Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel is such a load of crap to me. I watch it
occasionally, because the geographical locations are sometimes interesting. ... that said, the melodrama and endless spewing ... the constant use of their juvenile toys to monitor supposed activity just leaves one shaking their heads, at least me. I suppose it has value as entertainment, but beyond that it is pure bunk. I've been interested in the supernatural for a very very long time, but have yet to experience or watch valid materiel than a bunch of charlatans. ... in short, quacks.

(47,032 posts)
(12,239 posts)supposedly haunted places, but I've never made it through an entire show without turning channels. Watching such shows for entertainment is one thing, but does anyone really believe that nonsense? Oh, wait....I guess some people do, because I know a few of them. That's not to say that I think anyone who believes in ghosts is stupid. I don't, but for me there's a line that if crossed makes me think the person who crossed it is nutso.
(67,112 posts)restaurants, vacation spots and the like. One time they did an hour show on a city not too far from me. We made about a 60 mile outing there, but it had seen it's day and the area looked nothing like on the TV.
Too bad, it was an interesting city, but one like many small cities in America once prosperous that has now been passed over by time. I think it was an attempt to attract a tourist trade, and I certainly do not blame them for that. ... but there was nothing to indicate paranormal activity there to intrigue any interest IMO for a tourist.
I too question people that get too carried away ... if there is evidence I have never seen/experienced it and I've participated in seances and the like for the fun of it ...
(4,292 posts)I don't believe any of it for a second, but sometimes they're good ghost stories. Like getting a chill when you read Stephen King or something. It's fun to me, like Bigfoot shows.
(6,271 posts)going to some cemetery or abandoned cloister or such like. The dialogue goes "Wow, it's cold and windy tonight. Brrrrrrrrrr."
"That cold feeling is the ghosts."
The handheld camera work does give you a strange feeling in the back of your head. It's dizziness.