2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumI don't know if anyone else feels this way, but instead of
getting over it, i feel worse and worse each day...
The sense of impending doom is becoming stronger and stronger...
It's not just that we have a mentally ill, evil person taking over the most powerful office in the world... yes, that's terrifying in itself,
But the most horrific aspect for me is that he showed from day one who he was, and people loved it. The more disgusting and deplorable he became, the more they wanted. Millions and millions of people. I've been a cynic most of my life...well, at least outwardly, but deep down stupidly hoping I was wrong. That people were mostly good, and I believed that love would trump hate, even though people I thought I knew for a while and seemed like nice people were showing hate and selfishness I was unaware was in them. When they were told it was crucial to vote for Hillary to protect minorities, LGBT, Muslims, Latinos the disabled, etc. they said they didn't care about that. The only important things to them were lower taxes and getting rid of Obamacare
Speaking of the disabled, I thought that video of him mocking the disabled would pulverize him. What decent person supports and votes for someone so disgusting as to act that way? I mean, seriously? Well, I know believe most people thought it was hilarious.
The following excerpt has been posted before, but I wanted to post it again, because it beautifully reflects how I feel:
Please understand that I am not mad at you because Clinton lost. I am totally unconcerned that you and I have different 'politics.' And I don't think less of you because you voted one way and I another.
"No, I think less of you because you watched an adult mock a disabled person while addressing a crowd and still supported him. I think less of you because you saw a candidate spout clear racism day after day and still backed him. I think less of you because you heard him advocate for war crimes and still thought he should be given the reins of government. I think less of you because you watched him equate a woman's worth to where she landed on a scale of 1 to 10 and still got on board. I think less of you because you stood by silently while he labeled Mexicans as criminals and Muslims as terrorists.
"It wasn't your politics I found repulsive. No, it was your willingness to support someone who spouts racism, sexism, and cruelty almost every time he opens his mouth. You sided with a bully when it should have mattered most, and that is something I will never be able to forget.
"So in response to your post-election expression of hope, no, you and I won't be 'coming together to move forward.' Obviously, the president-elect disgusts me; but it is the fact that he doesn't disgust you that will stick with me long after the election.
So, I'm a bigger cynic than ever. And I'm bitter, bitter, BITTER. And from now on I shall remain that way. It will be my shield to protect myself, my shied to survive. I will never open up to feel this pain again. I just can't do it.
Not having Hillary as POTUS is such a huge loss for this nation and the world. And it hurts, it hurts so much.
(137,116 posts)CTyankee
(65,395 posts)he did not like Donald Twump.
(137,116 posts)one will be 3 Monday, and the other was 2 in July. (I may leave DC area and go to NJ to see the 3 year old+ at inaugural time; his mother's birthday is Jan. 22, so we'll 'celebrate' that!)
(65,395 posts)son John drove up to Boston. That kid is so cute. I have to say that I have great grown kids. My son is the happiest man in the world, along with Richard and Albe, my sons in law. And they are all great dads. I feel fortunate and even blessed.
(137,116 posts)CTyankee
(65,395 posts)jailed for crimes they didn't commit out of prison. My son is a prosecuter in the Brooklyn DA's office. Right after 9/11 he volunteered to drive food and supplies to the first responders. He described the time and the chaos of the scene. What a time that was. I was frantically calling to see if he was alright but the phones were so jammed I couldn't get through to him.
(137,116 posts)He's got the kind of job that caused me to go to law school!
(65,395 posts)He described one case where he read the entire file and found that there had been a confession of the crime by someone and it was brushed aside. And it was a murder. The convict review he is involved with has as its stated purpose to keep the public's trust in the criminal justice system.
One guy he got freed was locked up for 25 years!
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)the state and federal levels over the past 10 years. I don't think it can be debated any more if this is a center-Right country or not. The numbers don't lie. They run it all now. Our ideology was told to take a hike. It is a different country that I am no longer proud of today.
(3,847 posts)was DNC chair. If we had a 50 state strategy, we might get more democrats elected.
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)worked. They are only going to double down now. This is a significantly altered environment since the Dean days IMO.
(3,814 posts)the Kerry/Edwards ticket nearly unseated a wartime president that had high approval numbers in the wake of 9-11, but which deteriorated, largely due to skepticism about Iraq, which only intensified thereafter.
Dean (who I like alot, and think should be DNC chair again) harnessed this energy to elect Dems, but as you said, nativism wasn't the issue it is now.
