Cancer linked to polio vaccine suspect this is woo judging from some of the strange stuff he's selling on his site. Posted on facebook by a friend of mine who should know better.

(5,113 posts)
(35,773 posts)idwiyo
(5,113 posts)Bad enough religious morons beleive that vaccination will sterilise them. Never mind fucking CIA used vaccination program in Pakistan is a guise when they were looking for Osama bin Laden which resulted in killed vaccination campaign workers and who knows how many dead and sick kids.
Now we have this friggin snake oil salesman spreading bullshit that polio vaccine is linked to cancer.

(113,131 posts)For future reference, please know that linking to his site will get you nailed by most of us with actual medical educations.
(42,998 posts)on a number of occasions.
ONE warning letter alone is a big deal, let alone multiple ones. He's a big threat to people's heatlh NOT the polio vaccine
(41,318 posts)A little while ago, I posted on a thread in the Health forum re:
'His general views on healthcare:
Note in particular:
As many of you know, my philosophy of governments role in health should be extremely limited I believe in personal responsibilities and the freedom of choice.
Forcing the purchase of insurance on every individual is not something I can agree with, adding more taxes to feed the existing broken health care system will only make the existing problems worse.
...Congress does have the ability to collect taxes under the constitution which is why it was done this way so it should be called what it is, the Health Care Tax Bill. If they used that name however, they likely would have received more opposition.
While I am in favor of some type of system to address those in our society without health care coverage, to me it is morally reprehensible to extract money from those in the culture that have worked hard to earn it and use it to pay for drugs, which for the most part, in no way shape or form address the cause of the illness, but merely foster a dependency of more of the same..'
In other words, he is, on health issues, A MONSTER OF PURE RIGHT-WING EVIL!!!!
If there are still any doubts after reading this, look at the following:
This is not the only one of his articles that is recorded on the America's Independent Party website. It may be that they are doing so without his approval; nevertheless the message here is hard-right - not to mention plain wrong - in itself.
He has endorsed Ron Paul, and is a member of the hard-right anti-public-healthcare Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.
Should his views on health issues really be given credence on a progressive - and hopefully sane - board?'