2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI voted for Hillary on November 8.
I convinced several others who were on the fence to vote for Hillary.
That's what I did.
Tell us what you did.
(6,968 posts)I think I did what a lot of people here did...but here's the list.
I raised 5 democrats since birth.
I made sure our 22,24 & 26 years olds living in CA, NY, and WI voted absentee in OH. (maybe that WI should have stayed there?) 28 & 30 year olds are firmly ensconced in blue states but I know they voted.
I made sure my 92 year old dem for life mom got her early voting ballot and got that all taken care of.
I believe I converted 1 hard core Trumper, and 3 on the fencers to vote HRC. I know for a fact I got 2 of them for sure.
I voted for Bernie in the Ohio primary and never never looked back after the conventions.
That's what I did.
(148,350 posts)Response to CincyDem (Reply #1)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Response to Name removed (Reply #9)
JTFrog This message was self-deleted by its author.
(9,359 posts)heart wasn't in it. I found that when canvassing you get a short window to speak to someone, and Hillary didn't have a short message on a single issue.
(148,350 posts)"Imagine this country under a Donald Trump presidency."
I used that to good effect.
(24,750 posts)Response to MineralMan (Original post)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(148,350 posts)holding your nose?
Response to MineralMan (Reply #7)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(148,350 posts)Congress and the White House will be in Republican hands. Soon, so will the Supreme Court. How do you plan to hold them accountable?
Response to MineralMan (Reply #14)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(148,350 posts)In fact, I'm sure of it.
Response to MineralMan (Reply #29)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(148,350 posts)BigBadDem
(29 posts)once you vote for her, why does it matter if you pull the level holding your nose or not? It still adds one vote to the ticket.
(148,350 posts)It's better to convince others to add to one's vote, I think.
From where I am, a Trump administrations stinks to high heaven, but then, it did before the election, too, which is why I worked to convince others to help defeat him in Minnesota. We did defeat him here, but it was a close call.
Response to BigBadDem (Reply #13)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(28,911 posts)In retrospect, I wish I had been a little more vocal in my support. I just don't react well when people yell talking points at me. I wish I had been a little braver. I ended up staying in "safe" groups to avoid the negativity. I was wrong.
(148,350 posts)LisaM
(28,911 posts)And there are probably a lot of people like me who stayed in those safe havens rather than taking on the battle. And, I can come off as abrasive....I am not sure why, I say the same words as other people but they come out differently....and I didn't want to scare people off. And, I was discouraged by the fact that she still had to run against Bernie Sanders along with Trump, so I tried to deal with his supporters with kid gloves.
(43,793 posts)I also volunteered for the campaign, doing voter registration, phone banking and working a rally.
(148,350 posts)My first time too.
(10 posts)It was not an enthusiastic vote. I seriously considered casting a protest vote but did not want to feel responsible in any way for the election of Donald Trump. I had once spent eight years blaming myself for Ronald Reagan because I'd cast a vote for Barry Commoner instead of Jimmy Carter.
Being the goddess of libraries, I suggested that other people look up the candidates positions on the issues they cared about and vote accordingly. If they felt that these were not her true positions--to use her own words her public vs her private positions, I usually responded that at least she was on the record for supporting them and could hopefully be held to account.
What I did not do was trash people who voted for Jill Stein, Gary Johnson or even Donald Trump--though I did say that he was the one candidate who I could not vote for and I'd tell them why.
I realize that's not enough for some folks here but it is what it is.
(40,228 posts)MineralMan
(148,350 posts)That's nice, and carefully worded, too.
(2,542 posts)Donated monthly to her campaign.
Convinced my Republican sister and her Republican husband in North Carolina to back her over Trump, although they're both educated people and were already leaning against Trump anyway.
(148,350 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)That was the first early voting day in MD. I also did phone banking, GOTV, and donated. I wish I could have done more.
(148,350 posts)beaglelover
(4,171 posts)At work, we all voted in the morning and were giddy throughout that day about what was supposed to happen, according to all the polls, that evening. Later that night we were texting each other saying 'WTF just happened!'
Mike B
(19 posts)I voted for Hillary, but am saddened by the fact that the will of the people are being ignored. She won the popular vote, but we are having a corrupt businessman with a fake tan forced upon us instead.
(26,371 posts)where a vote actually matters.
I'm pretty sure virtually everyone here voted Democratic.
What do you want, a cookie?
(148,350 posts)I don't want anything, except to provide a thread where people can say what they did to help Hillary win.
