2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTrumps Lies Destroy Logic As Well As Truth
The problem with Donald Trump isnt just that he lies constantly, but also that he cant keep his story straight. On Sunday, he issued forth a string of tweets about the election results and the ongoing recount efforts launched by Green Party leader Jill Stein. They advanced three separate arguments. The first tweet read: So much time and money will be spent [on the recount]same result! Sad. The subsequent tweet read: In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally. And the next two tweets formed a single thought: It would have been much easier for me to win the so-called popular vote than the Electoral College in that I would only campaign in 3 or 4-states instead of the 15 states that I visited. I would have won even more easily and convincingly (but smaller states are forgotten)!
Whats interesting about these three tweets is that, on the face of it, Trumps second point contradicts both his first and third assertions. For if Trump truly did win the popular vote despite massive fraud (as alleged in point 2), then a recount wouldnt give the same result, as hes asserting in the first tweet. And saying that Trump is already the real popular-vote winner flatly goes against saying he would have been the popular-vote winner if that had been his goal. Its logically possible that points 1 and 3 are right, or that point 2 is right. Its impossible that all three are right.
Fact-checkers have done a fine job of debunking Trumps wild assertion that millions voted illegally, although many headlines too credulously described it simply as a claim rather than a demonstrable falsehood. But the media response to Trumps dishonesty shows the limits of fact-checking. Fact-checkers typically look at individual comments a politician makes and judge them against known evidence. Thats fine so far as it goes, but it simply establishes the accuracy or inaccuracy of that one statement, rather than the pattern of deception or even irrationality at work.
And the Trumpster is the POTUS , we need an intervention by the ancient aliens....
"Trump is out to create a post-truth world where his assertion of the moment is the only thing that counts." This is hitler all over again.

get the red out
(13,685 posts)not quite conscious Tweeting.
(12,445 posts)