2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumA Minority President: Why the Polls Failed, And What the Majority Can Do
by George Lakoff
(A provocative piece, too many good quotes, so I'll just post his conclusion
(his previous points address in great detail #WhyTrumpWon )
"What a Strict Father Cannot Be
There are certain things that strict fathers cannot be: A Loser, Corrupt, and especially not a Betrayer of Trust.
Trump lost the popular vote. To the American majority, he is a Loser, a minority president. It needs to be said and repeated.
Above all, Trump is a Betrayer of Trust. He is acting like a dictator, and is even supporting Putins anti-American policies.
He is betraying trust is a direct way, by refusing to put his business interests in a blind trust. By doing so, and by insisting on his children both running the business and getting classified information, he is using the presidency to make himself incredibly wealthy just as Putin has. This is Corruption of the highest and most blatant level. Can the media say the words: Corruption, Betrayal of Trust? He ran on a promise to end corruption, to drain the swamp in Washington. Instead, he has brought a new and much bigger swamp with him lobbyists put in charge of one government agency after another, using public funds and the power of the government to serve corporate greed. And the biggest crock in the swamp is Trump himself!
The Trump administration will wreak havoc on the very people who voted for him in those small towns disaster after disaster. It will be a huge betrayal. The $500 billion in infrastructure roads and bridges, airports, sewers, eliminating lead water pipes will probably not make it to those thousands of small rural towns with in-group nurturance for the townspeople. How many factories with good-paying jobs can be brought to such towns? Not thousands. Many of those who voted for Trump will inevitably be among the 20 million who will lose their health care. And they will become even further victims of corporate greed more profits going to the top one percent and more national corporations, say, fast food and big-box stores paying low wages and offering demeaning jobs will continue to wipe out local businesses. Will this be reported? Will it even be said? And if so, how will it be said in a way that doesnt wind up promoting Trump?
The American majority must create an online citizen communication network or multiple networks to spread its positive American values and truths as antidotes to those small towns with in-group nurturance as the Trump swamp swamps them!
The message is not merely negative, they are being betrayed. Thats the Dont Think of an Elephant! trap. Rather it is that the towns in-group nurturance is nurturance. It works because care is morally right.
Right now the majority is fighting back, pointing out what is wrong with Trump day after day. In many cases, they are missing the message of Dont Think of an Elephant! By fighting against Trump, many protesters are just showcasing Trump, keeping him in the limelight, rather than highlighting the majoritys positive moral view and viewing the problem with Trump from within the majoritys positive worldview frame. To effectively fight for what is right, you have to first say what is right and why."

(13,748 posts)uponit7771
(92,466 posts).. know America doesn't believe in polling that has no INDIVIDUAL emperical post mortem on how they fucked up so bad
(22,240 posts)polls did not fail. Elective system highly corrupted.