2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumAnd FYI? Voting for a racist asshole makes you a racist asshole. Even if you lost yr job.
This is for folks RACING to defend Trump voters like they secretly voted for Trump themselves. Stop defending people just because it offend you that calling them out reflects on you personally. It reflects on all of us, but it reflects on those defending this shit way more than those who refuse to pretend that voting for a racist means you were hurt by the economy. Clinton got the working class. His voters made considerably more money so stop with that fake ass bullshit. We are not fooled.

(54,322 posts)you have unexamined racism and sexism that you don't admit to yourself.
Either way, you're a racist and a sexist.
And enough of this bullshit about how the rust belt is suffering, and people were voting to reduce that suffering. Any factor that constitutes the rust belt's "suffering" (i.e. jobs lost to mechanization, crushing college debt, unaffordable healthcare, unfundable retirement) is a factor that is equally at work in all other areas of the country. And everyone in the rest of the country who is facing the same problems managed not to vote for a bigoted sexist psychopath.
The reason those people voted for donald the crook is that they are sexists and racists, just like he is.
(34,648 posts)The black rust belt voters are doing far worse. They did not vote for Trump.
(92,466 posts)rusty fender
(3,428 posts)anti gay, etc. I don't see how anyone can defend these POSs
(34,648 posts)lunasun
(21,646 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)I aint never got more racist emails than I have gotten in the past few weeks.
(119,514 posts)That's going to leave a mark.
(34,648 posts)Time to end that shit right now.

(6,092 posts)oasis
(52,004 posts)
we can do it
(12,832 posts)Equinox Moon
(6,344 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)They are all racists?
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)What part of that is so hard to understand?
(58,724 posts)Or against another racial group?
(34,648 posts)Some think that it's those 'other blacks' who are the real problem, the ones on 'welfare', they say, as they cash their ssi check. Is it bizzarre? Yes. Did they get it honest? Yep. Everywhere they go they hear how lazy we are. They have a "where there's smoke there's fire" view of things, it's not "them" who is lazy and bad. It's those other blacks. They are 'the good ones'. And white people reinforce this belief constantly, especially the republican party. They tell their blacks how special and better than us liberal blacks they are. People love positive reinforcement. Especially when it matches their disgusting shameful worldview. Build the wall a hispanic guy says, or we will have taco trucks on every corner. To him those are bad hispanics making them look bad. I see it all the time.
(2,067 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)I got it from her and no i will not delete it. It's how they talk.
Several times called out "his" AA in the crowd.
(34,648 posts)Sad
And the women who proudly cast their votes for a misogynistic sociopath. I will never understand.
(34,648 posts)I have no empathy for them. They hate other women
(44,059 posts)Week after the election, when I finally stopped feeling nauseous, I went back to exercise class where they are. Most are older than me, in their early 60s. Random conversation, one mentioned she was a few years from Medicare.
"oh, that's too bad," I said. "It'll be gone next year."
"'They' are going to do that?" She said. I told her it was the plan all along - to repeal the ACA (which she often complained about) and then turn Medicare into something similar; a plan that provides limited subsidies to people to buy private insurance. She looked concerned.
I like the woman but I have no sympathy. It makes me so sad, though.
(34,648 posts)Throw out a throwaway line about, "Welp! Taxes are going up next year!" Then when taxes come in whine about how much your taxes went up, even if they didnt. It's what they do to Democrats. I will be doing it for the next four years everywhere I go.
This week is my medicare is gone week. I plan on complaining about SS next week and talking about buying cat food to 'tide us over' when ramen aint cutting it anymore. If Obama was the food stamp president then Trump will be the cat food president. Then I will cry and moan about that wall not being built for a while. Say he's secretly working with Russia to let Mexico take over. That might get me some hits. I'll keep coming up with shit until something sticks. Might be time to start my own bloggy thingy to rant and make up memes to depress the repub vote.
(44,059 posts)and drafts my baby boys (29 & 19) all bets are off.
