2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumIts Time for Bernie Sanders to Apologize to his Supporters, and to President Obama
Last edited Sat Dec 3, 2016, 07:27 PM - Edit history (1)
As Sanders saw his chances fade and slip away, his attitude turned more desperate and his fury became much worse. Bewildered and indignant, his escalating attacks were not just directed against Hillary Clinton, not just against Obama, but against the Democratic party itself. He held his followers as collateral, as bargaining chips, and badgered the Democrats into changing their platform. That platform was already evolving to satisfy far left supporters, even if some of the shift risked alienating more moderate voters whose main concerns were lower taxes and a tougher stance against terrorism.
It was a dangerous game to play, and Bernie didnt do it alone. Certainly Jill Stein shares much of the blame for sucking up the disillusioned refuse who turned against Bernie as quickly as theyd embraced him. Stein was busy running her own parallel campaign of resentment and hate. Not against Donald Trump and the Republicans, mind you, but against Hillary Clinton and the Democrats. Bernie had given them a reason to hate, then snatched away their favorite chew toy. Donald offered them a new place to hate Hillary. So did Jill Stein. By the end of the election it would take a village to bring down someone as smart and formidable as Hillary Clinton. We lost and we lost badly, just as Donald Trump warned us we would. There are many reasons why this happened clever manipulation by Steve Bannon (who will be a one trick pony, mark my words), a difficult candidate to draw enthusiasm from some like Hillary Clinton was. The FBI, scared little men like Putin and Assange playing with their toy guns. We needed all hands on deck to pull out a win and we got exactly the opposite from our own side of the political spectrum.
The above including title is a direct copy and paste.
(30,283 posts)kacekwl
(7,821 posts)against Hillary . Right or wrong she was portrayed by the media and the opposition as a liar , criminal , wall street friend etc. Bernie was running for president and indeed brought up the reasons you should vote for him. I don't believe he called her a liar or criminal but someone who was out of touch with the majority of America. EVERY person I asked why they wouldn't vote for Hillary said "because she is a liar" every one. To blame this on Bernie is nonsense. Blame the media , right wing and Fox talking heads , Trump or Hillary herself but not Bernie. I voted for and supported Bernie and in the end voted for Hillary in large part so trump would never see the White House although she shifted to more of a platform I could get behind after the primary. If you want an apology get one from the 40% who couldn't bring themselves to vote because I've got way to much to lose from this businessman as the president. Bernie was who inspired me and gave me hope I might have a chance to be more than one weeks pay from homelessness or bankruptcy. Not so much with Hillary. By the way voted DEMOCRATIC every election since 1974.
(7,023 posts)If the Democrats would have wanted Hillary they would have chosen her in 2008 against a less experienced politician on the national level.
It was Debbie Wasserman Schultz that won the primary for Hillary using all the tricks of the DNC chair office.
Which by the way was proven
I voted for Hillary and my vote was a vote against the fascist Trump.
(7,243 posts)And I'm so grateful he at least tried to hold Hillary (and the DNC) accountable to Progressive views and values.
(24,750 posts)WhiteTara
(30,283 posts)zonkers
(5,865 posts)Response to WhiteTara (Reply #1)
TheBlackAdder This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,655 posts)... a segment of Democratic and/or left-leaning voters?
(8,090 posts)Sounds like something Trump would say, yet some here are applauding. Curious.
Sasha needs to stick to Hollywood award show reviews. You know, important stuff.
(13,655 posts)... But with more syllables.
Crunchy Frog
(27,234 posts)vkkv
(3,384 posts)it is the American people apologizing to the planet for being so frackin' stupid.
(157,236 posts)Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)We couldn't just treat the whole corporate control of the economy and life issue as though it doesn't matter.
Corporate control is the reason we as a party are thirty degrees to the right of where we were in the Sixties...why any serious effort to deal with poverty or strengthen the labor movement is off the table-why are agenda now is largely items that are mundanely decent but never genuinely transformative.
And it doesn't matter that Bernie was an independent-he had to because the party hierarchy would have forced him to give up all his principles and say nothing on the House or Senate floor other than "the line". He'd have been as neutered, pathetic and useless as Hubert Humphrey was in '68 if he'd done what you wanted him to do. No one anywhere would have believed him on anything anymore.
Hillary could have won if only she'd let a "no TPP" pledge into the platform(and if only Terry McAuliffe hadn't sabotaged our chances by implying she MIGHT support that agreement after all if elected), if she'd backed off on the insane "no-fly zone" proposal for Syria(a proposal that could have got us into a direct shooting war against Russia) and if her national office had listened to the field coordinators in the Upper Midwest told her they needed a lot more canvassers brought in in the last days, and if her campaign had been a positive appeal based mainly on the good things we DID have in the platform and on an argument that electing her would actually have made people's lives better. She was never going to win by focusing mainly on arguing that Trump was a scumbag(he is, a lot of people who SUPPORT him think he is, but that was never decisive in the voters' minds)
Nothing that happened in the fall would have been prevented if only Bernie had stayed out and if only no one at all had opposed Hillary in the primary, and treating Sanders supporters as the enemy is not going to elect a Democratic president in 2020.
Response to boston bean (Original post)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(42,516 posts)Response to ismnotwasm (Reply #7)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,568 posts)They continue with their Bernie hate and think Hillary is blameless.
(71,036 posts)That being said...we do have to move on...it would help if Bernie would not make the sort of speeches he has made lately...he continues to divide...he is not a Democrat and will do us no good ever.
