Related: About this forumSo strange. In the last year i could not send political info or neat ideas
to my brother cause he was too stressed with online teaching to use up the bandwidth and he lived far away. I did forget at times. But mostly i adjusted my thinking and did not send him stuff. He died in late April. In the last 5 days every time something really salient in politics or current affaires catches me, thoughts of my brother flood. Like my brain now has a facebook link to his soul. Like he's right there. I'm back to thinking of him whenever something is interesting. I don't want to lose this even though it is upsetting. I know grief and at some point in a long while it will not be so upsetting. How do you keep such a relationship going?

Backseat Driver
(4,662 posts)If energy is neither created nor destroyed, just changed, it's very "real" that your energy and his met often in the past to puzzle stuff out. That energy actually is still flowing between you as only his inert body is no longer physically present. I'm thinking that you and he will most certainly keep the relationship of your energies going - perhaps a quantum thing. When this "human" thing is cast off, those energies will be able to find the other and adjust and bind with those "others' energies, however changed, that touched our existence and it will be such a glorious conversation to revel in long after we shed that "human" costuming, and however our energies may change! That's why he taught so furiously but without care for the structure in which it was contained. Smile and be joyful in that hope; that relationship will flourish - it's sustainable and renewable in the winds and song of the universe.
(124,772 posts)from the time i was a kid.
(39,064 posts)Was beautiful, backseat driver. One of the most thoughtful responses Ive ever read on this topic.
(6,067 posts)Watching old movies I still hear her laugh. I have no idea how to stop the relationship and it's not what I'd want. Hope you find your peace.
(124,772 posts)He was a big one for counterintuitive ideas when i was younger.
(52,637 posts)When you figure out how to do it, let me know.
(124,772 posts)Last edited Fri May 14, 2021, 02:27 AM - Edit history (1)
(6,660 posts)2 years ago I lost my Mom and my oldest brother 6 months apart. I had almost daily phone contact with them. When certain things now come up, my first reaction is, " I need to call them." I like your idea of a "link" to them.
(124,772 posts)So sorry for your loss.
(6,660 posts)It is always hard to lose people close to us.
Tree Lady
(12,240 posts)My dad was my go to, for good, for bad I always called him. He died in 2000 before everyone had cell phones to text. So I found myself the first few years reaching for the phone only to remember he wasn't available.
Now 21 years later I have gotten use to him being gone, still miss our long walks.
Maybe whenever you feel like telling him something you journal to him.
(124,772 posts)We have to fix his computer because for some reason it does not render any link i send to him.
(63,519 posts)Where else would he be?.
You can likely keep it going by focusing attention on him. After all, our energy flows to where our attention is directed. 👍
(124,772 posts)SheltieLover
(63,519 posts)The #1 issue was that people felt they were "going crazy" because they could sense their departed loved one with them.
Amazing, the power of religious teachings about "death," & the empowerment that occurs when one is "given permission" to think freely.
(26,723 posts)There's no doubt that if they were able we'd have them live forever. I have a voice mail of my Dad wishing me happy birthday that I will never delete. Hold on to whatever it takes. Stay encouraged. You're loved and you are not alone.
(124,772 posts)NJCher
(39,064 posts)In that book, a sister learns how to talk with her dead brother.
(124,772 posts)cate94
(2,938 posts)Are my last connections to those Ive lost. Nevertheless I frequently talk to those on the other side as if they were next to me. Sometimes, I know exactly how they would respond, sometimes no. Its hard losing the people you love,
(124,772 posts)I just know that whenever I reached out with a flash of insight (self or something i read) he is there. It changes. It is not consistant. I miss the impractical egghead.