2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumStein raised 6,000,000 in three days.
Remarkable, if you ask me.
Whatever her politics, this is good for democracy and for the country.

(15,720 posts)Hope she's up to the task because it's going to take many millions and probably many months to get to the bottom of this cesspool.
(96,446 posts)....had said they were collecting money for recounts. Wonder if they would have taken in $6 million, or if the partisanship is just too great. Oddly enough, since the DNC has the infrastructure to handle it, I'd trust their abilities more. But they didn't do it, and that is key. We're stuck with Stein, hoping she can pull this off.
(15,720 posts)until we can count the votes we get. It looks to me like the message was fine, the campaign was awesome, the candidate was superb and she won handily with the votes she got, never mind the millions of voters who got screwed out of their voting rights one way or the other. What happened to the ballots that were cast is another story.
(109,756 posts)And her margin went from about 9 points ahead to 2. Unfortunately, there was no way she could have prepared for that.
(15,720 posts)In fact there was an uptick on Nov. 6, giving her a 6.5 point lead per RCP's aggregate poll. Then kerpow, she lost by one point and there are anomalies popping up all over the web, for example:
RCP WI polls: http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/wi/wisconsin_trump_vs_clinton_vs_johnson_vs_stein-5976.html
Funny WI numbers: http://www.democraticunderground.com/12512620889
RCP WI discussion: http://www.democraticunderground.com/12512627381
LBN--Election Fraud Complaint Filed As More People Voted Than Total Voters In 4 Wisconsin Precincts: http://www.democraticunderground.com/10141625263
So there seems to be a problem in the vote-counting department.

(109,756 posts)from interviews conducted days before the second bomb.
We don't know what effect it had, but I'm sure it was significant. Another day of tossing around the word "criminal" and "investigations" and "re-open" -- leaving it look like everything was still up in the air. Meanwhile, the media had completely turned its attention away from Trump and the women accusers.
It's the undecideds that are most likely to be making up their minds at the end, and the undecideds most likely to be influenced by what Comey did.
(15,720 posts)She went from 2% to 1%. Johnson also lost points, and Trump went from 40 to 48, just enough to win, and inconsistent with every poll. How would Comey-gate have produced that? The answer is that Comey-gate is the cover story. If they'd found anything criminal, they would have used it, but they couldn't and didn't. And that don't forget is what the second letter admitted.
(109,756 posts)It doesn't matter that they said "no criminal charges" -- the word that screams out is CRIMINAL. Besides being a reminder that the Rethugs were promising even more criminal investigations of Hillary if she won, it took the media attention away from Trump's atrocities, right at the end of the election.
(15,720 posts)how would the second, which exonerated her? Now possibly there are states where it did, but since WI is suspicious and scheduled for a recount, that's the state I'm looking at. Comey-gate was a nothingburger, and it's to Hillary's credit because they would have killed her if they'd found the least impropriety, but they couldn't.
As for Stein, well, that's who we've got eh?
(47,090 posts)Even Corey Lewandowski admitted it (actually bragged about it during his trip overseas).
(47,090 posts)Did Hillary win by 6.5 points in WI? No.
Then why are you using polls as a proof of something (anything).
(15,720 posts)LisaL
(47,090 posts)Not sure what your problem is.
(47,090 posts)FBaggins
(28,018 posts)She wasn't able to raise this amount for her entire Presidential campaign.
(2,003 posts)Especially since she has yet to part with any of that money she's raised. And I suspect if recount efforts get shot down in Michigan and/or Pennsylvania, she won't fork over a dime to recount Wisconsin (which is why she's waiting until the end of the week to write Wisconsin a check for recount costs).
(47,090 posts)Which is a platform of Green Party. So, yes, I presume Green Party gets to keep the money in case she doesn't get a recount in either MA or PA. My understanding, there is quite a good chance she won't be able to get recounts there because of how their rules are.
(3,577 posts)Here's the schedule released by the Wisconsin Election Commission:
Friday, November 25: Deadline to petition for a recount.
Monday, November 28: Cost estimates and vote tabulation method provided by county clerk to WEC by noon. WEC provides estimated statewide costs to both the Stein and De La Fuente campaigns by close of business.
Tuesday, November 29: Stein and/or De La Fuente campaign submits payment to WEC. Once payment is received, the WEC will issue a recount order to all presidential candidates.
Wednesday, November 30: WEC staff will hold a teleconference for all county clerks and canvass members to go over the recount rules and processes. The teleconference is tentatively scheduled for 10am and will be held via webinar. Invitation instructions will be sent out next week. A 24-hour public meeting notice is required for the recount and therefore it should also be posted by this date.
Thursday, December 1: Recount begins in all Wisconsin Counties. A 24-hour public meeting notice is required.
Tuesday, December 13: Recounts must be completed under federal law.
(34,209 posts)This is great effing advertising and recruitment for the Green Party as the party for integrity.
I donated to Stein's recount effort but the more I think about the more I realize this may cost us votes in the next Presidential election.
Still if the recount produces enough elecoltoral votes that issue may be moot. I know it's a long shot.
(15,720 posts)That's just one reason but there are others. They showed Hillary's reps what they wanted them to see but it appears they also stole half of Stein's votes and didn't expect her to come looking for them.
(34,209 posts)
(5,720 posts)before Wednesday's MI deadline? or will she file anyway if she's a bit short?
Any chatter on whether there will be more recount/audits?
(11,936 posts)But those three states in particular look very fishy. And so far she has followed through on spending the money the way that she said she would. If it changes nothing then it changes nothing. I'll never be ashamed that I donated money to that cause.