2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumRecount started by Academic Election Activists
DU - please support the recount efforts and stop attacking Jill Stein. As the attached article from Guardian reports, the Academic Election Activist Community spurred this call for a recount based on statistical anomalies they detected. They approached the Clinton campaign but were rebuffed. So they went to the Greens, and they agreed to pursue the recount. This is NOT some Jill Stein fundraising trick! The academic election community has been toiling for years to document how this vote switching" is accomplished. The recounts are a chance to finally bring this "disease" buried in our election systems out in the open!
Please support these efforts by volunteering and donating when asked! Peace, Hannah
Eldction https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/28/election-recount-jill-stein-hillary-clinton-donald-trump

(15,262 posts)

(26,240 posts)You have been steadfast through all of this with your excellent statistical information.
I appreciate it.
Can you interpret it a bit for me? Break it down for the layperson? I want to be able to articulate this and not entirely certain what this shows. Thanks.
(15,262 posts)In the first two graphs, positive is red shift results in relation to polls, negative and the votes turn out bluer than predicted. What are the odds of it being almost all red or blue are astronomical. 2004 was considered out of the realm of probability (margin of error), yet not one state was 5% off. 2016 is very anomalous, more than double the red shift of 2004.
These are key states with competitive Dem-Repube Senate races, so they meet a certain polling threshold--they all were polled. The battleground is the most robust polling with a large pool of exit poll respondents and a few good pre-election polls averaged. It is noteworthy how well the battleground polls match. The vote counts are so different that if true, the exit polls and other polling was not only flawed but also flawed with the same bias, blue shifted.
The third chart is a one-hundred-year electoral college history of winning margins. It shows the extreme deviation of the 2016 election from the usual election results.
(26,240 posts)Machines? Polls? Russia?
(15,262 posts)The null test fails. The hypothesis that chance alone is responsible for the variation in the results is not supported given the exit polls or the polls. Something else is.
(26,240 posts)The source.
(37,137 posts)the #s for 2016 are very wrong or do not reflect the counts since election night. Clinton is now up ~2.3 million popular votes, but the chart suggests Trump won the popular vote.
Maybe I am misunderstanding the chart.
On edit--I think the third chart should be labeled more clearly. It appears to reflect the popular vote deficit earned by the electoral college winner.
(15,262 posts)by near a quarter million votes.
You are misunderstanding part of a chart, negative y axis is negative popular vote margin. The margin number goes up daily still. This next chart/meme is even dated, and hopefully self-explanatory:
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)Kashkakat v.2.0
(1,927 posts)remembering and practicing the lost art of COALITION BUILDING - meaning you dont have to agree with, or even like the other person or the other group for you to be able to maintain a business relationship and WORK WITH THEM on those things you agree upon.
(26,240 posts)ProudProgressiveNow
(6,166 posts)LisaM
(29,031 posts)I just really hope they're right.
(72,174 posts)it is past time to really shine the light on what has happened to american elections since hava.
my father used to say- if someone serves you beef stew in a dirty bucket, if you are hungry, you eat it.
(7,178 posts)out to Jill Stein! The day before Jill Stein said she would start and ask for the recount.
As you can see below! Jill Stein answered the call!
.@TheGreenParty The numbers don't add up in key states. Stand up, speak out, and demand #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty Don't betray the American people by abandoning us now. We need you to stand up and demand #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty Why are you silent about the movement demanding #AuditTheVote? Millions of Americans don't want to live in fascism!
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty We need our leaders to stand up against hate. Join our movement to demand #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty Americans don't feel safe in their own country. Under Trump it is the end of our nation. #AuditTheVote now!
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty We need leaders to protect us from fascism. File petitions now in PA, WI, MI to #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty You promised to fight for America. Now is the time to stand up against kleptocracy. Examine odd vote results #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty Where have all our leaders gone? We demand justice. Make sure the election wasn't stolen. #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty File petitions in states where the math does not add up #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@TheGreenParty The vote counts are suspicious. Help protect American democracy. #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein Don't betray the American people by abandoning us now. We need you to stand up and demand #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein Why are you silent about the movement demanding #AuditTheVote? Millions of Americans don't want to live in fascism!
10 replies 40 retweets 76 likes
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein We need our leaders to stand up against hate. Join our movement to demand #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein Americans don't feel safe in their own country. Make sure the election was legitimate. #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein You promised to fight for America. Now is the time to stand up against kleptocracy. Examine odd vote results and #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein Where have all our leaders gone? We demand justice. Make sure the election wasn't stolen. #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein File petitions in states where the math does not add up #AuditTheVote
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
.@DrJillStein The vote counts are suspicious. Help protect American democracy. #AuditTheVote
Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
12. We must let Clinton and Stein campaigns know our country's future is worth effort to #AuditTheVote. Tweet here! https://sites.google.com/site/russiahackedus/
4 replies 97 retweets 101 likes
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Andrea Chalupa @AndreaChalupa Nov 22
11. Please RT! Join an urgent Twitter storm to demand Hillary Clinton campaign and the Jill Stein campaign file petitions to #AuditTheVote
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Baitball Blogger
(49,479 posts)BainsBane
(55,655 posts)but that doesn't mean everyone trusts Stein. Nor do they need to.
(1,389 posts)The issue of correct vote counting is bigger even than keeping Trump out, and we've been getting way too sloppy with it for several elections now.
(67,671 posts)TheFrenchRazor
(2,116 posts)spooky3
(37,137 posts)flamingdem
(40,094 posts)thanks!!