Related: About this forumI am trying to psyche myself up for Thanksgiving.
First, I have to drive 2 to 4 hours depending on traffic to my sister's home on Long Island. Then we move to her sister-in-law's house.
Then, I really don't want to talk to anybody. I can't drink because of the trials and challenges of driving home, again 2 to 4 hours.
I'd rather make a chicken with sides and stay at home, likely online.
Not to mention, Thanksgiving gives me PTSD from past Thanksgivings when our parents were alive.
I'm hoping that it rains hard, so I have a plausible excuse to stay here and hang with you.

(47,755 posts)I hope you can stay home. This sort of stuff is one reason I hate the holidays. You're required to be "merry" when you just want to be left alone.
Luckily, I'm on my own and can do what I want. My only family is far enough away that I don't have to pretend to enjoy myself on Thanksgiving. (Even though I do love them.)
(54,770 posts)PoindexterOglethorpe
(27,427 posts)Claim you're going to work at the homeless shelter, or some other friends have invited you, or whatever excuse you think will fly. Alternatively, move far enough away that going for the dinner isn't going to happen, but a move probably isn't feasible.
(1,218 posts)I'm sure many people feel the same way! Best advice I ever got on this topic was to embrace the idea that it's nice to do these things for others. You're sharing yourself. It's like a gift or public service.
There's only one thing worse than a dysfunctional family, no family... so try to be grateful.
This is the pep talk I give myself at least once a year. Hope it helps. Good luck.
(50,569 posts)I only hope that my sister's 18 yo nephew doesn't wear his MAGA hat to the dinner table again this year . . . .
(12,061 posts)May your day be bearable and I hope you're able to find some peace today.
(50,569 posts)Thanks to you and Happy Thanksgiving.
(50,569 posts)I'm staying home with my meatloaf.
And yes, I am happy.
(5,369 posts)Hope you had plenty of peace and tranquility.
Just me, 3 cats and a shy dog enjoying a cold but gorgeous day.
We stayed in. I went out on the deck for a few minutes with the critters.
That was it. No big meals, no fuss.