2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumKellyanne Goebbels Conway sounds nervous when interviewed - why???
This morning on CNN, I heard one of the mindless females at the end of the interview with Conway, asking her, I think, about the lack of intelligence meetings trump has had - she responded, "He's very busy, blah, blah, tremenous workmjes doing, blah, blah.
Then it turned to the recount, and she whined and whined that Hillary complained about Trump possibly questioning the results and it's over, Hillary called Trump and conceded, she heard the phone call. Really junior league stuff she said. Then she said that Trump has been very magnanimous in his treatment of not prosecuting Hillary and has been nice to the Clinton's and Obamas. Like, wtf...he thinks the Obamas give a damn if he's magnanimous to them?
What's going on? Why do you think she sounds so nervous???

(9,651 posts)They rigged the votes.......
(1,753 posts)about a rigged election. We assumed he was referring to Hillary, but could it be that he was the "rigger". His tweets are telling.
(96,446 posts)Tells the Big Lie loudly and often -- projects bigly. And enough morons repeat it....
(7,694 posts)emulatorloo
(45,728 posts)UCmeNdc
(9,651 posts)That's why.....
(47,090 posts)Who is going to question Comey why 11 days before the election he send his first letter to Congress, and why he send another one just 3 days before the election? And no, second letter wasn't helpful, since it again reminded people about emails and that Hillary managed to "avoid prosecution."
I don't have any confidence in the FBI doing any of that.
(1,551 posts)AgadorSparticus
(7,963 posts)Prosecuting her is a direct threat. They will try and prosecute her with nothing. It is not beyond them to incarcerate an innocent woman.
(7,178 posts)adigal
(7,581 posts)We are talking about secession level anger.
(92,466 posts)technotwit
(71 posts)Ask former Alabama governor Don Siegelman about that....
(7,963 posts)Did you see this article? I hope they make it right...
(4,563 posts)it would be the downfall of the entire Republican party.
They would no longer be facing the ire of Democrats, but of the United Nations, NATO, the free press, and every non-brainwashed citizen in this great country.
Faux pas
(15,555 posts)one who brung her?
(5,720 posts)to get to the truth. Everyone can have a good laugh while they spill the cheatin beans.
Fast Walker 52
(7,723 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)She didn't think they'd win. She wants to go back to her old life, and now she's stuck.
(7,581 posts)I think she didn't realize they were going to win. And now she's stuck.
(47,090 posts)Unless Trump is planning on campaigning all through his presidency, what is she stuck on? Campaign is over.
(91,446 posts)But maybe it's that they want her to stay because they like how she does on tv.
And she knows trump is the type to go after someone personally if she doesnt do what they want.
He probably views himself as giving her this opportunity and would not like it if she left and cashed out.
(47,090 posts)As far as I know she wasn't offered any cabinet positions? And if she were, why would that be upsetting to her?
(91,446 posts)His mind doesnt get that the presidency is mostly about work.
Even when we see the president at those fancy dinners and things in public that is a small part of what they do.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)That's been floated, I think.
(91,446 posts)I don't mean in that her conscience is troubled.
But more like someone whose life is miserable and they need to go after others to make themselves feel better.
(47,090 posts)I was always wondering as to where the hell was Hillary's equivalent.
Adsos Letter
(19,459 posts)That may be entirely without merit, but every time I see her I wonder if she is experiencing actual abuse of some kind. Maybe she's just really tired.
(45,728 posts)skylucy
(3,901 posts)three or four times about why Trump had not been going to security briefings and in fact was actually TURNING DOWN the briefings when asked to attend. You are correct that Conway's answers were pathetic and completely unconvincing. When Bash nailed her about this numerous times in a row, the emotion Conway was feeling was annoyance/anger. It was a good moment in what has often been shameful coverage by the television media as they continue to be incapable of covering Trump with any kind of courage or truthfulness.
(2,077 posts)speaking from the outside like she had been deprived access to Trump.
(1,128 posts)So that he gets angry and "deprives" her of a position in his administration. She knows that she's done after a few years in his administration, so wants out now so she can make the millions that a government salary won't pay
(22,240 posts)she had knowledge about polls that show Trump did not win.
(10,005 posts)JHan
(10,173 posts)
(25,577 posts)She knows she has sold her soul.
That makes people nervous
Dawson Leery
(19,396 posts)Or she knows that something is wrong with the votes and her moron actually lost the EC.
(96,446 posts)....and sure enough, at one point her eyes flared wide in a way I have never seen her do before. It lasted only an instant but it had the feel of a real "tell."
Among other things, she and Bannon are pissed off blue that Trump is "betraying" their swampful of white nationalists by toying with the idea of appointing Romney as SoS. She said they were hearing "from many in the grass roots" and that after all the mean things Mitt said about Trump in the campaign it "wasn't fair."
The rest of it was pretty standard lies about Hillary, but it leaves me wondering what else they are gibbering about in their private talks.
(7,581 posts)And now that they did, she is also seeing what amshit show it is and she's like, Damn.
That Guy 888
(1,214 posts)They need Washington Republicans to work on legislature. The wing-nuts want to just skip ahead to the punishment phase of the Clinton trials. The neo-nazis want more (or all) white power appointments available to Drumpf.
I'm sure she knows that the heavily armed, low impulse control, right-wing nut jobs are getting closer to violence.