Top 10 Worst Anti-Science Websites: What Sites Would You Add?, I'd add NVIC, Vactruth, as well as the Fluoride Action Network and The Non-GMO Project...
And you?

(12,239 posts)Living on Light:
A related site:
Arcturian Horses - Teach About Living On Light
REJOICE! REJOICE! ~ Arcturians
The Arcturian Equine are Light Beings and through my incarnation I am here to tell you all, those who seek this information, what we can share on the topic of Living on Light, as it comes to us naturally
Through Consciousness of self and Ether, Light shall be brought upon you from the Ether of All, form shall never fade when you learn to manifest. What you seek, is there upon you
(35,773 posts)Rainforestgoddess
(436 posts)Was number one. Pretty good list, IMHO.
(41,318 posts)If a mainstream media site counts, I would add the Daily Mail!
As regards sheer loony (and nasty) sites, my long-time bugbear! Not a fan of Judicial Watch, either.
mr blur
(7,753 posts)Good list, though.
(47,032 posts)xocet
(4,027 posts)"After 30 years of research, I now
possess the Order of Harmonic
Antipodal Cubic Divinity Life -
too large for physical form, but
Binary Spirit of the masculinity
Sun & feminity Earth Antipodes.
ONEism is demonic Death Math.
I have so much to teach you, but
you ignore me you evil asses.
You will recognize 4 corner Days
or incur Easter Island Ending."
After 30 years of research, this guy has become completely crazy.
(103,137 posts)Those in the list are 'worst' because the gullible believe them.
(4,027 posts)timecube is bad in so many ways: science, philosophy, web design, grammar, text layout, graphics, animation, photography...
(48,723 posts)

(49,533 posts)LeftishBrit
(41,318 posts)Alas, the anti-vaxer, anti-gmo, pro-hyperbole crowd has been growing lately, at least in terms of posts made.
(41,318 posts)but it is also anti-Semitic, generally racist, virulently sexist, homophobic, etc. etc. Not fit for human consumption, let alone progressive human consumption.
(49,533 posts)And to her, it mattered not one bit that the same site had some of the foulest anti-progressive content around. They were right about vaccines in her twisted mind. I don't know if she still uses it or not, I had to put her on ignore.
(8,747 posts)A certain anti-vaxxer.
(35,773 posts)SidDithers
(44,302 posts)being used right now in GD.
More woo than you can shake a stick at. Anti-vax, anti-fluoridation, 9/11 truther, Boston bombing truther, global warming denial and on and on and on.
(49,533 posts)All the woo screamers come out in full force... for a made up story.
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -- Bertrand Russell
(570 posts)Watts up with that, the anti global warming site, should be in this list. It is very influential, and has won awards from main stream media (not for accuracy, I believe, but for popularity). It is very anti scientific.
(36,379 posts)Much more influential than Answers in Genesis and just as wrong scientifically.