When Woo kills....Woman dies attempting to live on sunlight alone.
A woman starved to death after embarking on a spiritual journey which involved giving up food and water and attempting to exist on nothing but sunlight. The Swiss woman, who was in her fifties, apparently got the idea after watching the documentary film 'In the Beginning, There Was Light' which features an Indian guru who claims to not have eaten anything in 70 years. The Zurich newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reported Wednesday that the unnamed woman decided to follow the radical fast in 2010
The prosecutors' office in the Swiss canton of Aargau confirmed Wednesday that the woman died in January 2011 in the town of Wolfhalden in eastern Switzerland. Spokeswoman Jennifer Rissi says prosecutors haven't opened a criminal investigation over the woman's death.
Followers of the cult Breatharianism believe that the energy they save on digesting food and drink can be transformed into physical, emotional and spiritual energy. Excerpts from her diary showed she was refusing to eat or drink in the belief it would 'spiritually cleanse' her body and 'recharge her both physically and mentally'.
In a separate incident a woman died in an Australian hospital after attempting a 21-day fast.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2135324/Woman-starves-death-spiritual-journey-trying-live-sunlight-alone.html#ixzz1tC2NHiwd

(26,366 posts)laconicsax
(14,860 posts)That's a Darwin Award if I've ever seen one.
(6,271 posts)This lady just has some screws loose.
(41,318 posts)Though let's note that the Daily Mail is not the most reliable of sources!
I wonder if the woman had suffered from eating disorders previously? It seems at first very strange that someone, whatever their woo-ish beliefs, would be able to continue with such a regimen until death; but of course there are many people who do starve themselves through excessive dieting.
(14,860 posts)Why Americans have a reputation for being idiots remains a mystery...
(2,560 posts)But to give it its due, it does have some good bits. Particularly about events in the US. I've noticed that there have been a number of postings in various groups about the US which don't seem to be reported in the US mainstream media.
(63,426 posts)Bolo Boffin
(23,872 posts)Of course my sunlight is stored by plants and then sometimes animals as well, but sunlight is sunlight.
(2,560 posts)She agreed to go without food and water in an environment where she was supervised 24h/day. Her bodily function parameters soon went off the chart, she lost weight and looked gaunt. The experiment was stopped after 4 days because the doctor said she was getting into dangerous territory.
(14,860 posts)Karmasue
(95 posts)What is wrong with these people? Is it just the availability of information today, or are we seeing a world that is filling up with lunatics?
(6 posts)I dont understand how people start believing in nonsense and stake their lives on it!