2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumCNN: Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton
So tired of the Bernie cost us the election. IF you can't take the heat....

Updated 4:02 PM ET, Tue July 12, 2016
Sen. Bernie Sanders endorses Hillary Clinton
Snip: "We are joining forces to defeat Donald Trump!" Clinton declared. "I can't help but say how much more enjoyable this election is going to be when we are on the same side. You know what? We are stronger together!"
And even as she struck a victorious tone, Clinton also repeatedly and directly addressed the Sanders supporters in the high school gymnasium.
She walked through a number of policy issues where Sanders had pulled her to the left during the course of the election -- minimum wage; the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, college affordability -- to make a broader concession: the movement that Sanders created was nothing short of a political revolution.
"Sen. Sanders has brought people off the sidelines and into the political process. He has energized and inspired a generation of young people who care deeply about our country," she said. "To everyone here and everyone cross the country who poured your heart and soul into Sen. Sanders' campaign: Thank you."
FULL story and video at link.

(14,721 posts)She lost, get over it, move on.
(16,104 posts)It ain't that hot in here, OS!
By the time Bernie and his surrogates were done with Hillary, the words "transcript" or "Wall St." conjured INSTANT negative associations.
Remember Bernie supporters throwing dollar bills at Hillary? That's on him and his surrogates, who slammed her integrity relentlessly.
My beef with Bernie is that he didn't have to tear Hillary down to deliver his positive message, but he chose to anyway. And it cost us.
The Bernie/Hillary debate is not re-litigating the past, it's a CRUCIAL question about the FUTURE of my party, the one Bernie won't join.
I don't give a sh*t how much revisionism goes on post-election; I was there, I know EXACTLY what was done to Hillary and I chronicled it.
And to anyone pretending there's a Dem civil war, there isn't. Hillary's coalition is solid and strong, the MAJORITY. 65 million+ Americans.
Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)Or donated the funds to jobs programs.
Or blame Senator Elizabeth Warren
The banks Hillary treated as people in her bankruptcy vote: The Vote for Bankruptcy Reform that Haunts Hillary Clinton
MANCHESTER, N.H. As Hillary Clinton fights off intense criticism over her ties to Wall Street, a central question has gone unanswered: Has she ever taken any action that favored the financial industry?
Anybody who knows me who thinks that they can influence me, name anything theyve influenced me on, Mrs. Clinton said at a CNN forum on Wednesday. Just name one thing.
Senator Bernie Sanders, her opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination, took up the challenge.
Senator Elizabeth Warren can certainly name at least one thing, his campaign said in a fact-check emailed to reporters on Thursday.