(16,568 posts)Beartracks
(13,655 posts)... a Democratic Party membership card, even though his policies, priorities, and values are in alignment with traditional Democratic Party positions.
They eschew him even as an ally because he's "not one of us."
Response to Beartracks (Reply #33)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,568 posts)scscholar
(2,902 posts)why isn't he a member of the Party?
Response to scscholar (Reply #76)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(454 posts)I was seriously thinking of changing my registration to Democrat over the summer, but I ultimately changed my mind, primarily because of all the Bernie bashing posts and me wondering if I really want to affiliate myself more formally with that type of attitude depending on how widespread it actually is. It *really* turns me off, especially considering how big of an ally Bernie is. The Democratic party should be thanking him profusely not only for his continuing support, but for not running as a 3rd party candidate and splitting Hillary's voting base.
So rather than change my voter registration, I joined my local Dem organization and went out and spent a few volunteer hours campaigning for Hillary and the other Democratic candidates at the polls and plan to continue to be involved in battling the fascism that is growing in this country. I still may change my registration in the future depending on the direction the Democratic party decides to take, but if they go more in the direction of the centrist, big money, Third Way stuff, then I'll probably just pass because they won't really represent my values in that particular case. Time will tell.
(1,528 posts)Bohunk68
(1,369 posts)When I ran the machine tapes election night, with 378 Dems voting, only 192 voted for Hillary, including myself. Other Dems had said no, they were tired of Clintons and wanted someone different. There was way too much anti-Hillary stuff out there. If Bernie had been on the ballot, he would have won a lot more votes in this area. Upstate NY near Albany. Getting kind of tired of the Bernie bashing. Some out there want to blame him, when it was the fault of the campaign itself and the DNC.
Jake Stern
(3,146 posts)Can't wrap their head around the idea that voters, especially younger voters, might actually expect a candidate to address issues close to them instead of falling in line with the "Vote for us because at least we're not them" spiel.
(26,371 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)a circular firing squad and the fascist are all grins about it.
(42,516 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)NWCorona
(8,541 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)Thanks for the support.
(8,541 posts)JudyM
(29,537 posts)NWCorona
(8,541 posts)I'm sure the op will work it out in the end.
(8,090 posts)Fuck that noise. Sounds like something Trump would say.
Well, at least we seem to be off of the white working class. It's Sanders and his supporters now. Oh, and Millennials. Wonder who's next on the hit list? We've been through Russians, Comey, and the media. There's gotta be more.
(19,834 posts)SMC22307
(8,090 posts)First time in election his-tor-eeeee!
Response to pangaia (Reply #8)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
This election is Hotel California for some of Clinton's most fervent supporters.
(31,612 posts)Did you win anything? If you are such a true progressive, what did you gain, and why are you sneering at Clinton supporters? Why aren't you saving your disdain for trump?
(1,701 posts)and that is an understatement. No, I didn't win anything and I fear that we all will lose much that we value, not least of which is the prospect of stopping the progress of climate change.
What I am sneering at is the idea that Bernie owes anyone an apology. He had as much right to run for the presidency as anyone else; he brought many new voters into the party; and he addressed the needs of people the Democratic establishment were taking for granted: namely, the liberals.
I am astonished at the continued resentment of some Clinton supporters against Bernie for running for office. Do you truly not see how dangerous it is to decide in advance of the primaries who our nominee should be before anyone has had the right to vote? People here are still excoriating him for not dropping out early despite the fact that he had promised his supporters to stay in until the convention. Those of us who live in states that voted late in the primary season resented having to constantly read on DU that Bernie should drop out BEFORE WE HAD A CHANCE TO VOTE.
Blaming Bernie for Hillary's defeat will not not help efforts to face up to the reasons for the Democrats' defeat and what to do now to prevent this from happening in 2020. As I am sure that you know, we have lost ground all across the country in state legislatures and governors' positions as well as in Congress. Our rout is nearly complete, and the party needs to re-evaluate its policies and practices or it will become irrelevant.
(31,612 posts)He, the media, Comey, all led to her defeat. I will continue to resent Bernie and name him because he deserves a big share of the blame. If you don't like like my opinion, too bad.
I am astonished that anyone would come in here still bleating about how wonderful bernie is when we need to move on and work against trump. Bernie is yesterday's news.
boston bean
(36,634 posts)potone
(1,701 posts)is that we need to move on and work against Trump.
(40,228 posts)babylonsister
(171,769 posts)RiverStone
(7,243 posts)reflection
(6,286 posts)You'd think this was the first rodeo for some of these people. Proud to have supported Bernie in the primaries, satisfied to have ultimately voted for Hillary. Bernie doesn't owe anyone a thing, much less an apology.
Response to TheCowsCameHome (Reply #10)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(8,090 posts)pangaia
(24,324 posts)The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,478 posts)Hillary had no privilege to run unopposed, which seems to be what's being suggested. Primaries exist to test candidates and their ideas, and she wasn't entitled to skate away from that test. Bernie fought hard, which he had every right to do. That's what happens in primaries. I recall Hillary taking some pretty low shots against Obama more than once in 2008, so what's different this time?
(30,673 posts)hollowdweller
(4,229 posts)He obviously softened her up too much in 2008.
Couldn't be that she ran a crappy campaign both times could it?
Laffy Kat
(16,550 posts)Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)And they're still peeved, even though it forced her to be a better candidate. Quelle surprise.
(50,986 posts)democrattotheend
(12,011 posts)Bernie's rise was a symptom of that, not the cause. I am not saying all the negative sentiment towards Hillary was fair, but it was there long before Bernie.