(34,648 posts)I'll have to start smuggling folks to canada
(44,059 posts)Older son has health issues so he may be ok. I told young son to start researching music schools in Canada and Europe. He's also auditioning for jobs at the various Disney parks overseas (he's a performer at WDW in Orlando).
It's what keeps me awake at night.
(34,648 posts)This is going to be a hellacious term.
(44,059 posts)Dude has the nuclear codes. McConnell and Ryan are megalomaniacs who would trade their mothers/wives/children for power. Not to mention the courts and education.
I continue to think that we are fucked. But Sarandon and her fellow BoBers got their wish of destroying the village. Hope they are happy. And I hope karma is a real thing.
(34,648 posts)They can be proud that they helped make that happen and helped a racist rapist win the Whitehouse. I hope they all discover a preexisting condition once obamacare is gone.
(44,059 posts)Hope they are happy with their self righteous sanctimony.
On second thought, I hope they drown in it.
(34,648 posts)uponit7771
(92,466 posts)... see Clarence Thomas
(18,124 posts)look at Katrina Pierson, Ben Carson, omarousa or whatever that name is and the sprinkling of black faces at trumpfuhrer rallies cheering on their executioner. The white male has always had the ability to divide and conquer. All the guns, drugs brought into the inner cities by reagan proved that. Our pain is always taken out on each other. The ignorant, racist white male DOES NOT know pain, like PoC know pain. Hell every fucking thing was given to them, can't help it if they let it slip through their fingers. Now they know what a majority of PoC have know for generations. The white male does NOT know pain. Now we will have a reason to stop this intrahate bullshit. The New Nazi Party of AmeriKKKa will guarantee that.....
(34,648 posts)Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)there's that 13% of black men that voted for Trump statistic, sure...I even talked to a black male Trump voter....that's a more complicated problem...all of this stuff is rather complex...
(message to bravenak: girrrrrl, you are disturbing my hiatus with all of this TRUTH!)
(58,724 posts)Even those who are African-American or Latino?
(34,648 posts)I met plenty of women who saud she should not do a mans job. Black women too can be self-sexist. See it all the time. I know quite a few blacks who wanted the wall because they said mexicans were TAKING THEIR JOBS and got too much welfare. Fucking sad shit right? Yep. Also know hispanics who are legal or citizens who hate immigrants coming across the border 'making us look bad'. Some of them got amnesty in the 80's. My friends's parents. Blew my mind. it is what it is. That's why they could ignore Trump's racism- kindred spirits.
(58,724 posts)I think it's easy to forget all the ugliness out there when one generally surrounds oneself with good people.
(34,648 posts)When you have the poorest groups ACTUALLY hurting financially over many generations, they start listening to the idea that they would have more if the other minorities got less. We are down to oppressed minorities fighting each other over the crumbs of a single piece of pie when there a whole pie on the table that gets served to others; while they happily eat crumbs, hoping the other guy doesnt even get a crumb to taste. We should start snatching the pie from the guy hoarding the pie but we are too busy making sure that other other dont get no crumbs.
(5,272 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)Once Trump has his own supporters in the streets calling for his blood will we be able to slip some progressive policy through. Best to just wait and whip them up into a frothy mess of anger over him taking their medicare and ss. They hate that shit, we might need to start astroturfing republicans and stop playing so nicey nicey. With 'nonprofit' orgs and superpacs with deceptively republican names to get them to donate to fight their own candidates. I should start one and name it 'Americans for keeping librul hands off my Medicare' superpac.
And we might need to play hardball for the forseeable future. All we need to do is trick them into getting pissed at their own people and sit back and watch the firing squad begin. Wont happen until we stop fighting each other and acting all despondent. We dont even need to lure Trump voters. Just depress their turn out by making them hate trump and you know they love to hate.
(5,272 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)I don't know how.
Maybe I should actually research that.
(3,791 posts)I'm saying that when one is surrounded by good, kind, and progressive people (like here on this board) it's important to remember just how much of the country is not that way.
(3,791 posts)mythology
(9,527 posts)It's kind of hard to argue that the places that voted for Obama in the last two elections to voting for Trump in this election are all racist against black people. Perhaps they all didn't notice Obama is black? Or is the hierarchy to vote for a racist, then vote for a black guy, then vote for a regular Republican?
