Kennecke Catches up with Noem's Nepotism for Kennedy and Kyle
By Cory Allen Heidelberger

Crack KELO-TV investigative reporter Angela Kennecke is getting around to recycling my consistent coverage of Governor Kristi Noems nepotism. Kennecke has finally noticed what I reported on October 1: that in addition to the 2.5% raise that the Governors daughter Kennedy received on July 1 along with all other state employees under the new FY2020 budget, the least experienced policy analyst in the Governors office snagged another 13% raise:
In July, along with all other state employees, Kennedy Noem got a 2.5% salary boost, bringing her income to $51,250.
According to South Dakotas transparency website, Open SD, Kennedy Noem is now making $57,912 a year. Thats a nearly 12% pay increase in five months [Angela Kennecke, Governors Daughter Gets Hefty Raise, KELO-TV, updated 2019.12.11].
Waitnearly 12%? First, Angela, dont undermine good reporting with sloppy math. Kennedys salary as of October 1, $57,912.50, divided by her listed salary on June 27, $51,250, equals exactly 1.13. In three months, the Governor gave her daughter exactly a 13% raise.
But the larger point is that Governor Noem is asking for all state employees to accept zero raises in FY2021, now that she has locked in a full gubernatorial terms worth of raises for her daughter. (Noem also made sure her son-in-law Kyle Peters got a 5.0% raise on top of his July 2.5% increase well before she declared budget austerity.) Thats good reason for KELO to ask the Governor why her daughter, for whom this state job is her first employment out of college, is making all this bank:
Governor Noems office replied to our questions in an email which reads: Kennedy Noems salary increased after she was assigned more duties. Those duties include more policy work and additional responsibilities. Like most employers, we review compensation on a periodic basis to ensure salary is aligned with job duties. Emily Kiel, Communications Director, Office of the Governor [Kennecke, 2019.12.11].
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