Almost everyone I know who supported Bernie but didn't vote for Hillary would not have voted for her if Bernie had never run. And all of them would have voted for President Obama again in a heartbeat.
Response to democrattotheend (Reply #11)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,011 posts)The fact that she won the popular vote by over 2.5 million votes will make it harder for Trump to claim a mandate. Whether or not that will matter remains to be seen.
You did the right thing.
(8,090 posts)They marched on North Carolina like nobody's business. Regressive policy, lawsuits, court rulings, HB2, jobs lost... they don't care. And it's going nationwide in just over a month...
(16,568 posts)I held my breath and voted for her, but we are still look upon as traitors here because we supported Bernie in the primary.
Response to MelissaB (Reply #34)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(16,568 posts)Response to MelissaB (Reply #40)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(12,011 posts)They say things like "Bernie and his traitors", and I don't know if that includes all of his primary supporters or only the ones who didn't vote for Hillary in the general. If you are going to insult Bernie supporters, it would be helpful if you clarify.
(4,562 posts)Bernie supporters who voted for Hillary during the general election are not traitors.
I voted Sanders during the primary and Clinton during the general. Though I like Clinton and don't think of her as a bad person, so that vote was easier for me.
When people refer to traitors, they specifically mean people who did vote Hillary during the General Election.
If you were a Sanders supporter during the primary, but held your nose and voted Hillary to stop Trump, then no you are not a traitor.
(71,036 posts)and sending protestors to the convention, it was too late. Bernie had caused way to damage...not just to Hillary but to the Democratic party and he is still at it with his recent statements.
Dems to Win
(2,161 posts)Wacky how many of our votes 'don't matter'
Response to Dems to Win (Reply #152)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,305 posts)I knew a fair amount of Bernie supporters who didn't end up voting for Hillary. This proves nothing since those people started out even before they knew who Bernie was, never voting or being politically engaged previously and vowing that they would never, ever vote for Hillary.
I liked Bernie just fine but I honestly even at this point can't figure out what made him appeal particularly to people with no previous political inclinations.
(109,683 posts)helping lead the attack against DT, but he chose to hang back for months after the delegate numbers made it impossible.
(12,011 posts)And Obama won by 8 points, despite the fact that the exit polls showed that more of her supporters didn't vote for him. You can't pin her loss on Bernie. It never should have been that close. And Bernie did support her after conceding and I'm pretty sure he did more campaign events for her than Hillary did in 2008.
(109,683 posts)even though she ended up leading Obama slightly in the popular vote -- unlike Bernie who was way behind Hillary in both the popular vote and in delegates.
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)Clinton could've always dropped out and supported Sanders. It works both ways. Sanders was a viable primary candidate and had every right to run. Clinton would have lost regardless of his presence. I know that is a bitter pill to swallow.
How come Clinton campaign did not offer VP slot to Sanders? Would've boosted the campaign much more than choosing Kaine.
(109,683 posts)delegates ahead of him. If he hadn't stubbornly insisted on continuing to campaign against her for months after it was mathematically impossible for him to win, maybe she would have considered him. We don't know because he insisted on fighting her till the bitter end.
(71,036 posts)He couldn't win a primary and would never have come close to winning a general election...his role was alway and continues to be the role of spoiler. He divided the Democratic Party...as Nader did.
(29,389 posts)He went easy on Clinton and stuck to policy. He always mentioned how much respect he has for Clinton or Obama when talking policy.
When he says special interests have corrupted both parties he was telling the truth.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)there was no pathway to victory for him. And you contradict yourself by calling Democrats corrupt. That's the kind of vile smearing Bernie got away with, causing divisiveness and bitterness in the party. He used the party for its resources to advance his campaign, all while maligning it, so he's the last person to be talking about special interests.
(29,389 posts)Even my rep who is a Dem voted for Citi protection.
The majority of the public feel both parties sell out even those who vote probably feel that way. I know I do. Bernie wasn't saying anything we already didn't know.
(71,036 posts)JonLP24
(29,389 posts)My point was big money interests bought both parties, more so on the Republican side.
(71,036 posts)At least my conscience is clear and yours.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)party for his own needs, so he is well aware of how to enrich himself when it serves his purposes. It would be great to see his taxes, but he only insists on transparency for others and not for himself.
(13,081 posts)I saw a person who stuck to meaningful policy, a person who refused to take the easy way out and rant about Benghazi or emails.
Judging from November 8th, he probably could have won if had. The Democratic campaign was, on Sanders AND Clinton's parts, fairly tame.
It's like people didn't see the months of campaigning Bernie did for Hillary after the convention...
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)You can't say that Bernie ran as an anti-Establishment candidate and then claim we wasn't attacking those that he was "anti" about. He framed himself as the attacker to set himself apart, and then he proceeded to spend almost a year attacking. That was the ethos of his entire campaign.
Some examples from the article:
"But Bernie Sanders decided to run in opposition to the Democratic establishment, to make the case that they were doing it wrong. On the one side, Donald Trump was braying about the failed policies of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, and on the other side, Bernie Sanders was saying essentially the same thing."
"As Sanders saw his chances fade and slip away, his attitude turned more desperate and his fury became much worse. Bewildered and indignant, his escalating attacks were not just directed against Hillary Clinton, not just against Obama, but against the Democratic party itself. He held his followers as collateral, as bargaining chips, and badgered the Democrats into changing their platform. That platform was already evolving to satisfy far left supporters, even if some of the shift risked alienating more moderate voters whose main concerns were lower taxes and a tougher stance against terrorism."
