Related: About this forumDon't you love the irony of us getting together to celebrate our solitary natures?
I always feel alone, even in a crowd.
There's a joke going around the internet:
When we were young, we sneaked out of the house to go to parties.
Now we sneak out of parties to go home.
Story of my life...

(4,109 posts)I mean what's to complain about. Works fine for me.
(69,306 posts)And one or two close friends.
Get me in a room with fifteen people, and I start looking for the exits...
(10,036 posts)I thought to leave through a side gate. Discovered they were both 6 foot tall. And locked. A decidedly non-Dan Fosbury scramble found me snagged on a top picket with torn 501's. Then a hinge or two broke. That deposited my half-lit ass on the other side where I secured my escape. There was a bit of blood. But I was freeeee!
It hasn't been that difficult maintaining a social distance. For gregarious Mrs. yonder though, it's a different story.