Response to MineralMan (Reply #40)
Duckhunter935 This message was self-deleted by its author.
(148,350 posts)I did not mention Bernie Sanders at all. He campaigned strongly for Clinton, as he promised he would. I thank him for that. That is what he did. People in this thread are telling us what they did, as well, to support our nominee. Bernie did that. I did that, many others did that. Sanders is not in any way the subject of this thread, nor are his supporters during the primary race.
This thread is about the General Election. Senator Sanders did what he could to help Clinton. Bravo to him! Many supporters of his have said in this thread that they also campaigned for her, phone banked, etc. Bravi to them!
We're dissecting the 2016 election in this forum. My thread is part of that. Sorry you don't approve.
(3,998 posts)Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)Yes, I voted for Bernie in the primary, but once she was our nominee, I was all in for HRC. So was spouse!!
(148,350 posts)Truly!
(3,510 posts)Lithos
(26,483 posts)Sent some money, not much though. Had already given to Bernie.
Convinced no one to vote for her, but spent time getting people who were old school GOP to not vote for Trump (abstain) or vote Libertarian. A few wins there.
(15,594 posts)Because she was the best choice, and I will never apologize for doing that.
It was clear. It was obvious.
I registered several "not too young" women who had never bothered to vote before, and made sure they got to the voting booth.
Trump will never be my President and I am never going to feel sorry for those who voted for him. They weren't "conned". He showed them exactly who he was and yet they hated Hillary so much that they didn't bother to believe him.
People who voted for this moron deserve to be held accountable for the danger, very real danger, that they have put all of us in. I cannot and will not take their hatred lightly.
(290 posts)in the primaries and in the general election.
Always liked Hillary. I understood her, but also understood why the "common man" never did. It makes it all that more heartbreaking for me. I've been pretty depressed since the night of November 8th.
(34,207 posts)1. I posted on FB that I was voting for HRC as a Bernie primary supporter
2. I donated to down ticket candidates that Bernie endorsed
3. I emailed her campaign to adopt a more liberal position on RKBA
4. I assigned phone banking for the local Democratic committee as a service learning option to my students.
(57,067 posts)I voter for her when I sent in my absentee ballot from here in Germany in early October.
(148,350 posts)And thanks to all of them.
(57,067 posts)Dallas is over 5000 miles from here. That's what they have absentee ballots for.
liquid diamond
(1,917 posts)and donated money to her campaign.
(148,350 posts)Scruffy1
(3,429 posts)But I know many who refused to vote. Actually, it didn't make much difference in Minnesota except for a chance to flip a house seat. I saw this coming in the burbs while canvassing and phoning. This morning I'm thinking that the only Democrat we managed to elect wasn't a multi millionaire like Gore, Kerry, and Clinton. Rightly or wrongly it seems rich liberals are despised by both the left and the right. I supported Bernie in the primaries because I was afraid of a candidate with high negatives, but I don't have any way of knowing if he would have done any better. At least it's over and now I'm thinking of leaving the country. It looks like Medicare will be gone or at least crippled, and I am worried about my social security. Without it I would be under a bridge. Welcome to Amerika.
(71,036 posts)I did my part...had I any hand in electing Trump I would never forgive myself.
(148,350 posts)Vogon_Glory
(9,649 posts)I worked on the phone banks. My contributions were modest: I only worked a couple of hours a week. But I did try to be as polite as I could, using my best Southern white-boy manners regardless of race, gender, color, or ethnicity.
Many DU'ers may not know this, but we Texas Democratic volunteers are put to work calling people in other states.
My labor may not have done enough good, but I sleep a lot better than I would have if I'd sat idle and did nothing.
(148,350 posts)Thank you for your efforts!
(97,078 posts)before the election
(148,350 posts)still_one
(97,078 posts)or persuading people to vote for Hillary knew just what was at stake.
There is no way to gloss over it, as evidenced by those he has chosen to be on his team. This is a nightmare, an administration straight out of hell
(9,649 posts)We must have worked some of the same territory. I remember calling folks in IA, FL, and NC.
A lot of those folks had been called multiple times by multiple phone banks.Someone upstairs at Party HQ BADLY needs to get their act together. We need to make it easier for voters OFF the phone Lists AFTER they voted. I think our hard-sell made us some enemies. And it. Really. Wasn't. Necessary.
(97,078 posts)Brooklyn, and there were times when the system went down and we had to dial manually, so I am not surprised that there were probably duplicated
Most of my calls into Florida and North Carolina were very positive be so I was very disappointed as we all were with the outcome
(9,649 posts)And using the connecting software when the system was working and watching my hand-held being turned into a Zombie-phone.