He was incredibly divisive and remains that way to this day. A consummate self-serving politician to the max. An opportunist who couldn't let go and didn't care about the damage he did. It's a shame that Democrats allowed him to continue on as long as he did.
(50,916 posts)Bull. He was kinder to her than Obama was in '08.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)entire campaign. You should read the article. Obama and Clinton didn't rip the entire party down.
(50,916 posts)Edwards said many of the same things Bernie did. No one said Edwards tore the party down. In fact, it forced Obama and Clinton to pretend they weren't centrists.
And Bernie didn't rip the entire party down. The party lost it's way. We used to fight for the downtrodden and minorities. He just exposed it. 13 million primary voters agreed with him.
Ironically, if Hillary had won, we wouldn't be having this discussion. Bernie would be praised as one of her great supporters.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)And his entire campaign was devoted to blaming Hillary for all the political ills of prior generations, although he had no proof of his accusations. Ironically, he had no problem taking from the Democratic party what he needed for his own gains.
Hillary would have been able to attack him more and level the playing field, but she had to kowtow and demure her rhetoric so his supporters wouldn't be upset. It was an extremely unbalanced situation that was entirely to Sanders' benefit.
I would bet Hillary relied on Sanders' appeal to rally some of his holdover supporters, but he failed at that, too.
(50,916 posts)Would you preferred he run as an Independent? That would have meant a certain runaway victory for any Republican. Running as a Democrat kept the vast majority of his supporters on our side. As well as pulling in some Indies.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)never ran in the other 11 Presidential campaigns since he turned 35. This time he saw an opportunity to push Clinton aside, and he demonized her to achieve his goal.
(50,916 posts)Seems they said the same thing about him running as a Democrat too. Long-shot, fringe candidate, old, Jewish, socialist, independent, populist, crazy-person, loony left.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)simply have run as an Independent. That would have given Hillary room to play more smash-mouth with him the same way he was doing, but she had to play footsie with him because of his supporters. He would have been way behind the curve running as an Independent, so he used the Democratic party to further his goals. It's common knowledge that Independents are generally fringe candidates so they have to have some gimmick to get recognized.
(50,916 posts)He was only in it for his enormous ego.
(5,125 posts)SHE went easy on HIM. Didn't use the oodles of oppo I'm quite sure she had.
(32,869 posts)K & R
(16,568 posts)Hoyt
(54,770 posts)move on. We lost. Recounts, infighting, etc., aren't going to change that.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,478 posts)Response to The Velveteen Ocelot (Reply #17)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(13,776 posts)"Bernie should apologize"--what an utterly ridiculous idea. He had, literally, every right to run. Hillary wasn't owed a smooth path to the nomination for any reason whatsoever. And I have more respect for her than to say that she wasn't up to the task of fighting her own battles perfectly capably instead of needing a wide-open field.
(30,673 posts)CousinIT
(10,776 posts)Sanders probably wouldn't have won either. I saw the list of shit they were going to hit him with. And let's not forget the gutted VRA and attendant voter suppression tactics used nationwide, the FBI (Comey), Koch Bros and the Russians all conspiring to plant The Orange Turd into the Oval Office. All of that would still have existed if Bernie were the nominee.
IMO he wasn't and isn't the problem. Ignorant voting populace - decimated public education system, Russian interference, gutted voting rights laws, Koch control via Citizens United, and a reality show cockroach/malignant narcissist who knows how to manipulate media and ignorant people hoodwinked by him are the problem.
NOW the rest of us will pay the price and I mean PAY. DEARLY.
(17,644 posts)democrank
(11,250 posts)Bernie Sanders and his supporters did not wreck your future any more than Hillary Clinton and her supporters wrecked mine. Yes, I was a Bernie supporter, and proud of it. But, when the time came, I voted for Hillary, and almost every Bernie supporter I know (and there were lots of them) did as well.
Instead of looking for a scapegoat, I`d rather try to figure out why Democrats have been losing House seats, Senate seats, Governorships, which I don`t think we can honestly blame on Bernie. Those who think the only problems we had were Putin, the FBI and voices of opposition are kidding themselves.
Apparently you missed the pro-Hillary rallies Bernie held. He didn`t have to do that. And you`ve apparently also missed the voice after voice after voice of Democrats who said they were fed up with the establishment. Change is coming, you can count on it. It`s time to come together and figure our way out of this mess we`re in.
Response to democrank (Reply #23)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Dr. Mullion Blasto
(104 posts)All candidates hate to have opponents, she had one and then months later she lost.
Bernie is still in politics she isn't - what on earth good does it do to keep chewing over this old rag? It accomplishes nothing.
Obama brought her down in 2008 - are we supposed to hate him forever for doing that?
I loved Bernie- still do- but I voted for her. I think he could have beaten her in a fair fight but that didn't happen.
LIfe goes on.
(8,541 posts)This election loss wasn't a reputation of the Democratic party. Hillary lost because the campaign didn't see the warning signs on the horizon during the general, even tho Bill told them what to do, until it was too late.
(6,409 posts)This is a scurrilous personal attack on one of our candidates.
Response to HassleCat (Reply #43)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(6,409 posts)To try for a modicum of decency and fairness here. My first ever alert, by the way.
(40,228 posts)What a total bullshit excuse.
(27,923 posts)If he had knocked Clinton out of the running early in the primary, we might have won and taken the Senate.
(29,537 posts)I say that from a lot of door to door and phone work. Michigan was when he started to get airplay etc. and he should've worked the south more than he did, especially... even though Clinton lost the red states in the general it would've left him with less ground to make up later.