It's simplistic and easy to label them all racist, but one that inherently puts up a wall that makes people defensive. Telling them they are all racist because they voted for Trump doesn't exactly make them likely to vote Democratic next time. It certainly didn't work out that well this past election.
But also labeling them all racist means you don't have to actually think about how we as a party might need to address different groups in society. You've made it clear that you aren't even willing to consider the notion that your basic assumptions might not be right. It's easy, it's appealing because it means it's all somebody else's fault. Which means that you have no agency as what can you do? Everybody who disagrees with you is racist.
(34,648 posts)That they are DEPLORABLE. We as a party lost those people long ago, by supporting equality. Pander to them and lose us. Makes no sense to run after a group of people who did not vote for you and lose the groups that did in the process. If his rhetoric 'won' them? They are unreachable. I have too much pride to beg votes from people who have no probs voting for a guy who wants to deport millions of muslims, or build a wall, or calls mexicans rapists and blacks lazy and has crazy jewish conspiract theorists working for him as advisors. And I tell you true that ignoring that shit and actually voting in favor of it makes a mf a straught up racist.
They have lost the popular vote everytine they won the presidency in the past two decades. Small states are given too much weight and we know that. We can win in the midterms but not by throwing our voters under the bus in order to get voters who want walls between us and mexico and wants muslims deported. See, to get their votes, you have to give up mine and millions if others. Because they RESPONDED TO THE RACISM positively. They liked it. You would need to learn to dogwhistle real real hard to get them.
Hillary won the working class. Trump won the racist/sexist/antisemite/islamaphobe vote. It was never about jobs. The ones voting for jobs voted dem.
(37,748 posts)"Everybody who disagrees with you is racist."
A most petulant form of merely saying "those who vote for a racist are racist."
(20,709 posts)One group of immigrants arrives. They are discriminated against. Then the next group arrives, and the earlier group becomes racist against them, they're taking our jobs, they're uncivilized, blah blah all the same things that were (and still continue to be) said about the first group a few short years ago.
Substitute "Irish" or "Italian" or "Chinese" or any other group. It's a pattern.
(24,628 posts)My daughter's friend who is in the National Guard voted for drumpf even though she has a Down's Syndrome child. That's what I call special stupid. Oh and get this, she's mad that people tell her that drumpf hates disabled and that she harmed her own child. Think that pisses her off so much because it's 100% true and I only feel sorry for her daughter, not her, when there's no public school and no private schools that will take her daughter when she's school age.
My boss, who acts like a normal human being, has a Masters, and shows no signs of being racist, is still and idiot because she said Clinton's crimes were worse than drumpfs and voted for facism. Republicanism has rotted her brain and she's an idiot too and a big part of the reason I will be retiring early.
(92,466 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,622 posts)As you know I am part Jewish. Every single one of my Jewish American friends are anti-Trump and virulently so. Ironically many of the Israeli ex pats in America I meet are pro-Trump. That disappoints me !!! The research suggests Israelis were pretty split on Trump and Clinton with slightly more favoring her. However almost every Israeli I met who has emigrated to America likes Trump. I try to tell them they are allying themselves with someone who is embraced by anti-semites and white nationalists.
I have a lot of secular Muslim friends ( oxymoron) . They are attached to Islam in the same loose way that many Jews are, because they were born into a Jewish home. We joke how Trump has bought Muslims and Jews together.
This wasn't in my my original message.
No group is monolithic. There are always lost individuals who vote against the interest of the groups they belong to. Hillary beat Trump 74-19 among Jewish Americans. She walloped him. Most of us can see a bigot a mile away !!!. We know in our kishkes someone who doesn't like blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, gays, et cetera probably doesn't like us very much either. Yet 19% of Jewish Americans allied themselves with a man whose followers post memes of Trump leading his Jewish opponents into gas chambers.
Lucky Luciano
(11,584 posts)Bucket 1) the outright racists.
