Weather Watchers
Related: About this forumwhy do we use the europian model of forecasting instead of our own? inquireing minds want to know and
trying to wrap my head around this so please dont yell at me .

(30,652 posts)AllaN01Bear
(24,080 posts)lapfog_1
(30,652 posts)are newer than ours... ours are located at NCAR ( National Center for Atmospheric Research ) located in Boulder Colorado and Cheyenne, Wyoming.
They need a technological refresh. Whereas Europe has a few different centers but the big one is UK Met,purpose%2Dbuilt%20data%20centre%20nearby.
UK Met is augmented by other data centers in France and Spain. Plus an advanced system made by Nvidia at Cambridge.
I've been involved in all three weather forecasting centers in one way or another for many many years. ( NCAR, UKMet, and Cambridge 1 - Nvidia )
(24,080 posts)GreenWave
(10,443 posts)

Blues Heron
(6,495 posts)All have their strengths and weaknesses.
(24,080 posts)
Blues Heron
(6,495 posts)It gets a lot of praise on the weather boards like eye on the storm Jeff Masters successor to weather underground
(30,652 posts)often had real time information and accurate forecasts long before NWS would get through the media filters
(2,377 posts)still has the "Wundermap" which shows the home weather stations of individuals. Most of the stations appear to be accurate and it can show conditions on a much more granular level than commercial maps. When two or three degrees are important it is very useful.