(92,109 posts)COLGATE4
(14,840 posts)than the day before. Part of me still refuses to accept such an absurd proposition, that the population of this great nation actually elected a petulant, puerile, arrogant, self-centered egotistical asshole like Trump.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(121,737 posts)But in the past they have failed because a majority of the voters recognized they were horrible and rejected them for that reason. The most depressing thing is that this time so many people either liked the aspects of Trump that we find horrible, or they just didn't care. The overt racists, xenophobes and misogynists voted for him because they recognized his racism, xenophobia and/or sexism and endorsed him because of it. Those people are hopeless and I don't care what they think. It's the others - people we thought were basically decent even if they had opposing political positions - that make me despair that anything good can come out of this. Those "decent" people just stood back and watched Trump spew the most hateful things and voted for him anyhow because maybe they thought he'd cut their taxes.
(21,131 posts)My list of who to send Xmas cards to this year has shrunk significantly.
I don't send holiday greetings to bigots, etc. etc. etc.
Disgusting and loathsome they are along with highly dangerous.
Good damn riddance -- the light is ON and will never go OFF again!!
& recommend.
(639 posts)This is painful beyond words. Watching this awful man appointing the most incompetent people to positions of power and knowing that they're all supported by the spineless cowards who would gladly do anything to be of service to a plainly mentally ill demagogue is the most terrifying spectacle I have ever seen in my entire life. I feel that we are watching the death throes of our country and there is no-one showing the willingness to even fight it or speak forcefully against it. I am frankly terrified and yes, I feel we are doomed.
(55,014 posts)and knowing that so many people sanction his behavior leaves me with little hope for our future.
(67,112 posts)people in the US wanted and will love this horror show unfolding. This is no longer my country, but I have no place to go. My question is, what do we do now. I feel like I'm about to become a refugee. My gut feeling is we will see the US filled with civil war and the like, and the destruction of the democracy we once had. This truly has become the land of Idiocracy.
(15,684 posts)I will not change to become one with them. I will not go along to get along. I will never accept their way of life. They are contrary to everything I believe.
(67,112 posts)ProfessorPlum
(11,389 posts)no_hypocrisy
(49,373 posts)In the Crowd". Lonesome Rhodes' ratings go through the roof and he goes on to become Propaganda Minister.
(2,396 posts)and do something that I enjoy for a few hours to forget about it. Also as a disabled person with trump voters in my immediate family, I take his mocking really personally.
(86 posts)They know I've suffered from major depression most of my life, and that I've been imprisoned at a mental hospital twice for trying to overdose on medication, and yet they have the gall to ask me why I've been feeling so bad lately and "how they can help." They don't want "to help" and the proved that on Election Day. Fuck 'em, as far as I'm concerned. They were never there for me before and they never will be. I'm literally suicidal and they're more upset about their Black neighbor being able to afford insurance. They've insured that I'll never get better now.
(1,549 posts)Please get the help you need.
(52,791 posts)I hope you have someone to talk to where you are. Reach out to someone. A counselor, a friend, a hot line. You've been a member of the DU family for at least 7 years and we care about you.
(9,967 posts)montana_hazeleyes
(3,424 posts)If you need to, call a crisis hotline. You don't have to give any personal identifying information. I've called one before and they are caring and want to help.
DU has become family to a lot of people.
(430 posts)and everyday brings fresh horrors, and it just gets worse. We need to find the positives, though few and far between right now
Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)BlueJac
(7,838 posts)We are in for a world of hurt.
(2,338 posts)After years of not taking them, and knowing the warning signs, I promptly got myself to the doctor and started a new regime of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. It's been 3 weeks. I "feel" better now. But I can't stop worrying about what lies ahead of us.
I will not ever believe that this election was not stolen. Never.
I have a 15-mo old granddaughter. I fear for her future.
(65,395 posts)because my husband is partially disabled and I have to do things he used to do but cannot any longer.
Crunchy Frog
(27,170 posts)The Nardil that I just tried was my final attempt. It may have been helping me some, but the side effects were so overwhelming that I'll never really know.
Right now it's reruns of old episodes of Stewart and Colbert, as well as Colbert's new show that are getting me through.
I've got two sons who turn 8 ten days after the inauguration. I'm really fearful for their future. We're putting together a getaway plan in case we need it.
(44,169 posts)montana_hazeleyes
(3,424 posts)He is picking the absolute worst for each one. He is showing his ass right there.
(2,573 posts)big way. Not to mention everybody getting sick and tired of hearing from his tweeting ass on a daily basis. Just shut the fuck up already.
(60,597 posts)hamsterjill
(15,546 posts)It's been a month. I'm still angry. I'm scared, and I have no intention of falling for a con man's offer to "bring this country together" because he says he didn't do anything to divide it.
I call Bullshit on him.
The cabinet picks, the stupidity in decorum, the tacky-trashy attitude - it ALL just makes me want to cringe. I keep hoping that someone is going to stop this moron. I hope and hope and hope. But it doesn't happen.