Oh and BTW, clever riposte!
(5,272 posts)behind them, they and Clinton might have adopted them early and negotiated an earlier exit from Sanders. They thought they could say "fuck you" to Sanders supporters, and even mischaracterize us by finding the worst examples among us and amplifying them, and through that, twist his arm to exit the race. It was disdainful. And, they ended up adopting a platform to appease him in the end anyway, And Clinton even picked up on some of his messaging. All they did was fuck themselves by not doing it sooner. Don't blame the people demanding change, for the actions of those resistant to it.
(306,635 posts)Thank you for the OP!
(29,537 posts)mtnsnake
(22,236 posts)When Trump bashed the policies of Obama and Hillary, he lied about everything. When Sanders criticized either one, he laid it out with the cold hard truth, no lies like Trump. Only very rarely might Sanders have strayed from the facts, but over the course of the last 40 or so year, there have been very few people who have held to the truth as much as he has.
(71,036 posts)JCanete
(5,272 posts)similar populist messages at all. Trump's were anathema to Sanders liberal philosophy, and so rife with contradictions that they could hardly be seen as a platform at all, unless hatred and narcissism is a platform.
And by all rights, it was absurd that Trump got away with quoting Bernie's criticisms..thank you corporate media for sucking. He is a dirty business man with all kinds of ties to government through bribes and the like, but Clinton was far less prepared to go at him for that. We need politicians that can call out corporate influence and thrash republicans with the issue, not ones that have to run away from it.
(9,359 posts)What's your point?
(5,272 posts)that Sanders and Trump had similar messaging. I was saying that was a bogus claim.
(3,099 posts)He has nothing to apologize for. He did what he thought was right and he brought to light party divisions.
(2,545 posts)You have a problem with a person other than HRC trying to win the Democratic nomination. And because someone other than HRC ran as a candidate, HRC lost the election.
Then how the hell do you explain Trump? He wasn't in a clown car, he was in a clown *bus* with 15 other candidates running for the Republican nomination. Not only did he knock them out one by one, until he was the 'last man standing', but during the presidential campaign, he didn't even have the support of more than 50% of the Republican party. The speaker of the house (Ryan) wouldn't endorse him until the very end, Cruz and Romney wanted nothing to do with him. What's more, the Democratic party was jumping for joy when he won the nomination, thinking this would be the easiest Democratic presidential win of all time. And looked what happened.
So you and everyone else can complain about Sanders, but if that ONE man was enough to deny her the presidency, she was an extremely weak candidate to begin with.
(26,371 posts)ybbor
(1,608 posts)Glad to see Skinner has weighed in on this.
Response to QC (Reply #57)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
Response to QC (Reply #57)
Name removed Message auto-removed
(19,834 posts)For all practical purposes, it's the same thing. Consider this....
Seems Bernie is more Dem than most Dems. The Rethuglican Lite versions anyway.
(71,036 posts)during a crucial year in terms of the courts.
(28,876 posts)Was going to ignore, but wouldn't want to miss that.
(26,371 posts)SMC22307
(8,090 posts)mike_c
(36,431 posts)...the electorate wanted, and now cannot bring themselves to accept responsibility for the outcome. Sanders wouldn't have been a spoiler if he'd been the nominee. He'd be president elect, instead.
(4,523 posts)The only thing on that link that makes sense is this comment:
Do you realize that you referred to her as Obamas chosen successor, implied that she was that from the beginning of the primaries (and that everyone should have just accepted it,) thereby exposing your own utterly antidemocratic views?
In response to:
Apologize for disrupting the historic milestone of the first female nominee for President of the United States with threats and fears that your infantile little army would burn it down, boo and chant and hiss and spit.
(14,249 posts)Exilednight
(9,359 posts)Sanders will be a footnote in history, while Hillary will go down as the first woman from a major political party to win the popular vote just to be rejected by the Electoral College.
What will history say about Bernie? Very little.
Only a small percentage of people can tell you that Al Gore beat Bill Bradley in the 2000 Democratic Primary.
(6,849 posts)Apologize for running a populist campaign that focused on the middle class and not on corporations? That's the whole reason I supported him!
(44,273 posts)Calling for Obama to be primaried in 2012 was pretty shitty too.
(7,178 posts)https://twitter.com/AlGiordano/status/805092764748828672
(306,635 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)Cha
(306,635 posts)Thanks!
(306,635 posts)lapucelle
(19,668 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)Cha
(306,635 posts)Well said. I know people in real life who wouldn't get past the fucking word "establishment" drilled into their heads.. so they had to vote for stein.. who's busy trying to get a recount. too bad she didn't think to worry about the gd selection before the election. they helped facilitate a Climate Change Denier into the WH.. nice goin' geniuses.
And, that's just the gd beginning.
(19,668 posts)There's already one Democrat who is planning on running for the senate seat. Now that Dean has removed his name from consideration for DNC chair, perhaps he is considering a run as well.
And it's interesting that the person planning to run against Sanders is doing so for some of the very reasons cited in the OP.
Lucky Luciano
(11,553 posts)lapucelle
(19,668 posts)He won't have DSCC organizational resources to exploit and DSCC funds to spend as he has in the past.
Do you really think that the Democratic party is going to let itself be used again for a non-member's convenience if a declared Democrat is running?
Lucky Luciano
(11,553 posts)Or is vindictiveness your primary objective?
(19,668 posts)The toxic, vindictive third party vote / no show faction cost Democrats both the senate and the White House. Preach to them.