Bucket 2) the passive racists - i.e. "His policies won't affect me personally in a negative way, but may affect other races. Hmm how dreadful...well, can't worry too much about it I guess!"
(34,648 posts)gordianot
(15,556 posts)Number of votes mean nothing to true fascist and Trump meets that description.
(6,409 posts)Does voting for a feminist make me a feminist? Does voting for a progressive make me a progressive? I guess you see where I'm going with this. People are more complicated than we sometimes like to admit.
(34,648 posts)lark
(24,628 posts)It does mean that you absolutely support both of those policies/practices. Same with people who support racists, misogynists and haters by voting for drumpf.
(9,359 posts)People are much more complicated than just putting them in nice little boxes because they voted for someone who happens support a position they don't necessarily agree with.
I've voted for many politicians that I don't agree 100% of their policies/practices. In fact, I have voted for pols where I completely disagree with a many positions/practices they may hold.
Attacking Trump is one thing, I can get a 100% behind it, but going after someone's supporters because you want to lump them all in a group shows a lack of intelligence.
Call out a racist when you see a racist, but don't attack someone because their friends with them.
Call out a misogynist when you see a misogynist, but don't attack his wife for marrying him.
mountain grammy
(27,559 posts)heaven05
(18,124 posts)will set some free, the others will remain pretenders and continue to obfuscate around the fact that all who voted for the new fuhrer had making ameriKKKa white again as a priority. The fact that trumpfuhrer voters were making quite a bit more money than the ameriKKKan media was trying to feed the americans who wanted talking points to cover their racist motives was commented on all the time. Limbaugh and the rest of RW media, CNN, FOX(Hannity)most of MSNBC talking heads fed their people listening nothing but raw red meat that others were at fault, PoC, Muslims, Hispanic immigrants, for the white mans pain. The people who voted for the neworange fuhrer are the racist core of the 48%+of white men and women that have always wanted to put minorities "in their place" again.
You are right, no one who is thinking out here is fooled. And NO ONE will tell me my place. +1000
(34,648 posts)Hell no. I will not invlove myself or my vote and time in no bullshit like that. I wont even get all mad and fight, just wont bother to participate or vote for people pandering to racists.
(18,124 posts)where does that leave me. In 4 years, it won't matter then either if we don't pander to the"oh so wise ones" in our Party who are looking for scapegoats, it will now take a generation or more to build a new all inclusive opposition to these clown in charge now. Those who use Bernie as the excuse for us losing because HRC ended up our nominee!!!! la dee da. Bannon would have had him for a breakfast snack. I am no ones scapegoat and those who think I am, can put on a 20lb lead weight and go try to swim in some river somewhere, because with trumpfuhrer as POTUS that's what the people who voted for him want around my neck, if not a rope.
(34,648 posts)Now all we gotta do is fight off this resurging KKK. With no help! Just lovey times!
(2,056 posts)Your post is actually one of the most bigoted statements I've ever heard. And THAT attitude towards rural people is exactly why they voted for Trump. It's not because they like Trump or agree with him. It's because they hate sanctimonious assholes and want to piss them off.
(52,795 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)People who voted for Trump were WRONG and did a TERRIBLE thing, but it doesn't mean they were racists or sexist, etc. By that reasoning all the BoBs that voted third party or Trump out of spite must want to destroy the environment and support killing children in Aleppo since Trump wants to decimate environmental regulations and is in love with Putin.
(34,648 posts)They heard him and ran over to the polls and voted for him. They voted to inflict that racist on the american people. They heard him loud and fucking clear.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)the OP is spot the fuck on
(2,056 posts)A vote for Stein was a vote for Trump, and it doesn't matter why they didn't vote for Hillary.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)Trump voters knew their vote was for an open racist, propped up and surround by xian nazis and secular nazis
ergo they are racists
(2,056 posts)Mentioning "false logic" when that is what you are using is classic...really it is.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)You are using a syllogistic fallacy , ie. you are making an affirmative conclusion from a negative premiss.