(10,173 posts)And we're going to have to deal with it.
(42,649 posts)Reagan was every bit as racist and nasty, every bit the greedy sociopath. He just had his acting experience to call on to allow him to play at being a caring human.
Only 25 more months to go until (one hopes) a more democratic Congress is sworn in, and 49 months until Trump leaves office.
(10,403 posts)The thing that I find interesting, is that Trump could say all this garbage that Hillary was going to do, even though she never said she was going to do it. For example, he would say she is "going to get rid of the second amendment", and all those right wingers would get frightened. However, what we are all frightened of is all of the things they SAY they are going to do and have been striving to do for decades. Examples, ACA, Medicare, Social Security, they may call it "reform", but that always means cuts.
I used to be a political junkie and would flip between all the stupid political commentary shows. After their pathetic polls, and all of them saying the same wrong things over and over, I haven't watched one minute since the election.
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)but I'm not. Every news cycle brings more crap, like his cabinet and advisor picks.
I live in WI, so you'd think I'd be used to it, but I'm still angry.
And as I have said about WI-I don't know if I am more upset with Snotty Wanker, or that I live amongst people who must think he's great. Same with Trumpsters....
(454 posts)I have not gotten over it and I WILL NOT BE getting over it. We shouldn't be getting over it because we are going to NEED a good bit of righteous anger in the years to come. (But thoughtfully directed, not just lashing out at each other.)
I am upset. I have been in depression and despair. I am ANGRY. Yes, at Trump and the scumbag Republican party and practically everything associated with them, but I think I am MORE angry with nearly three quarters of the people in this country who directly supported this monster or who indirectly supported him by not caring and not bothering to vote against him.
I feel like I can't trust any of the people around me unless I know for certain what they stand for. Yes, they might *seem* nice on the surface, but who knows what they really are? I don't think most people are intentionally deplorable, but I do think most people are willfully ignorant or just outright stupid, which really doesn't make me feel any better about things because the only cure for stupid is actually touching the stove and getting burned...and burning down the house and everything and everyone around them.
(19,460 posts)red dog 1
(29,614 posts)Vinca
(51,317 posts)You've got billionaires and so many generals I've been wondering if ManBaby will take to wearing a Gaddafi-style outfit with epaulets, mirrored sunglasses and a military hat. Then there are the nutjob/totally ignorant picks. I'm hard pressed to look at any of them and think "now that's a normal person."
(10,197 posts)I am hostile, I am bitter, I am disillusioned...
I live in East Kansas (once known as "Missouri" and I look around with complete disgust at my neighbors. This state is busily converting itself into a hate-filled, racist version of what would happen if you mashed up Kansas, Alabama and Indiana into a toxic stew of idiocy.
The end is nigh for future generations. The ones currently born will be the last to remember a time before the scarcity and horror of the coming resource wars. This all ends badly for humanity and the accelerant to the coming conflagration is none other than that fucking useless Talking Yam and his evil fucking minions of destruction.
The car was run off the run and into a deep ditch by W. and his gang of war criminals and thieves...we spent the best part of 8 years to see Obama get the car out of the ditch, repaired, repainted and at least road ready, only to now watch a drunk fool get behind the wheel, prepared to run over anything in the way and speed the car off the road in into the Grand Canyon.
It's over.
Humanity lost.
(20,011 posts)_____________________________>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
im in it to.
I want one asshole to talk maggot to me unless they say he can drop dead and I feel I will lose control and slug them.
(25,794 posts)...all the responses to you.
I keep shaking my head in complete incredulity that this will be happening. My brain keeps screaming, "This can't be. THIS CAN'T BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
mountain grammy
(27,412 posts)I've had to add a xanax to my nightly edibles to get any sleep. I wake up at 4 am every morning feeling depressed and anxious.
I'm ashamed of my country. Not the first time, and I'm sure, it will only get worse.
(62,313 posts)If they could ignore his nastiness towards the disabled or women or minorities, then I don't want to be in their company.
Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)Except my brother whom I never see and lives far away. I would never discuss Trump with him if I saw him. It would definitely ruin our relationship.
(32,174 posts)I cannot bring myself to decorate for the holidays. Christmas hasn't been big at our house since the boys were grown and after fire destroyed
our house in 2007 I've only slowly added back some decorations.
I don't feel like doing squat this year. I finally got our holiday letter written. I know my brother and his wife voted for Trump and I really wanted
to not even send them a card this year. Finally decided to mail the card/letter but did not add one personal comment. And I never send
a card/letter to family or friends without writing something personal. It was all I could do not to write FU*K YOU across the letter.
I have a niece expecting her first child and a nephew expecting his second. I want to cry for those kids being born into this world. I really
fear that Trump and his supporters will destroy this country. And their grandparents will have voted for the sociopathic, pathological liar.