Lucky Luciano
(11,553 posts)lapucelle
(19,668 posts)I'm a member and volunteer of forty years standing. I know how these things work, darlin', but thanks for your insight. I'll file it under "irrelevant".
Lucky Luciano
(11,553 posts)Thank you for your contribution to the current state of the Democratic Party and your forward thinking style.
(19,668 posts)It's the third party voters and no shows who you need to thank for Trump's win. We told them what would happen. Clinton, Obama, and even a reluctant Sanders begged them not to do it. It's stunning that those who threatened to weaponize their votes and then did it expect now to be treated as if they had somehow been "right".
They could have been heroes; they chose to be spoilers. They should have realized the degree of blame and concomitant contempt that they would face for the coming four years from the people who counted on them to do the right thing.
(20,885 posts)He is, in reality, more democratic than the Democratic party. They service their benefactors.
(19,668 posts)on November 8 for Democratic candidates and the most progressive platform in decades.
People who didn't show up, voted third party, or lolled in their brand new, out of state, lakefront vacation homes writing hasty memoirs and planning book tours to cash in on the gullible youngsters they exploited don't get to define who the real Democrats are.
(20,885 posts)lapucelle
(19,668 posts)Howard Dean said it best, "I'm from the Democratic wing of the Democratic party."
If a certain book-hawking fiery progressive and his bewildered followers would like to comprise a wing of the party, they should first embrace membership and than be more careful not to help elect Republicans in fits of self-serving pique.
(20,885 posts)Big banks are Democrats, too.
(19,668 posts)Dean's PAC focuses on progressive causes.
Let's see if it's true that ignore is my friend.
(20,885 posts)--imm
(6,934 posts)at how they ran their last campaign. Lost everything. They're not making many smart decisions of late.
(19,668 posts)It will not be as easy for non-party members who don't have the people or the party's interest at heart to exploit the organization or its resources for purely personal ambition in the future.
(6,934 posts)No surprise. The Party doesn't want stupid voters fucking with their 'enlightened' choices.
(19,668 posts)No one has to pass a purity test.
Revisionist history works better when more time has passed between the actual events and the skewed narrative. The voters chose the nominee in overwhelming numbers, not the party. It was a different faction that wanted to install an "enlightened choice".
Weaponized votes, like elections, have consequences. Third party and no show bitter knitter voters were warned about what could happen. It did happen. They shouldn't be complaining about the blame and the concomitant contempt that they will be facing for a long time to come. They earned it.
(6,934 posts)I can't say I'm shocked.
(19,668 posts)and ambitious politicians in so short a period of time. I'm grateful that I, the people I worked with, and the people I worked for had no part in poisoning the well, thereby helping to elect Trump.
"Clinton has been the most admired woman each of the last 14 years, and 20 times overall, occupying the top spot far longer than any other woman or man in Gallup's history of asking the most admired question. Since 1993, the year she was first named most admired woman, Clinton has stayed in the news as first lady, U.S. senator, secretary of state and a two-time presidential candidate." (2015 Gallup "Most Admired" poll)
(6,934 posts)Ell Oh Ell
(19,668 posts)spectacularly.
I guess I hit a nerve. Spoilers need to get used to the blame and contempt that they are facing now, and that history will confirm.
In the meantime, I've heard it said that ignore is my friend. Let's see if it's true.
(50,986 posts)sheshe2
(89,035 posts)redwitch
(15,106 posts)Response to boston bean (Original post)
Post removed
George II
(67,782 posts)pnwmom
(109,683 posts)TSIAS
(14,689 posts)If you are hoping for an apology from Sanders or those of us who supported him, you will be waiting until hell freezes over.
Lucky Luciano
(11,553 posts)LS_Editor
(893 posts)n2doc
(47,953 posts)dembotoz
(16,922 posts)Sorry I did not appear to get the memo from the DNC that hrc was annointed by god and a primary was unnecessary.
George II
(67,782 posts)...."anointed" Clinton - that's just a stale talking point.
(19,834 posts)....Yes, there was a primary, but just as soon as another viable candidate entered the race, many of Clinton's supporters acted like Bernie had crashed a Westminster coronation, picked up the stone of destiny and ran off with it. And it continues to this day...case in point, the steaming pile of stinkyness that started this thread.
George II
(67,782 posts)I don't remember seeing ANY Clinton supporters acting like Sanders crashed a coronation, where did you see that?
Response to boston bean (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,478 posts)If you think Bernie cost Hillary the White House you are conceding she was a weak candidate in the first place.
(33,378 posts)Voter suppression, electoral fraud, and likely, hacking of voting machines by a foreign entity cost Hillary the White House. For such a "weak candidate", I find it amazing that she got 2.5 million (and counting) more votes than her opponent.
(40,228 posts)Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
Go to your room and beat up your pillow. Come out when you grow up.
(1,009 posts)elmac
(4,642 posts)and the circular Me Me firing squad continues guaranteeing 8 years of Trump
(12,511 posts)No one. Especially from someone who allowed me to vote for my core Democratic principles and values for the second time in my life.
First was Jimmy.
(27,028 posts)Does Hillary herself bear no responsibility?
Bernie actually brought up real issues that were being ignored. The ONLY reason Hillary finally and very grudgingly came around to raising the minimum wage was because of him.
She ran a crappy campaign. She didn't inspire enough voters in the right states to vote for her.
It's not as though Bernie went out saying, "Don't vote for her." I seem to recall that he actually campaigned for her.
I've had it with the Bernie bashing.