This is what your fallacy is, what you are saying:
therefore, anyone NOT voting for my candidate is also voting FOR trump
you are begging the question, assuming the conclusion, and projecting thoughts and motives into people that are unknowable
Again, I am sorry, you just are wrong.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)the little hypocrisy snark
(34,648 posts)I guess you must have missed the whole 'deporting a whole race/religion of people thing'. Or the wall thing. Voting for that is the most racist thing I have ever seen. Have fun trying to defend peopke who voted for the orange hitler
(2,056 posts)Anyone who says it is a piece of crap. A lot of people don't pay attention to all the details and just vote by party. I voted for some candidates I knew nothing about just because they had "Democrat" next to their name. Does that mean I share every last view and opinion of those candidates? Of course not.
Bigoted definition, utterly intolerant of any creed, belief, or opinion that differs from one's own.
The original poster just called MILLIONS of Americans racists/sexists. Why? Because they didn't share the same political beliefs. Yes, calling MILLIONS of people racist/sexist IS the most bigoted thing I've heard. It's ugly, hateful and wrong.
(34,648 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)somehow makes me a Trump defender? I voted for Hillary.
You want to see Trump re-elected then you keep right on attacking swing voters like me. That's really going to help you win...
(34,648 posts)Funny how my pounting out that it is racist to ignore the racism coming out of that racist really got you defending these assholes who voted for the racist.
(2,056 posts)It's astounding the level of your hypocrisy. And with that I'm putting you on ignore because rather than sit here and post and argue all damn day I actually work. People like you are part of the problem and are exactly why Clinton lost. Attack people and they don't hear a goddamned thing you have to say. The way you are behaving does one thing...it convinces me that you are so blind and hypocritical that I have zero interest in engaging in conversation with you. If you want to have your views ignored by everyone you speak to then by all means, keep it up.
(37,748 posts)And yet you implicitly deny the vast amount of racists in America by passively arguing a vote for a racist is not a racist vote.
(34,648 posts)And they are because they voted to deport millions of muslims and to build a wall against mexico sending us their rapists. Why you are so dead set on justifying that I do not know. Nice try on attempting to normalize the racism of trump voters.
(2,531 posts)We don't need borders. Sorry, but I have Never, Ever In My Life been in favor of open borders. And I will feel this way just as long as the United States of America still exists.
And I don't see that as 'racist.' Lots of races come to America legally. And furthermore, lots of different nationalities, and/or races, including white-skinned ones, come across the Mexican border illegally. Am I to say they are all terrorists? Am I to say none of them are? Am I to say, don't worry about it, everyone on the planet is free to come here and reap the benefits of being an American, because -- 'Merika!
Yep, good-bye, USA, it's as much my fault as it is anybody else's.
(34,648 posts)mcar
(44,059 posts)That is some impressive knowledge! You spoke to all of them?
(34,648 posts)NoGoodNamesLeft
(2,056 posts)I am actually the one that said that's not true. Since when is it OK to stereotype entire groups of people like that? I'm going to point out hypocrisy when I see it, regardless of the source. You can't claim to oppose Trump's bigotry against minorities and then in the same breath call half of American racists just because of who they voted for.
(52,795 posts)So there's that.
(4,241 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)jfern
(5,204 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)uponit7771
(92,466 posts)Response to Shrek (Reply #37)
sfwriter This message was self-deleted by its author.
(91,446 posts)Response to bravenak (Original post)
sfwriter This message was self-deleted by its author.
(34,648 posts)Arazi
(7,579 posts)Cuz yeah, it wasn't
(34,648 posts)Arazi
(7,579 posts)Obvious is obvious
(34,648 posts)Obvious is right as rain. Hai! LOL
(27,549 posts)BlueStater
(7,596 posts)But none of them cared enough about other races to not vote for that loathsome, dangerous prick.
(34,648 posts)jmg257
(11,996 posts)
Lucky Luciano
(11,584 posts)DemonGoddess
(5,126 posts)Van Jones had it right. This is a white-lash, against ANYTHING other than white CIS protestant conservative born again types.
If your name is "other", your skin is "other", your faith is "other", your sexual orientation is "other", these people don't give a shit about ya. None of us who fit the "other" category, no matter how minutely, fit in their world view.