(20,033 posts)without reservation.
Fully expecting her to win.
(1,474 posts)I also cast my vote to send the first Latina to the Senate to keep Harry's seat blue; sent Joe Heck packing; elected a Dem Congresswoman AND voted to end cannabis prohibition here.
The blue wave definitely swept Nevada in 2016 -- I sure wish the rest of the country had joined us
(148,350 posts)Vogon_Glory
(9,649 posts)Like I said earlier, my own efforts were modest. Come 2018, though, I suspect that many of the Magoos who voted Trump and the Tea-publicans are going to learn that bigotry and resentment won't put food in their bellies, pay for doctor's visits and medicines, or keep shelter over their heads. Some of them might be reachable while their empty stomachs are growling.
(632 posts)We did win NH but it was very close.
(148,350 posts)Iggo
(48,682 posts)11/8/2016 was no different.
(8,067 posts)Since i was busy election day running the gotv efforts in my county.
(9,610 posts)[font style="font-family:'Georgia','Baskerville Old Face','Helvetica',fantasy;" size=4 color=#009999]I donated more money to her than I ever did to Bernie in the Primaries and I defended and advocated voting for her to friends and family; alienating some in the process.
I didn't like her but knew there was too much to lose and that Trump was so much worse.[/font]
(29,175 posts).
Staunch Dem, every Indy and Sanders supporter I know went HRC.
Swung a couple of Trumpsters, not many though. Most were consumed by the FOX/Putin TV Network.
When they start bringing up Alex Jones talking points, you know they've been assimilated by the Borg.
(5,125 posts)got several "on the fence" naderites to do the same.
(11,088 posts)In 3 months
(6,645 posts)I voted for hrc primaries and ge. Donated as much as I could and made hundreds of gotv calls. I was so excited to vote for her a woman. But I was fearful the worst could happen. I believe there was major election fraud but will it be revealed- I doubt it.
I have been ill for several years with serious chronic illness and could not do more. In the past I've always voted democrat and donated and I support whomever the nominee is.
As I watched in disbelief that hitler 2 was rising I realized the worst could happen and became more involved. I'm a descendent of holocaust survivors and I know too well what this means when such a person takes power. I have always lived with the fear something like this could happen and now it has I'm in a state of anxiety and fear. I knew it could from my experiences living here but it's hard to believe it has and in the level it did.
I'm very upset and very disappointed in the country. This is a stain on freedom and what's right. This whole country has gone crazy IMO.
If they dismantle Medicare we will be returning to Canada. Or maybe go to CA if that's protected there. I have dual citizenship since my father would not allow us to apply for U.S. citizenship until Canada allowed dual. I realize now how smart he was to insist on this.
I don't want to leave. This is my home for many years. medical issues will probably necessitate this. I don't want to live in a fascist country though.
(885 posts)I voted for Hillary on November 8th.
I convinced my wife, a hardcore Bernie supporter, to vote for Hillary.
I made calls as a volunteer for Hillary.
Now... now I shake my head when trying to fathom how anyone voted for Trump.
(1,876 posts)However, I was all in by the end. I donated, convinced others to vote, transported people to the polls and voted for HRC. Still very proud of my choice.
(2,698 posts)And I voted for Bernie in the primaries.
She would have made a fantastic president.
Unfortunately for us, the nation and the world, she was a terrible candidate.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(122,477 posts)a state representative and a bunch of judges. Then I went out for lunch.
I also donated to her campaign (about the same amount as I donated to Bernie). In various discussions with people I found that there was not much enthusiasm for Hillary, but there was a whole lot of enthusiasm for voting against Trump. I wonder how much, if at all, that attitude affected the outcome? Still, I was glad to have voted for her and when I left the polling place I was pretty optimistic. I'm still trying to understand what the hell happened.
(31,964 posts)csziggy
(34,189 posts)The weekend before Labor Day weekend through the Florida Primary. My husband and I trained people for voter registration and sent out people to do voter registration at various locations around town. I also spent those days making calls for the campaign.
(32,241 posts)I drove my youngest son--visiting from out of state in late October--to early voting so he could cast his ballot
for Hillary in NC.
Our oldest son--who last spring said he would never vote for Hillary--came around and voted for Hillary. We never gave up on trying to convince him
that he simply must vote for Hillary because any other vote was a vote for Trump.