Russian conspiracy-theory: Russia defeated Napoleon in 1812 with a nuclear bomb.
This is an actual russian conspiracy-theory. When Napoleon conquered Moscow in 1812, the Russians evacuated the population and set the whole city on fire, to deny Napoleon his victory of occupying the capital (and presumably to deny his army shelter during winter).
Well that's what "they" want you to think. What ACTUALLY happened is that Russia nuked Moscow. The evidence? Some russian politician bought a villa in France and supposedly found the diary of french officer in Napoleon's army. And in this diary, the officer basically describes a nuclear explosion and radiation-sickness. And Noooooooo, you cannot see the diary for yourself. Just trust me.
A russian colleague once told me another conspiracy-theory: The Ukraine-war that is going on right now is actually a plot by Poland to use Ukraine as a proxy to destroy Russia, and this sinister polish plot has been set into motion in 1800. The Polish just hate Russia. And that's why Russia is justified in invading Poland. Because Poland is and has always been the REAL aggressor and Russia is and has always been the REAL victim.

(59,019 posts)Warpy
(113,131 posts)to explain Tunguska about a century later. In fact, that made ten year old me realize how full of shit he was.
Here, conspiracy nuts are generally those who don't read/won't read. There, their access to information has been limited for a long time and even when it was a little more freely available, people weren't used to being able to access it and didn't. So they've got an excuse but we don't.
Putin's problem is that he falls into the "won't read" category, with the exception of bullshit from Oleksandr Dugin, someone whose lofty theories about Russia's exalted place in the world would make von Daniken blush but which Adolf Hitler would understand perfectly if you changed a few names.
(2,593 posts)It did resemble an air burst nuke; but of course, he couldnt have known that. A broken clock,. . .
(47,032 posts)His books use edited pictures to "prove" supposed "ancient astronauts."
Before he started in with his books, he was an embezzler who was diagnosed as a serial liar.
As to the Tunguska blast, all the actual evidence shows the blast to have been caused by a stony asteroid exploding in an airburst.
In 2013, a much smaller meteor blew up over Siberia, causing damage that sure looked like a bomb hit.