Another request for the group:
Some of you are familiar with the phenomenon known as Threefer Madness: in any DU/GD thread about medical advances, pharmaceuticals, or cancer cures, it is exceedingly likely that someone will invoke the specter of "Big Pharma" within the first three replies. In these cases it is appropriate to respond with this graphic:
More recently I have noticed another annoying trend that also seems to demand a graphic response. In any discussion of cosmology or paleoarchaeology, it is exceedingly likely that someone will point out that the Earth is only 6,000 years old, hardy har har.
IMO it is time to retire this joke. Not because it's mean to Creationists, but rather because the joke seems tired and older than the actual age of the Earth.
What say you? I lack the chops to put together a good graphic, but I'd be interested to see what someone else might come up with...

(47,038 posts)Ken Ham, the guy who debated Bill Nye, teaches and advocates for that position.
His "museum" in Kentucky advocates that also.
People of that sort even have an "explanation" for the vast distances in space.
(God/Satan) made everything look that way to "test our faith."
(64,853 posts)But because the joke is put forth in every thread about cosmology, etc., it has become trite. There are better ways to mock the idiot belief system than to fall back on a kneejerk joke that's been made a thousand times before.
Incidentally, if God did set up the universe to make it look like light issued from a star 15 billion years ago, when in fact the universe is just 6,000 millennia old, then that's an act of deception, and deception is evil. Hardly befitting an omnibenevolent deity, and certainly such a deceitful entity isn't worthy of my worship, even if it were to exist.
(47,038 posts)The authors of the Bible had a very limited concept of time.
One good example, in Revelation it says Satan will be defeated, and everything will be all hunky-dory under Jesus, for 1,000 years.
Then what?
Doesn't say, because to the Biblical authors, 1,000 years was FOREVER!
They had no concept of anything past that.
That's why the creationists fight so hard to "discredit" the concept of a million years, or a billion.
(41,318 posts)Last edited Tue Mar 18, 2014, 03:10 PM - Edit history (1)
As long as the creationists and their political mouthpieces are promoting this view, I think it's relevant. Yes, sometimes it may seem to be getting a bit old, but the denial that the earth is getting a bit old is also getting a bit old!
Their idiocy is no excuse for bad comedy!
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(49,533 posts)Sure it isn't the best or most original punchline but as long as there are people out there not only believing it but trying to get it taught to others, it needs to be mocked.
(103,206 posts)and not, primarily, in a discussion of creationism; I see it all the time here in discussions of archaeology, or extinct animals. It's not as if DU has creationists; it just seems like a kneejerk "if a date before 4000 BC is mentioned, someone must reply "but the Earth is only 6000 years old!!!!! Ha-ha!" reply. If we were on a board where there's possibly a creationist, the mocking would be worth it.
It's a discussion forum, so we can't stop people doing it; but it does seem tedious now.
(49,533 posts)MOST.
If folks who are lurking see it, and maybe use it elsewhere, the meme continues to spread. Literal creationism deserves mocking. I guess that's my hope.
(64,853 posts)To heck, I say!
(49,533 posts)You're just upset because your hero Kevin Trudeau got the book thrown at him!