Hawaiian anti-GMO loon makes the Encyclopedia of American Loons...
The worst part is the county government takes her seriously.
#1256: Margaret Wille
Margaret Wille serves on the Hawaii County Council as Chair of the Committee on Agriculture, Water and Energy Sustainability, Vice Chair of the Planning Committee, and Vice Chair of the Public Safety and Mass Transit Committee. She is also a deeply delusional anti-GMO activist, and in that respect responsible for the sordid affair described in some detail here.
Essentially, Wille subscribes to all the standard conspiracy theories surrounding GMOs, and backs her commitments up by rank pseudoscience real science, of course, has found none of the lasting harmful effects Wille ascribes to GMOs, but since evidence obtained through sound methodology and extensive study fails to line up with what Wille has come to believe through intuition, anecdotes, and the ever-pervasive fallacious appeal to nature science is dismissed the scientists are in the pocket of Monsanto, being the standard justification.

Hawaiians have become increasingly concerned over GMO crop production and how its associated heavy pesticide use impacts the health of both people and environment. Over 80 different chemicals are sprayed on GMO fields, which ban proponents warn, creates billions of untested chemical combinations which then spread into "our neighborhoods, oceans, reefs, groundwater, drinking water, food supply and bodies."
Last year, the Hawaiian Department of Health tested the surface water around the island and pesticides were found in 100 percent of the samples. According to official election results, the moratorium passed with just over 1,000 votes. In comparison to the millions raised in industry dollars by ban opposition group Citizens Against the Maui County Farming Ban (CAMCFB), supporters of the initiative raised just under $65,000.


The sources you post are propaganda from hysteria spreaders, just look at the second picture.
GMO's have been in use for 20+ years, and contrary to what a Maharishi Yogi "graduate" (of business, not science,) says, it is hysteria.
The biggest pushers of this hysteria is "Big Organic."
And if you think organic food is not a multi-billion dollar industry, you're sorely mistaken.
(20,582 posts)Last edited Thu Jan 15, 2015, 12:27 PM - Edit history (1)