Skeptics driving TV "psychic" crazy...
I love it!
At a Recent Psychic Demonstration by John Edward, Skeptics Were Waiting with Educational Signs
January 27, 2015 by Hemant Mehta 76 Comments
A few nights ago, television psychic John Edward better known as the Crossing Over guy did a small show for an audience in Los Angeles.
And outside the theater were peaceful protesters ready to educate the audience about the scam they were about to witness (and waste money on):
"How do you know youre having an effect? When the people running the event, lose their minds trying to get you removed by the police."
"A few minutes after that exchange, one of the people who had come to attend the event stepped up to assist the security guard and arm her with what Im sure he thought, would be a slamdunk. He told the security guard that he had paid for tickets to the show and that we were ruining the event for him with our negative energy.

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(19,459 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 28, 2015, 09:56 PM - Edit history (1)
(12,799 posts)
(9,356 posts)One of the most bizarre cases of a "psychic detective" ever in Los Angeles...which is saying something.
It's old, but I mention it because Smith's name STILL pops up in those Internet lists of "Famous Cases Solved By Psychics!1!"
Smith didn't solve diddley-squat. But she does provide a nice object lesson about psychics inserting themselves into active police investigations.
Back in 1980, Smith claimed she had a "one-time psychic vision" of a murdered woman, Melanie Uribe. Taking her 2 young kids and a niece to search for the body, they found Uribe dead in a canyon.
After she failed a polygraph test, the LAPD began to suspect Smith might actually be involved in the murder. And tossed her in jail for 4 days.
As it turned out, Smith, the victim Uribe and the killers all lived in the same Los Angeles neighborhood, Pacoima. (I lived there myself for a couple of years.) And one of the killers had been bragging about the killing around that neighborhood.
Smith sued the LAPD and again, you can still read "psychic VINDICATED!1!" stories on the Internet.
Not exactly. Smith sued the LAPD for $750,000 including "pain & suffering." The jury, apparently a bunch of skeptical grumps, only awarded her $26,000 for her actual legal/medical costs.
Joe Nickell covers Smith and some other phony "psychic detectives" in this article:
(47,032 posts)She "psychically" found the dead bodies of not one, but TWO people who had been kidnapped and were being held prisoner by sex perverts, and were very much alive.