Hillary Clinton, right, talking to Senator Elizabeth Warren on Capitol Hill in 2013, when Mrs. Clinton was the secretary of state. In a 2003 book, Ms. Warren offered a stinging portrayal of how Mrs. Clinton changed her views on bankruptcy legislation. Credit Christopher Gregory/The New York Times
Elizabeth Warrens critique of Hillary Clintons 2001 bankruptcy vote: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/fact-checker/wp/2016/02/09/elizabeth-warrens-critique-of-hillary-clintons-2001-bankruptcy-vote/
By Glenn Kessler February 9
You will not find that I ever changed a view or a vote because of any donation that I ever received.
Hillary Clinton, in the fifth Democratic debate, Feb. 4, 2016
Moments after the former secretary of state (and N.Y. senator) made this statement, the Bernie Sanders campaign issued a news release titled Elizabeth Warren on How Wall Street has influenced Hillary Clinton. The news release recounted how Sen. Warren (D-Mass.), in a 2003 book, blamed campaign contributions from banking interests for why Clinton flipped from being opposed to an overhaul of bankruptcy laws as first lady calling it awful to voting to advance the bill as a freshman senator.
Warren noted that Clinton had received $140,000 in campaign contributions from banking industry executives as she sought a Senate seat. Big banks were now part of Senator Clintons constituency. She wanted their support, and they wanted hersincluding a vote in favor of that awful bill, Warren wrote.
(16,104 posts)Hey - did you know she was responsible for the Iraq War?
Beat you to it!
Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)I'm just tired of hearing it is all Bernie's fault infinitem. IF you are going to point at him, he used Warren's book is my point.
Add Hillary made mistakes too.
(16,104 posts)And now we have Corrupt Trump.
I have no idea what those "mistakes" could be that justify or rationalize these election results.
Something Warren and Sanders both backed off from?
(30,481 posts)If you want I can also discuss some fantasies he had in his thirties.
Why Steve, why?
Bernie is forever becoming linked with BOBers and most of it isn't even his fault.
Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)Even though this election is being stolen, more votes might have been enough to turn him away as a loser.
IF you can't talk about it even now, you made my point.
Response to Omaha Steve (Reply #24)
NCTraveler This message was self-deleted by its author.
(3,075 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)If they were your op here would be completely unnecessary.
In fact, most all Berners and Bernie have been hillcats for months.
I agree that we should just let Bernie continue padding his retirement account as he ends his career on a book tour.
Of course Sanders endorsed Clinton. She is progressive and one of the most qualified candidates to run in history.
Who did you think he was going to endorse, the mentally bankrupt Stein?
(2,550 posts)It was really over for Bernie in March
(20,709 posts)After the California Primary, he was mathematically eliminated, but he still kept yammering on about a "contested convention" in which he was imploring the superdelegates to overturn the will of the voters.
But for all practical purposes the race was over after New York, and we still got two more months of Bernie attacking the only person standing between America and Donald Trump.
(44,326 posts)Sid
(2,056 posts)Not fair, I know, but it is what it is. I saw this coming months ago when didn't graciously withdraw from the primary when Hillary won the necessary delegates to win the nomination. And please don't use the "but the super delegates" argument because they supported Hillary and were not going to change their mind.
His supporters did not have enough time to grieve his loss and he led them to believe there was still a chance when he knew there was not. This led to some of his supporters becoming very vile and ugly and they refused to vote. The BOBs behaved horribly and did help Trump win and many people will never forget that. Those who won't forget will also very likely associate Bernie with the entire ordeal. As a result, Bernie's political career as a candidate is all but over. He can do some activism or take a non-elected role or do something in Vermont, but other than that he's finished.
Stein may have taken some of the heat instead but she sort of saved herself by this whole recount thing. Part of me thinks that's just a ploy to try to win over more Bernie supporters and lure them away from the Democratic Party.
(5,272 posts)amplification of something over all others, like the vast majority of Sanders supporters for instance, in an effort to smear. If you are going to help a message like that stick, you should remind yourself how it got there.
And Sanders would have almost certainly pulled out of the race had the DNC signaled any effort to incorporate some of his messaging into the democratic platform, and had Clinton done the same with her own campaign. These are things that happened anyway, but the stubborn refusal of the establishment to lower the drawbridge cost them. If Bernie wasn't going to prosecute this thing at least to that point, then his campaign would have been worthless and faded away into history, and the DNC would have smugly carried on vindicated that those were not the voices they needed to give credence to.
Yes, the DNC is still working tirelessly to retire him, but his political career is not over. His message is only taking more hold.
(2,056 posts)I did see it here...and a few times I went to that disgusting JPR site and looked at what was being posted. For me personally, the vile filth I saw on that site was the cause for me personally...and I had always liked Bernie a lot...even before anyone here did. I remember him from living in Vermont in the 90's. I can't even see his face, hear or look at his name or hear his voice without being reminded of the ugliness I saw from some of his supporters. It's not what I wanted but that is the reality and I'll never be able to get past it.
(5,272 posts)You saw no effort to make that stick as the Sanders constituency? People weren't just posting about Bernie Bro's, and Bernie Bros weren't just posting here. Articles and videos were being linked from the media and of course, the Brock propaganda wing, to ensure that you had that everlasting taste in your mouth. Well....
I guess that's why they do it.
(2,056 posts)I was a member here back during Howard Dean's run. I posted a bit back then but left after he lost because I didn't care for Kerry. I found him boring. I would occasionally pop in to read now and then but didn't post until the middle of August this year. I had to make a new account because I could not even remember the old one. I only started posting because I was ranting so hard about the orange asshole that it was making my family crazy so I came here to rant for the sake of their sanity.
