2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumJames Comey: Not talked about much
Clinton was leading, by a lot, leading up to the 11 day out Comey announcement.
Early votes, she killed it.
Then Comey makes a vague statement, media runs with it, campaign down the tubes.
Hillary is getting a lot of criticism, which some she deserves; but I'm pretty sure up until the whole Comey announcement, this election was hers in a big way. I had confidence in her the entire time until the letter, then seeing everything crumble and the polls tighten up.
Had she lost without the announcement, I'd be all over the bandwagon but I'm pretty sure most people can point to that as the turning point in the election.

(7,908 posts)ffr
(23,152 posts)So too, shall we do whatever it is that hurts their cause the most.
Fuck FBI!
(10,173 posts)stunned how many underestimate the impact of the first letter, the week of bullshit that followed it, the leaks from agents with an agenda to Guiliani ( it would seem) that idiot at Fox News claiming an agent told him Hillary could be indicted, then next day half apologising.. Trump claiming finally the FBI was "doing their job" , and the second letter "exonerating" her, just motivated his voters to come out.
Comey politically interjected himself at every turn, from since July or whenever he gave his personal view of Clinton's email use as "careless" and then two weeks before an election, releasing a vague letter he knew would cause a ruckus.
He should have been fired or asked to resign.
(2,760 posts)Because if your assertion is that Comey has not ben talked about ALOT on DU, then I respectfully request you type "Comey" in the search box above. I did, and it came back with 1,840 results.
Comey is the favorite whipping boy of those that prefer not to discuss the faults with our party's election strategy and candidate. I am not saying he did not have an impact, but we should have never been in a position where he could have an impact given who we were up against.
(59,161 posts)was leading "bigly", if I may, before Putin, Assange, and at the last minute, Comey pulled that unprecedented, underhanded, clearly calculated bullshit.
No other candidate in history has had to deal with the FBI director, a foreign actor (our chief rival power), and a fugitive leaker working to defeat them.
Opposition forces seized the opportunity and pulled every string behind the scenes against the Democratic candidate to secure all branches of government for the repugs the media (Morning Joe, FOX, right wing radio), the aforementioned operators now they have SCOTUS too.
Let's face it. It was a right wing power grab, a coup that happened right before out eyes.
Put the blame where it rightly belongs. Bernie would not have won either with that kind of unprecedented undermining.
The only saving grace is that the repugs always lead the economy into a recession or depression with their favor-the-rich policies (Hoover, even Ike, Reagan, Daddy Bush, W).
Let's hope that happens this time before Trump gets to fill all the upcoming vacancies on the Supreme Court.
(9,726 posts)I agree that Hillary ran a flawed campaign and that she was a candidate with flaws, but I remember reading a a "morning after" column by a Texas Republican political consultant named Matt Mackowiak saying that he expected Hillary to squeak by the election if it hadn't been for the e-mail pseudo-scandals and the ACA premium hike and Director Comey's meddling.
Maybe Hillary would have done better if she campaigned in Wisconsin and harder in Pennsylvania and Michigan, but Comey's thumb on the scale made a big difference in the electoral results.