus freaks teally didn't care about their "faith" unless it was useful. And I never trusted businesses that post a sign or advertise they are a "Christian" business. Made me wonder if they cheated customers and were in need of redeeming.
(1,875 posts). . . That the worst customers and the lousiest tippers are the Sunday after church crowd.