Anything that took place before the middle of August I wasn't here to see. By the sounds of it I got here after the exodus of the BOBs. I heard references to JPR on this site and looked it up and could not believe the trash there. As far as the media...I watch CNN exclusively and I didn't see a lot of reporting on the BOBs. Almost nothing was covered other than Trump, by the way.
My negative reaction to Bernie is ONLY about the BOBs and the evil, hateful crap they were posting at JPR. I was disappointed that he didn't drop out earlier, but it was that one faction of his supporters that really tainted Bernie. Most of Bernie's supporters that I saw here from when I started posting seemed to be all about keeping Trump from winning, though.
Lil Missy
(17,865 posts)Maven
(10,533 posts)During which time he continued to foment hatred and distrust of the party and its eventual nominee, giving his most ardent supporters false hope that he could win and leaving them embittered and resentful going into the convention. The damage was done.
(6,650 posts)Little Star
(17,055 posts)So there is no Bernie love from me. Bernie actually did & said things that helped cost us the election.
(6,650 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)There are even websites purported to be "left" that still do--promoting every asinine CT out there.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)You cannot walk that one back, sorry. He is not even a Democrat, ffs.
Closed primaries, end the caucuses.
Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)
(10,291 posts)why is this hard for people to grasp?
(4,515 posts)bring his supporters over to Clinton.
Too little, too late, now to Trump.
(251 posts)Clinton do to bring Bernie supporters over to Clinton?
(4,515 posts)If that alone wasn't enough, then those Bernie supporters clearly cared more about their own perceived ideological purity than the good of the country.
Clinton worked hard to bring supporters on board when she lost to Obama, in stark contrast to Sander's behavior.
(251 posts)politicians have to win support, not have it handed to them on a silver platter by a person whose platform they half-heartedly co-opted.
Clinton's platform clearly did not resonate with a significant portion of progressives as evidenced by the popularity of Sanders, but she did little in my opinion to persuade those progressives over to her side after the primary.
(4,515 posts)If the possibility of a Trump presidency with a Republican Congress wasn't enough to get them off of their self-entitled asses, then a Trump presidency with a Republican Congress is precisely what they deserve.
(251 posts)it sounds that you think Sanders' supporters would just throw their weight behind a candidate they didn't support to begin with just because Sanders asked them to.
If Clinton wanted Sander's supporters to move to her camp, she needed to do a better job at incorporating his vision and ideas into her campaign, and she didn't. What she did do was waffle on healthcare, tuition, and the minimum wage - all areas Bernie was addressing strongly and with great effect. But yet you want his supporters to rally behind her half-measure proposals because she isn't Trump.
(4,515 posts)That is the reality; there was a binary choice, Clinton or Trump.
If stopping Trump wasn't enough for people to vote for Clinton, then they deserve what they get.
(5,204 posts)trueblue2007
(18,395 posts)pnwmom
(109,763 posts)Bernie Sanders to step up campaign schedule for Hillary Clinton
Nicole Gaudiano , USA TODAY 5:28 p.m. EDT September 30, 2016
The Vermont independent will campaign for Hillary Clinton in the battleground states of Iowa and Minnesota on Monday and Tuesday, and appearances elsewhere are in the works.
Hes talking about traveling all over the country to help Secretary Clinton," Sanders spokesman Michael Briggs said Friday, adding that Sanders also will help other candidates and discuss ballot issues he cares about.
Sanders spent most of August writing a book but has since campaigned for Clinton in Ohio (once) and New Hampshire (twice). An event Wednesday in the Granite State was the first joint appearance for Sanders and Clinton since he endorsed her in July. The event aimed to win more support for Clinton from millennials who supported Sanders in the primaries. Clinton is underperforming among young adults, a significant percentage of whom have turned to third-party candidates.
(5,204 posts)Face it, Hillary was a weak candidate, and not because of Bernie.
(109,763 posts)and she is now almost 2.7 million votes ahead of Trump and has passed the number of votes Obama had in 2012, according to the National Archives -- despite the millions of votes lost to voter suppression, thanks to the dismantlement of the voting rights act by the courts in 2013.
She was an excellent candidate and the only reason she didn't win is because the Electoral College is rigged to give much more weight to rural white voters than to diverse urban voters.
Bernie could have campaigned hard for her but instead chose to spend August and September writing his book. Too bad he didn't let that wait till after the election.
Current vote totals (and still counting)
Hillary 65,519,461
DT 62,846,550
2012 Vote totals
Obama 65,446,032
(44,326 posts)This is, quite literally, one of the dumbest things I've ever read at DU.
(499 posts)But Bernie-or-Busters most definitely helped Trump. Not the major factor (that would be Comey), but a significant one.
(109,763 posts)even though there was no mathematical possibility that he could win a majority of pledged delegates by the end of April.
And even though this gave many of his supporters the false impression that Bernie might miraculously pull out a win at the convention -- so they were heartbroken instead of energized.
And even though the GOP had circled around its nominee in April.
So, thanks to Bernie, Hillary had to campaign on two different fronts for an additional ten weeks.
Good job, Bernie!
Omaha Steve
(104,711 posts)Good job of uniting the party for a victory in November!

When did Hillary get enough pledged delegates? June! And had to depend on supers to do it! Supers that endorsed before Iowa. Many running for reelection and got reelect $ for the endorsement. Still her coat tails & $ didn't get many elected. (Ashford served as chairman of Hillary Clinton's Nebraska Leadership Team)
The not a real D got over 40% of the primary votes. Wonder why?
Hillary hugged us. But others pissed in the pool and won't take responsibility for their actions/attitudes that probably cost us the election.

(109,763 posts)But by early May it was mathematically impossible for Bernie to win -- Hillary already had enough pledged delegates to assure her win -- no supers necessary.
Too bad Bernie was fighting Hillary till mid July, and then writing his book till the end of September. By the time he got around to seriously campaigning for her -- in October -- many of his followers had already lost interest.