Eric J in MN
(35,621 posts)That didn't stop Trump from winning.
(217 posts)and Jeb didnt have the energy to chime in
i still can't believe a guy who threw around middle school nicknames like that got elected
(9,866 posts)Wabbajack_
(1,300 posts)Hillary was entitled to the nomination, damnit!
Martin Eden
(13,730 posts)WHY?
BECAUSE with the existential battle before us, the WORST thing we can do is ATTACK EACH OTHER.
TRUMP and the Fascist GOP are the only beneficiaries.
(7,581 posts)I'm going to go check out the OP.
(8,337 posts)by implying that she was weakened by a formidable primary opponent. I never saw it that way. If anything at all, Bernie's challenge made her a stronger and more appealing candidate.
I'm struggling to understand WHY she lost the electoral college. There are probably several reasons that converged into a perfect storm against her. But Bernie was not one of those reasons.
Response to shireen (Reply #119)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,610 posts)paleotn
(19,834 posts)...stinkiest piles of horseshit I've seen in quite some time. Oh, and here's a tissue if it'll make you feel better.
Perfectly stated.
(34,207 posts)Bernie didn't create the backlash against HRC or establishment party elite or, more importantly, the desire to go a different way. All of that had been growing for years. In fact, it was candidate Obama who planted the seeds as much as anyone.
I feel bad for sasha stone and ryan adams. They will probably never get over this.
(8,090 posts)What did I miss?
(7,581 posts)Hillary lost because she wasn't a terrific candidate, she had 25 years of the media beating the crap out of her, and because we are a racist and sexist country. Oh, the Russians stole emails which the media played 24/7. Treason, in my book.
Bernie is not the reason she lost. But keep beating that dead horse, why don't ya? Meanwhile, trump is praising presidents who send death squats out to kill drug dealers and users in the street, he's going to start WWIII but first will make damn sure women, mi irities and gays lose all their right.
But Bernie. That's what we should be talking about.
Stupidest idea ever.
(1,009 posts)SMC22307
(8,090 posts)ThoughtCriminal
(14,408 posts)Garbage. Unworthy.
(860 posts)paleotn
(19,834 posts)SMC22307
(8,090 posts)We're obviously at anger. Think bargaining is next.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)That was quite a trouncing -- by millions of people. Hopefully, people weren't mocking you, though.
(8,090 posts)The *old white soshulist male with bad optics that no one has ever heard of and isn't really a Democrat* gave the DNC's hand-chosen and *best qualified candidate in the history of the world* a very good run for her money. Seriously, compare Bernie and Hillary against poor Martin O'Malley. MOM's a good man, but he barely registered. That Bernie did as well as he did is rather amazing. So, I was disappointed, but like a grown adult, didn't resort to cry-ins, conspiracy theories, blaming every -ism under the sun, etc. and accepted the outcome.
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)like projection. Making snide comments to others about what grief stage they're in about the GE looks like projection about Bernie's loss, which was a huge and decisive loss, too, not like the GE which basically was decided by about 75,000 people.
And of course any candidate who promises free things is going to be popular. That's a no-brainer! Plus , he had the benefit of not have to prove a thing he said, he wasn't accountable for any of it, and he was never attacked. Huffington had a piece on him attributing his popularity to the fact he was never attacked .
But your thrill with Bernie is still couched in irrational hostility towards Hillary. You had no clue how Hillary came to be Secretary of State, but that didn't stop you from maligning her for no rational reason with falsehoods.
(382 posts)Isn't it a bit counter-productive to assign blame to other Democrats? Alienating millennials, blaming Bernie supporters, bashing blue-collar democrats, the Hillary campaign or any other single group is not going to help up grow the base and again be the party of freedom for the many. We need all the help we can get to reform the party and make it relevant to the next generation of would be democrats. We, the people are at fault for the outcome of the 2016 election, and now it's going to take We, the People to fix the mess we're in.
Are we all in? OK, let's get 'er done!
(217 posts)and since I'm programming this, can I add Salvation Army Bell Ringers? They annoy the hell out of me 'I just gave you guys a buck at the last store. Quit ringing that damned bell at me!'
(10,173 posts)BlueProgressive
(229 posts)How's that?
question everything
(49,449 posts)Crunchy Frog
(27,234 posts)We're not supposed to hold primaries anymore. We're just supposed to coronate our candidates, and this will make us win elections.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)mmmm, an excellent question. Here's Jonathan Pie's take.
(2,542 posts)I've said the same thing myself already, multiple times.
Response to boston bean (Original post)
sfwriter This message was self-deleted by its author.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)you-a culpa
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)as it will benefit them to no end. Keep angrily pointing fingers and not learning from the many mistakes made.
Crunchy Frog
(27,234 posts)Get with the narrative. We only lost because the American electorate sux.
(217 posts)because they are the only thing you really have any control over
(26,371 posts)that he didn't live through it.
Crunchy Frog
(27,234 posts)I would have expected to see calls for the heads of the people responsible for engineering this fiasco (and any result that leaves Trump taking the WH is a fiasco).
If the Dems don't learn from what went wrong and make some massive changes, our country is on the verge on becoming a defacto one party state. For the dominant voices on this board, this prospect seems less important than self exoneration and finding outside scapegoats to blame.
(26,371 posts)a few years back, when members began posting pinup photos and sharing their romantic fantasies about candidates.
Believe it or not, there was a time when you could participate in some serious policy discussions and get a real education here.
Devil Child
(2,728 posts)mfcorey1
(11,073 posts)flames of bitterness, my post was deleted.
