dave daubenmire once again shows us his cray-cray...
He KNOWS where liberals are from!
How many times was this guy hit the head with a big family Bible, anyway?
Charged Chips and Electronic Transmission: Dave Daubenmire Explains Where Liberalism Comes From
Religious Right activist Dave Daubenmire spent a good portion of his Pass The Salt Live webcast yesterday discussing his belief that liberalism is somehow caused by poisoning combined with cell phone radiation waves.
Despite the fact that he admitted that he has no evidence to support anything he said and doesnt even understand how this process might work or how might be behind it, Daubenmire nevertheless believes that this is very, very real.
We are ingestingwhether it is through stuff that they spray, whether it be stuff that they put in our food, whether it be chemicals when theyre growing the plants, whatever it beI believe that we are ingesting, for lack of a better term, chips, Daubenmire said. Are we ingesting things that are transmittable or receive transmissions? Is that whats going on? Is that why people seem to be so zombie-like, so programmed?
We ingest these things and then we go from 1G to 2G to 3G to 4G to 5G, he continued. These things are electronic transmissions, these are waves that are moving throughout the world and if we have ingested aluminum or some type of particle that picks up those waves
am I not somewhat charged as a result of that?

The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,555 posts)Does that mean I don't need my iPhone any more?
(27,430 posts)Huh! That's a surprise, since I've thought all of my life I was a liberal. I was born in 1948, so I wonder what I really was before cell phone radiation waves.
Actually, he's an idiot. And completely ignorant about liberals and their history.