(26,206 posts)This
(424 posts)Intentionally ignorant
You choose
(34,648 posts)sheshe2
(90,062 posts)'Cause there is nothing more sexist than grabbing a woman by the p***y and bragging about it.
(34,648 posts)And voting for a raper is a nasty thing to do to women. Hateful in fact
(11,996 posts)LexVegas
(6,644 posts)backscatter712
(26,355 posts)Even if you don't consider yourself a racist, you saw all of Trump's racism, misogyny, and homophobia on display, and you decided to vote for him anyways. You tolerated the bigotry.
I have lost all respect for Trump voters. All of it.
(34,648 posts)This thing where folks make excuses for turning a blind eye to his nastiness needs to stop. They are normalizing him and supporting him by defending this crap
(10,721 posts)People who would vote for someone that atrocious (someone who brags about and commits sexual assault, someone who likely raped a 13-year-old, someone who was endorsed by the KKK and has a long history of overt bigotry, someone who suggested banning Muslims, someone who suggested most Mexican immigrants are rapists and drug dealers, someone who lies and contradicts himself constantly, someone who cheered the housing collapse because he could capitalize on it, someone who ran a fraudulent "University", someone who stiffed the contractors he hired, someone who isn't even coherent much of the time, someone who didn't put forth substantive policy positions, and so on) are not people I want on my side. F**k 'em.
Oh, but if only Clinton's economic message had been more appealing to working class whites, surely she would have won. Gimme a break.
(34,648 posts)They had more money than her voters anyways. It was not about money
(2,067 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)look inside of themselves.
(2,067 posts)It's one of the things that makes us different than, you know, THEM.
Although some have apparently forgotten that (or are rejecting that notion now).
(34,648 posts)the KKK on candidates. If the KKK is supporting your guy, you might just be a racist.
(2,067 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)Stereotyping someone because of who they voted for is different than stereotyping someone for what country they were born in. One is a matter of choice, and one is a matter of chance. If you choose to do something racist, you are racist. If you vote for someone who was clear that he was racist, either you liked that or you were OK with it.
(2,067 posts)you voted her and thus clearly either liked that or you were ok with it.
Noone is defending racists. We're defending a long-held progressive tradition that we are the ones that DON'T label and stereotype people, especially based on a single action.
But please, by all means label me a war-mongerer for voting for HRC. Or as a hater of those on welfare for voting for someone who supported welfare reform. Or as anti-American becaue I voted for someone who supported the repeal of glass-steagal. Or as pro-NAFTA. Or whatever you want to label me as since labeling is your thing.
Cause there's just zero chance in this world I looked past all that SHIT because, in my opinion, she still had the best economic ideas for this country, right?
(22,336 posts)Lots of politicians were wrong about the Iraq War, and there was bad fake-intelligence involved. It isn't the same as choosing to vote for someone who openly said he wants to make Muslims register. If you're OK with someone who was very openly racist, that says something about who you are.
(2,067 posts)In the same breath, we've got DUers saying these are the dumbest uneducated hillbilly hicks in the world, but that they're also astute enough to have read up on all of Trumps statements and positions and knew exactly what they were voting for.
Well which is it?
60 FUCKING MILLION people voted for that asshat. And Bravenak is saying not a single fucking one saw an (R) next to the name and simply decided that's who they'd vote for. Or saw a name they recognized and decided that's who they'd vote for.
Nope, all 60 fucking million of them voted on their way home from their daily KKK meeting that day.
(10,721 posts)Racism, sexism and xenophobia was the primary feature of Trump's candidacy. His horrific speech about Mexican immigrants marked the moment when his campaign picked up steam.
There's no excuse for supporting him, as I wrote here: http://www.democraticunderground.com/12512630903.
If nothing else, voting for Trump is certainly an endorsement of racism, sexism and xenophobia. And it's not as if he was offering up substantive positions. Never has a candidate been so vague. He won primarily because for tens of millions of people racism, sexism, xenophobia, heterosexism and Christian supremacy takes precedence over everything else.