2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumWhat are you willing to do to not be part of Trump's economy?
This Christmas, I refuse to support overseas products and red states. I'm buying all local or giving donations to Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, the Southern Poverty Center in people's names.
We can boycott Trump, take his red state Economies down, support red state like minded people individually, but we Americans don't like to give anything up. Really. How many of you will be on line Day 1 for a new iPhone?
Buck up!! This could literally be our nation at stake here, the safety of our brothers and sisters of color, our gay friends and family members. Be willing to make some sacrifice for each other, please?
(4,613 posts)since I currently live and work in the Netherlands, I don't pay taxes to the US, and all my purchases are here, not in the US.
(406 posts)But I feel it's something that bears repeating.
1. Take it further...take it local
I have zero issue telling locally-owned businesses that I won't be using their services or buying their products or frequenting their establishments if I'm able to find out they're fervent Trump supporters. In fact, I already have. I don't advocate public shaming or social media wars or bad reviews on Yelp or whatever. Just a simple email or call to let them know I won't be supporting their business anymore due to their support of Trump.
In case anyone else is interested in how to find who owns a local business, most states have an online database that lists business owners. Usually it's the Secretary of State website or some offshoot of that (if not, Google "your state/city name business name search" . Find the business license or business name search portal, type in a business name and get the info. Then search social media for the names. It's all public record.
Hitting Trump himself is great. Hitting his supporters is good too. Elections do have consequences.
(7,581 posts)NWCorona
(8,541 posts)Nwgirl503
(406 posts)Keep Portland weird. Ha ha!
(13,673 posts)I don't think I will do that, but that is always an option I suppose.
As far as buying local, I still think it is a good idea to support your local community and pay local taxes to support police, fire, and schools etc regardless of who occupies the White House.
You know, just because a business owner may have voted for Trump doesn't mean all the employees did. But if ruining them and their families is what makes you happy, it is certainly your right to do so
(7,581 posts)Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. They can ask their boss to not openly support Trump, too.
And I'll keep my job so I can support local businesses.
(406 posts)Louis CK was talking about Clinton, I think on Conan, and he inadvertently summed up the problem I see which has attributed bigly to where a majority find ourselves now.
He said he supports Clinton, and not in a lesser-of-two evils kind of way. He said (I'm paraphrasing) that she's been shit on her entire career, that much like an older sibling does to a younger sibling, she's been held down and spit on, and she just keeps getting up and going "well...I'm just gonna keep trying to make sure your best interests are looked out for, I'm just gonna keep trying to make sure your rights are protected and you have health care...."
The election results are tantamount to everyone who opposes Trump and what he and his cronies stand for, being held down and spit on. Where's the passion? Where's the outrage? I want other people to be like me and say if you hold me down and spit on me, you better hope I never get up. Cause when I do, shits on! This isn't a time to be diplomatic or try to see the other sides view. This is like a major traumatic injury. We have to stop the bleeding. And then we can work on the underlying issues.
(7,581 posts)I've cut out family who voted for Trump. I just can't sit there while they mock people of color, the LGBT community, transgendered people. I'm done being nice.
There have been many people in my circles, who are Trump supporters, who now are like "I can't understand people who are cutting other people out of their lives" over something as "petty" as an election.
That blows my mind.
My whole life I've always been that crazy person who takes a stand. The person who's quit jobs because I don't agree with how management has treated employees. The person who calls out the guy who put his hands on his girlfriend and has said he's not welcome when I'm around. The person who doesn't care that you're my relative, if you're a bigot, you're not welcome. And I don't give a shit whether anyone else backs me up. I don't play nice, never have.
I know not everyone else is like me. I get that. But at this point, it's really a matter of get on board or get out of my way.
(406 posts)I too am protecting employees. And if history tells me anything, this administration is going to have a direct impact on my business and my employees. My business barely made it through the last recession.
I pay taxes - city, state AND federal. Unlike our president-elect. And buying local and keeping money in my community has been a top priority of my business model for almost two decades. With the advent of online sourcing, I've specifically chosen to source locally even though it affects my profit margin.
Trump, and everything he stands for, goes way beyond politics as usual. He, and the administration he's installing, is going to be an actual threat to MY livelihood, MY freedoms and rights, and those of my employees, friends and family members. If it comes down to me against you (proverbially speaking), I'm sure as heck gonna do whatever I can to make sure I come out on top. And that starts with local businesses owned and operated by trump supporters. I'm sure there will be plenty of customers to take my place, but for me, the principle of the matter, and protecting my interests and by proxy the interests of my employees and friends and family, is priority number one right now.
(7,581 posts)That we could list and utilize.
What I've done, and what I recommend as a gap-stop till someone smarter and more technologically advanced than me steps in....research the local companies you do business with. Find out through your state's business licensing databases who owns the businesses you patronize, and look them up on social media. There's usually a trail.
We all have the freedom to support who we want and to vote or voice our support accordingly. We all also have the freedom to NOT directly support those people who support or pose an imminent threat to what we believe in.
(29 posts)it is personal.
I have already told family members that they are not welcome to my our holiday celebrations because of their support for Trump. I have told other members that I won't be coming to their celebrations because I don't want myself or my children to be associated in anyway wiht hte modern day Nazi party. If they don't like seeing their cousins, or grandkids then they should have thought of that before.
I make sure any business with a Trump sign doesn't get a dollar from me and I tell them why. If I am not sure if they supported trump but think they did, then they don't get my money either.
People like to think they would have been a German who never supported Hitler or the Nazi's at the time, but now that we have that here, it is easy to look around and see your friends and family members that claim to be liberal not doing anything to stop it. I won't be one of them, and I won't tolerate those that are!
(7,581 posts)the Germans. I always thought I would, and now, I'm thinking about how that might manifest.
What if I give Muslims or immigrants or gay friends sanctuary? Will I go to jail? Is it worth it? Would I get beaten? Is that worth it? I know I don't want my children, all in their 20s, to stick their necks out, but they are young. I'm 55. Who would I be willing to allow to go to jail or camps and be silent?
Trump has told us what he plans to do. Most of us are still poo-pooing it. I think we need to start taking him seriously. Watching "The Man from High Castle" has me thinking quite a bit, too, at how some people cower and some will fight for others.
(10,777 posts)Stuff.