2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumHow can we depress Republican turnout in midterms? Fuck sitting around crying. Time to fight them.
Let's start planning on how to fuck up the Trump admin before he takes office. I know, I know! We are supposed to be the grownups!! Well, fuck that, these guys are nutzo. We need to come up with strategies that will actually work.
What do we know?
1. Trump voters are easy to manipulate
2. Trump voters are ANGRY
3. Trump voters hate liberals
4. Trump is a fake republican
We all know that Trump has gone from supporting abortion rights to being a prolifer in the past decade. He never has a clear position, he does whatever is popular at the moment. Now that there is no liberal president to get them all riled up, they have no reason for another Tea Party revolution. The time to start taking back the house and Senate is right fucking now.
Trump cannot handle criticism. He hates being made fun of. He is at his best when he is on offense. We can make that work in our favor.
It is time for Republicans to play defense. We attack him non stop from the left while simultaneously tamping down on the right by blaming them for all of his mistakes, pointing out his bad intentions while stopping him from getting shit done, then saying he never gets shit done like, WHERE'S THE WALL?!?! MAKE MEXICO PAY?? LOL!!" He hates ridicule. So do his fans. Time and time again we heard about how TIRED they are of being called racists. Good. Call them more racists and point out that they and the KKK agree on supporting Trump.
No more of this silly self hating bullshit that we Dems do to ourselves when we win the popular vote but lose the electoral college. And we can stop lying to ourselves by saying Trump won the working class. That's a lie. Stop spreading it.
Time to look to 2018. Midterms can be brutal for the party in power. Let's make damn sure it stays that way for 2018.

(14,026 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)Neither do facts for that matter. We need to come to grips with this. It's hard because it makes bo sense. But here we are regardless.
(153,057 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)Stellar
(5,644 posts)Something else Joy Reid had on her show, scary and important. Check out the video at the link.
"Writer Details Trump's Kleptocracy"
(34,648 posts)On my way to watch it
(28,018 posts)Midterms (at least in recent cycles) have strongly favored Republicans since their base is more likely to vote.
What we need is a stimulus unlike prior midterm elections. Something to rise up and oppose. Something that acts as a clear target for voters' anger.
(34,648 posts)We are no longer in the whitehouse for these midterms. We have plenty of ammo. We got two million more votes, so more voters doesn't seem to always work. Time to accept that and work around it. There will not be a Hillary for him to lob bombs at during these midterms, and no Obama or birtherism to focus their hate on. Hell, since they are getting rid of Obamacare, they wont have that either.
Makes sense to try to make republicans not excited to get out and vote while racheting up our attacks and getting our voters out.
Trumpism is what we have to rise up and oppose. And the reality of Trump is far worse than we imagined it would be.
(28,018 posts)Didn't want to say it and ruin the punch line.
Added to all of that... There will be two years of actual actions by Trump and Republicans in general. Not speculation that they'll do something offensive to many... real things that can be pointed to.
(34,648 posts)I hope we make it
(28,018 posts)We have to survive long enough to get there.
Sure would like to have our own version of 1994. Don't think it would make all of this "worth it"... but it sure would be nice.
(34,648 posts)We better get it done or fuck us all
(6,242 posts)We could press all the house members on where they stand on that and on drug costs. If he gets in as attorney general it could cause a huge backlash especially if we put up a strong fight against him.
(82,383 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)And they really want us all to stfu so, time to get louder
(1,217 posts)NewJeffCT
(56,844 posts)hasn't really worked with his base of supporters. What will depress turnout is if the jobs don't come back to those rural white small towns and cities and if Trump gets the blame for it.
(34,648 posts)But he is not handling the rigors of the job very well, and he aint even in office yet. He will embarass the fuck out of the US. And when the whole world is laughing at us, they will finally start to get upset. Once they turn on him, we win.
I guess we better help them have a reason to turn on him. He should be humiliated daily until that happens. I'll do my part in shaming him.
The jobs aint coming back ever. We know that. They know that. It was never about jobs.
(56,844 posts)but, he managed to win the popular vote and get re-elected in 2004. A lot of those rural types don't really care if Trump makes a fool of himself in dealing with a country in Europe or Asia - he'll just come home and issue a few mean tweets and they'll eat it up.
(34,648 posts)He will make our allies get tired real quickly after he leaves nato or does something else stupid as fuck. Once he manages to crash the economy and they start losing their jobs, we will see them pipe the hell down on supporting the donald.
See, they think he is going to make the world RESPECT OUR AUTHORITAH again. He wont. They will laugh at him. The media in other nations have no problem with criticising Donald.
(1,803 posts)NT.
(1,499 posts)But considering we couldn't even make a moderate show of force to send a message to racist trying to suppress black turnout in Philly in 2008 without getting charged with a crime, it probably isn't worth mentioning.
(34,648 posts)Uponthegears
(1,499 posts)In hindsight it may be that I was smarter at 17 than I am in my 60's. Resistance comes at a cost but sometimes that cost is worth paying.
(34,648 posts)mcar
(44,058 posts)I plan to get involved with my local Dem party. We've got a big GOV race in 2018. FL Democrats need a strong candidate.
We need to stop running bad candidates for real. We could have had the Governirship if we had been smart.
(44,058 posts)It's why I haven't joined before. No choice now.
(34,648 posts)I have no idea why. Being Surrounded by rightwingers must make them weenies. Such boring candidates here too. We never win. Boring.
(44,058 posts)They both lost, but had a good showing. A victory here is the loony tune Tea Party county commissioner getting beat by a sane Republican.
(34,648 posts)No republican actually ran, this area has all the dark folks and single moms so... At least we won tho!
Voting means something.
(12,383 posts)How to get democratic voters to vote?
(34,648 posts)Bet they find the will to show up in midterms. All those purists who hated obamacare are sure gonna hate not having it.
Two million more of us showed up. We vote.
(12,445 posts)
(6,242 posts)Harp on every dip in the market. Publish any energy rate hike no matter how small and keep saying it will get worse. Spread news of any health risk due to lack of regulation. Always refer to the republicans not just Trump when anything bad happens. I will give it some thought and add more later.
(26,314 posts)bravenak
(34,648 posts)meow2u3
(25,063 posts)But with one caveat: we have to make it look as if it were coming from one of them. The best way it to hit them where they live--right in their bibles with some carefully weaponized Scripture passages, maybe from Proverbs or the Psalms or some of the prophecies condemning those who make unjust laws that oppress the poor while propping up evildoers, for instance.
Are there any preachers on DU who can do a good fundie act?
(34,648 posts)Talking about Jesus and the poor has not worked though. Maybe after Trump makes us all poor they will listen
(6,242 posts)the church finances are not being handled correctly see if you can get some audits going.
(9,048 posts)Warren seems to be able to quip on her feet. She is sharp enough to make them cower and would not just take the BS without constantly debunking it.
And get a VP with the same quality.