As state GMO labeling laws are proposed, critics wonder about logistics and costs is a really fair piece on the matter, and it boggles my mind to see so many at DU fail to see that, by ignoring the science of the matter, they are promoting food insecurity for many people.
I won't post this on a more populated forum because, well, I suspect it would be sent to jury and deleted, and I would be banned, once and for all. Anyway...
If you live in Oregon or Colorado and care about science, well, right now, the voters are about to spit in your face.

(47,032 posts)They get tax breaks because "The majority wants it..."
(35,773 posts)I want a tax break on every pizza I buy!!
(47,032 posts)Should places like the Roswell "museum" get big tax breaks?
(68,644 posts)Heavens to Betsy, if we knew the fat content of baby food we might....
Better to just keep us ignorant?
(35,773 posts)
(68,644 posts)They specifically used baby food and fat content as an example in which a parent might overreact and not buy something the infant needs for lack of understanding that kids need fat while developing.
A right to know argument is a common tenet of pro-GMO labeling arguments, but it is often in the interest of public health that people are protected from their own acquired misinformation. Fat grams are not listed on baby foods because parents may restrict their infants fat intake for perceived health effects, not understanding the necessity of high amounts of fat in the infant diet. And if the rationale for labeling is transparency for transparencys sake, why not direct our limited resources to labeling arsenic levels in rice, mercury levels in fish or other contamination that actually has documented potential for harm? And do we really want to increase food costs for the poor via labeling because the upper middle class currently enjoys playing the role of armchair nutritionist?
(35,773 posts)Especially in an age when NGOs are spreading misinformation about food at a nauseating rate. Hmm.
(68,644 posts)I think the FDA should require full disclosure and truthful labeling.
So, yeah, I think public health measures matter and I think people and organizations that think they're doing a public service by fighting disclosure "for our own good" are full of shit.
I am not fighting you, I'm just stating my position.
(35,773 posts)How is that?
And what if babies end up in the hospital because of a mandatory label? (Granted, combined with NGO stupidity?)
Life ain't black and white. And that means what's right is often gray.
BTW, you do realize that the GMO labeling nonsense is all about organic companies using the government to help them foment the fear they've been working on so that their profits continue to increase, right?
You really think that's ok?
(68,644 posts)Damn government!
(35,773 posts)It's about organic companies using the government to increase profits.
That's despicable. Especially because it will increase food prices, especially for those who can least afford it.