As every day goes by and Trump announces another Cabinet appointment I cannot believe how screwed we are. Trump's regime is going
to be a disaster. Total disaster.
Guilded Lilly
(5,591 posts)HassleCat
(6,409 posts)Except it can't be. We will have a president bent on wrecking government. He will try to finish what Reagan started, and Congress will help him.
(7,612 posts)of my town, of my state, of my country. I'm ashamed of my race, my religion, but NOT my gender!!! I'll be a "Nasty Woman" the rest of my life, and admire all the others who claim that moniker.
(23,704 posts)This sense of doom and gloom are a major bummer.
(14,546 posts)If nothing else he will galvanize Democrats to get involved and raise some hell during the next four years.
(5,797 posts)Came home early, clocked vacation time to see the results.
Half way through, I was sick to my stomach, then Mrs. Clinton gained a bit of momentum and after that, it was all Trump. To me the election was robbed and with that archaic electoral system which needs to go away, made it worst for her to win. Even though she got the popular vote, she lost. I cannot begin to tell you all how much I was in dismay that that asshole won. The world is in dismay. He will roll back all the progress made by President Obama as we can see in the people who he is electing to his cabinet.
What is more worst is that I never thought that Americans would elect someone worst than Bush. Am not a vindictive person but I sincerely hope that those fuckers who voted for trump will lose their medicare first!
(7,198 posts)I appreciate this thread very much.
Pacifist Patriot
(24,912 posts)AlexSFCA
(6,275 posts)Last edited Fri Dec 9, 2016, 07:41 PM - Edit history (2)
It's a holiday season so many people try not to read news but focus their attention on their family friends. After all, feeling down and depressed is not useful.
The issue is not that Hillary lost but that it was Trump who won. In retrospect, the universe was against us trying to win a third democratic term.
The even bigger issue at hand is that it seems that the Democratic Party is moving in the wrong direction which will likely result in futher congressional and state losses during the midterm elections. Instead of learning from the loss, we're doubling down on the same message.
It is true that Trump needed white supremacists and closeted racists' support to win, many of those creeps don't vote so he tapped into some new voters. However, he would not have won without former Obama voters (his both terms voters even) and many of Sanders supporters. The republican strategy is very obvious - they want to indifentely lock the electoral college with states they won with the possible exception of Florida which he didn't need to win. This means republicans will do anything to deliver in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Iowa. This also means maintaining white majorities in those states by driving minorities out. I beleive democrats need to be working hard in those states on grassroot levels starting from city level politics. Instead, we are getting Pelosi again and not Tim Ryan who actually can connect to voters in those states. I also want to emphasize that Trump won mainly because of his hardine stance on terrorism and immigration.
The inconvinient truth is that Americans including majority of democratic voters do not want an increase in refugees and support immigration law enforcement which Obama was particularly succesful at.
What made me feel better is the realization that ,sometimes, history will just have to play itself out. We may speculate all we want, but I highly doubt that Hitler could have been prevented, maybe delayed. So it will likely become much worse before it gets better but we are all in this together. Suffering is part of life, unfortunately.
We need to learn how to compromise. We achieved a lot under Obama so we may need to learn how to compramise on some issues so they don't reach the new ultra conservative supreme court which will simply undo all of the progress by creating precedent.
(4,542 posts)beaglelover
(4,143 posts)I dread 1/20/17.
(33,230 posts)I'm disgusted with the 61 million people who voted this nasty, thin-skinned sack of excrement, knowing that he's a bald-face liar, a sexual predator, and a horrendous businessman. "He's going to drain the swamp!" Yeah? How's that going for you? SMGDH.
I am beyond disgusted with our whore media, who have done nothing but carry water for this orange shitstain. Even in the face of mountains of proof that this fuckbag had his election stolen for him. Which they barely even mention. Nothing about his conflicts of interest, or other impeachable actions. Fucking cowards.
And, fuck the millions of Americans who are sitting back and saying, "Oh well. He's not THAT bad. It will be okay." No. No, it won't be okay. Remember how bad it got under Dumbya? Well, this is going to be Dumbya on steroids, with an overdoes of amphetamines. Idiots.
Karma's a bitch. I can't wait until she comes back and smacks the whole lot of them on the head. I just hope the rest of us don't get caught in her way.
(305,963 posts)Lunamagica
(9,967 posts)Zing Zing Zingbah
(6,496 posts)and stay focused on that. Concentrate on the good that you are empowered to do and if each one of us can do that we can gradually make things better. For me, I am trying to spend more time with my family. We have all started to go to karate together. I also recommend martial arts as a great way of letting out pent up aggression. I'm only a few days in and I'm finding I really enjoy sparring.