(5,204 posts)Buzz Clik
(38,437 posts)Take your "third way" bullshit and find a nice, dark place for its permanent resting place.
(5,204 posts)Response to jfern (Reply #241)
Buzz Clik This message was self-deleted by its author.
(10,777 posts)Bernie ran a strong campaign and he lost. He endorsed the nominee and campaigned for her.
It isn't Bernie's fault we lost.
Response to boston bean (Original post)
Buzz Clik This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,272 posts)at some point. They seem like that kind of people..
Response to JCanete (Reply #247)
Buzz Clik This message was self-deleted by its author.
(5,272 posts)continues. I'm sure both sides would argue about what came first though, from their own filtered perspectives.
(12,794 posts)INdemo
(7,023 posts)Last edited Sun Dec 4, 2016, 02:21 PM - Edit history (1)
If Bernie Sanders would have not ran against Hillary she would not have been forced to adapt to progressive issues or ideas brought to you by Bernie Sanders. Hillary Clinton would have been nothing more than a Presidential Candidate running on the Goldman/Sachs ticket.
Many Clinton voters voted for her because it was a vote against Trump. Instead of having Campaign advisors and managers that were professionals and the best in the business she chose loyalists to run her campaign,a huge downfall.
Republicans had their plans together to run against Hillary since probably 20008. Bill actually encouraged Hillary to primary Obama in 2012.
So very incompetent campaign managers,very bad strategies and voters that was ignored by her campaign cost her.
So Bernie Sanders is being blamed for running against her but what if say Joe Biden would have ran,or Tom Udall ran and Hillary Clinton would have still won the primary would it then have been their fault that Hillary lost.
Hillary Clinton was a flawed candidate and it was the Republican strategy and propaganda for nearly eight years that had Democratic voters believing that.
Bernie Sanders could have won the primary if the Democratic Chairman had not set up strategies as the primary moved along to make sure he didn't.DWS changed the rules as the primary progressed.
Bernie Sanders won the Iowa Caucus and the recounts would have shown that but Debbie Wasserman Schultz stopped that in its tracks.Because had the real outcome of the Caucus been allowed to proceed it could have ended her campaign since Sanders went on to win NH.
So again how much longer will Bernie be blamed
This is a must read and it is so true
R B Garr
(17,508 posts)and that was determined by the voting. It was just that simple. Why he was allowed to continue on and continue a hateful, divisive shrill anti-Democratic party platform is really the issue.
(588 posts)Bernie Sanders was railroaded in the primary, media blackout and dnc back room blocking, this is what should illicit an apology - but to Sanders not from him!
(6,409 posts)Both, I guess, for shoveling shit, and flogging a dead horse.
Else You Are Mad
(3,040 posts)If anyone needs to apologize for losing the election, it is Hillary and her failed campaign. Enough of this scapegoating, Hillary's campaign did not successfully counter Trump's message well enough to win votes in even blue states. We can try to blame Bernie, misogynists, idiot voters, etc., but, when it comes down to it, Hillary ran and Hillary lost.
For example, when a football team loses the super bowl, you don't blame the other teams the losing team beat during the playoffs for the defeat.
liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)but the damage is done. An apology won't make up for the horror this country is about to experience under the fuhrer. I hope the DNC learned their lesson about letting an outsider run on our ticket and using our resources to attack us.
Buzz cook
(2,662 posts)Blaming Sanders and his supporters is a waste of time. It was the media and Comey and voter suppression that cost the election.
If there is any one politician to blame it is Obama not Sanders.
(5,272 posts)a particular grudge that you want to keep playing out over and over, in basically the same way. Are you seeking the pats on the back from people who totally agree with you already, or just to poke people who you're still pissed off at? Either way, these goals are about as worthless as you can get.
It is the DNC that has been playing a dangerous game, offering vague lip service to serious issues for too long, and being far too beholden to their own corporate backers to effect real change. Their inability to really go after Republicans for their financial ties and the corporate owned media's role in our shitty 4th estate has fucked us as an effectual party.
As long as we continue to rely on corporate support, we will never have control of our legislature for more than two years, because we're basically the second string corporate party...good enough to carry water if their favorite gets sidelined, but given the choice, the corps will go true Pub every time.
(54,303 posts)alarimer
(16,766 posts)They have nothing to apologize for.
And if I said what I really wanted to say to this bullshit...
(1,151 posts)however, he is waaaaaaaaaaaay down the list of reasons HRC lost (the #1 reason is that the election was rigged, the #2 reason is that the media is rigged, #3, James Comey, #4, Trump's shittiness took up way too much airtime from Hillary's agenda) and he did work for her.
The emoprogs would have sold him down the river even if he did concede in March. The division in the party predated Bernie; the emos were looking for anyone to run against the "corporatist"* Hillary because they wanted someone to automagically push the Dems back left without them having to do the work (it worked with HRC is because, surprise surprise, Democratic POC are pretty progressive, they're more of the party than they were in 92, and HRC was returning to her roots now that the political conditions were there for her to do so).
(5,591 posts)jalan48
(14,624 posts)TheKentuckian
(26,314 posts)LexVegas
(6,622 posts)NRQ891
(217 posts)modern technology makes this possible
at a certain time each day, the party to skype you and tell you what you are apologizing for. The you could apologize as instructed to your camera, knowing Big Brother is watching you
(22,340 posts)1. not realizing this was an election of change.
2. not listening to Bill Clinton and going after the working class vote.
Those did WAY more to lose this election than anything Sanders could have possibly done.