Fore-head protection recommended. ... ... No, seriously. ... ... You have been warned.
Youtubers Reckless Ben and Blake Rosier, famous for trolling people, picked the Flat-Earther Nathan Thompson as their next victim.
Nathan Thompson is a fundamentalist Christian, a toxic asshole with an over-inflated ego, a guy who mistreats his girlfriends, a bully and a coward. And it is UNFATHOMABLE to him that he could be wrong about something.
He also ran a Facebook-group about Flat-Earth, denouncing censorship while simultaneously bragging about how many people he has kicked out his group.
Reckless Ben posed as a Harvard-student "Ben Fischer" who invited Nathan Thompson to test whether Earth is a globe. Naturally, Nathan Thompson agreed, because he is unemployed and lives off his online-fame and donations.
In this video, Ben Fischer proposes to find out whether Earth is a globe by building a tower out of toilet-paper (by folding 1 mile of toilet-paper in half, in half, in half...) and then balancing a smartphone on top of it. Nathan Thompson unironically goes along with this.
They have to abort their experiment when they can't fold their 1 mile of toilet-paper more than 10 times, turning it into a 10 inch thick lump.
At the end of the video, Nathan Thompson (again unironically) ridicules the whole concept of the experiment: "If you fold the toilet-paper in half over and over, how is the toilet-paper supposed to get taller and taller by making it shorter and shorter?"
In this video, they proposed to measure whether Earth is a globe by putting an electromagnet on the ground in California and see whether they can sense a magnet a friend of their's has put down in Kazakhstan. Nathan Thompson unironically goes along with this.
In order to protect themselves from their incredibly strong magnetic field, they put on human-sized ducksuits made from rubber. Nathan Thompson does not think that this is weird.
They detect that the magnetic field of the other magnet in Kazakhstan is coming in from the North, not from below, proving that Earth is flat.
Nathan Thompson chides them for doubting that Earth is flat in the first place.
Then a guy from the Guinness Book of World Records shows up and certifies that they have just made the "oficial" world-record for strongest magnet ever. In order to get close enough to the magnet, he puts on a protective rubber-duck-suit as well. Nathan Thompson still thinks that this is normal.
Episode 3, in which Ben Fischer and his pal hang out with Nathan Thompson and try to talk with him about Flat-Earth, what it's like, how things work on a flat Earth, only for Nathan Thompson to change topics every single time and to talk instead about how you have been brainwashed to think that Earth is a globe.
Up next, he tells other Flat-Earthers how these Harvard-guys have just proven that Earth is flat. Quote: "Whatever they are doing over there, is legit."
Episode 4, in which people try to explain to Nathan Thompson that he is actually being pranked, that those guys aren't Harvard-scientists, that they are Youtube-trolls, one of them is Reckless Ben who pranked Scientology, that he should look them up...
Question: "Who is more likely to dress up like a rubber-duck for an experiment? Harvard-scientists or some Youtube-trolls?"
Nathan's answer: "That's a false dichotomy!!!"
Nathan is having a blast how triggered everyone is, trying to warn him that he is being pranked, but he still thinks that all of this is real.
Then the video is about Nathan being Nathan. "If we evolved from monkeys, then how come there are still monkeys around?" Oh, and he's shouting the same Flat-Earth slogan over and over though a bullhorn and then brags how other people have been brainwashed. Nathan being Nathan.
At 12:10 "Ben Fischer's" friend Blake shortly breaks character with Nathan being out of earshot. "This guy is a nightmare."
As the episode progresses, even Flat-Earthers try to explain to Nathan Thompson that he is being pranked. And he refuses to believe them. Why?
"Because I looked into their eyes, into their soul! Everything! Because Guinness came out with a world-record announcement! Because these guys are mad embarassed to tell their parents! They are legit nerds that are like super socially awkward! So, everyone can believe what the fucking want, but what's cool is, I know I'm right, AND I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN RIGHT! THAT'S WHY I'M NATHAN FUCKING THOMPSON!"
Nathan talks to the guys how impressive it would be if all of this were fake, but he can tell that all of this must be real because the girlfriend sub-plot just HAS TO BE real and cannot be fake.

captain queeg
(11,780 posts)LSFL
(1,112 posts)Never believe your own bullshit. It belittles you.
The Wizard
(13,092 posts)Response to DetlefK (Original post)
CatLady78 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,592 posts)Nathan Thompson has nothing in his life. His religion and him being some outcast hero fighting against the establishment is what keeps him going.
Take away anything from him, and his life collapses.
An attack on his religion is an attack on him personally.
Debunking the Flat Earth is a personal attack on him, because it would mean that he has been a stupid nobody all along instead of this masterminded genius.
Nathan has no job he can go back to.
Nathan has no home he can go back to.
Nathan has no girlfriend he can go back to.
He is a couch-surfing drifter, mooching off the donations and the goodwill of other Flat-Earthers.
This what you see right there is all that is left of his life: Trying to find acceptance from strangers you do not even know.
Response to DetlefK (Reply #8)
CatLady78 This message was self-deleted by its author.
I've watched countless videos from the other side debunking Nathans stupidity. SciManDan, Team Sceptic, FightTheFlatEarth, countless others showing what a fool Nathan is....Like he had a video of himself shouting over a fence at a schoolyard full of CHILDREN on recess. Some nonsense about "IT'S FLAT"....
He was told to leave or he would be arrested.
Then he produced another video about his anti-vax position. This guy is a loon and a loser of the first magnitude.
(122,587 posts)Off by now.
(122,587 posts)Off by now.
(17,757 posts)Some of them make a good living from suckers. Some of them become President of the United States.