2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumWhy are we writing off the possibility of an Electoral College coup?
Yeah yeah yeah I know "it's a long shot" but
For crying out loud, Trump was helped to victory through THE KREMLIN conducting a cyber operation ON OUR ELECTORAL PROCESS.
If there ever were a reason to spur electors to be faithless, wouldn't this be it?
Why is no one taking this seriously? Why can't we, as Democrats, throw our effort behind this?
So much to gain. He hasn't won anything yet.
Jean-Jacques Roussea
(475 posts)Thanks in part to Russia. If anything, we'd have a chance if we convinced them to vote Hillary under the assumption that Hillary would be impeached and we'd get Kaine.
(56,842 posts)Electors are chosen because they are strongly loyal partisans. Hillary hatred has been bred into Republicans since 1991, and they tend to have an irrational hatred of almost all Democrats.
The Hitman
(562 posts)The Hamilton Electors, for instance, are looking for a moderate Republican or independent.
(3,251 posts)It is HRC or Trump. Period.
(9,673 posts)I fail to understand why anybody would want to even be an elector if its just a rubber stamp job.
(3,251 posts)Yupster
(14,308 posts)Generally people are chosen who have given decades of work for the party. They mighht be a county chairman who has volunteered for 50 years.
It's just an honor.
Not the group of Republicans likely to vote for Hillary.
(7,178 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)the Hamilton electors are being stupid. Now had Orange Toxin won the popular vote, but they were concerned that he is unhinged and might harm us severely, that is, he should not have the nuclear codes, then their solution might make sense.
sarah FAILIN
(2,857 posts)The only 2 I've heard of won't vote for Clinton. 1 resigned rather than vote against Trump. If by some miracle it went to the house/senate I think he would still win. I just don't think there is a way out of this. It is insanity to me but I shouted the warning on Russia before the election and nobody cared.
(2,056 posts)People should push for that.
(54,271 posts)interference in an election, accepting foreign help in an election, etc., might be violations of federal law, and they might be impeachable offenses (not that republicans would impeach him), but they're not actual "treason" as defined in the constitution.
Section 3: Treason[edit]
Iva Toguri, known as Tokyo Rose, and Tomoya Kawakita were two Japanese Americans who were tried for treason after World War II.
Section 3 defines treason and its punishment.
Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court.
The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted.
The Constitution defines treason as specific acts, namely "levying War against [the United States], or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort." A contrast is therefore maintained with the English law, whereby crimes including conspiring to kill the King or "violating" the Queen, were punishable as treason. In Ex Parte Bollman, 8 U.S. 75 (1807), the Supreme Court ruled that "there must be an actual assembling of men, for the treasonable purpose, to constitute a levying of war."[15]
(3,251 posts)Anybody in the EC who votes for Trump is an idiot. A complete and total idiot and basically a traitor to the US.
(2,056 posts)They don't care about anything but their own partisan politics and if it benefits them in any way they will defend it.
I'm hoping there are enough Republican lawmakers in D.C. who will join with Democrats and impeach Trump. They HAVE to do it if they love this country. If they don't they may as well just let Putin annex the US in January.
The Hitman
(562 posts)Whether or not it's unlikely...
Yes we can hope he gets impeached but this would be infinitely better for everyone.
(24,324 posts)AgadorSparticus
(7,963 posts)unblock
(54,271 posts)electors are chosen primarily based on loyalty, if not to the candidate, then at least to the party. these are not random americans.
trump has enough of a margin of electoral victory that we would need to have a *lot* of them change their votes to deny trump a majority of electoral votes. historically, i don't think there has ever been more than one or two in any given election.
finally, there's just no way these loyal republicans would hand the oval office over to clinton. best case is that they vote in pence or ryan or someone else, or abstain, or in any event just not trump. no one else can get a majority of electoral votes. so the election would be thrown into the house, who in all likelihood would just vote for trump anyway.
why? because the republicans in the house will respond to the political pressure of the rabid trump voters in their own districts and refuse to hand the election over to anyone else.
finally, let's just imagine that we do actually have a president hillary this way, somehow. republicans and the media would have a field day. congress would still be republican and would refuse to even consider anything she proposed, they would investigate and likely impeach her based on anything and everything, and the rank-and-file would be rioting in the streets until she was removed from office. if you though the crap about obama not being a legitimate president was bad, you ain't seen nothing yet if hillary gets in that way. she'd accomplish virtually nothing, be trashed as ineffective at best, and republicans would win bigly in 2018 and 2020.
The Hitman
(562 posts)Because angry republicans would be in the streets? Let our civil liberties, the environment, our democracy be subject to attack by trump?
(54,271 posts)remember that president pence or ryan would, on policy, be no better than trump, really. in fact, quite possibly worse.
the only practical difference is that they would appear more sane in the media.
The Hitman
(562 posts)With either of them in charge of the NSA and nuclear arsenal
(38,946 posts)unblock
(54,271 posts)ain't gonna happen. i get the need for fantasy in the wake of this disastrous election, but it remains fantasy.
(38,946 posts)politicaljunkie41910
(3,335 posts)be doing everything they could to take the White House back if they thought Russia had interceded in an election on behalf of the Democrats. They'd be in the streets bearing arms with talk of taking back their country which was stolen with the help of a bunch of Red Commies and the Dems would fold like the pussies they always are, in the name of "fighting back in other ways".
The Hitman
(562 posts)We are such pansies in times of strife
(44,858 posts)LisaL
(46,795 posts)El Mimbreno
(783 posts)37 out of 300+? 37 who would put their country ahead of their party? 37 who can see that trump is unqualified and unstable and will vote accordingly? I sure hope so.
(36,649 posts)hellofromreddit
(1,182 posts)So the response come inauguration day stays the same no matter what.
The Hitman
(562 posts)"We're 5 wks from Inauguration & the President Elect is completely unhinged. The electoral college must do what it was designed for."
Jim Himes (D-CT)
(24,324 posts)Orangepeel
(13,971 posts)They are literally people chosen by the political parties to reward loyalty to those parties. The republican electors worked to elect Trump. They are happy he won.
Donald Trump could feed a baby to Vladimir Putin on live TV and at least 90% of republican electors would still vote for him.
(39,970 posts)It would be dangerous for some to switch now
(4,562 posts)Basically, a substantial portion of the country is terrified of a minority portion of the country.
The Alt-Right has succeeded in holding even the traditional-right hostage in their own house.
Generic Other
(29,000 posts)All we can do is hold our breath and go down with the ship.
(16,064 posts)The voters who supported Trump are probably sending thank you notes to Putin and the electors will never do anything so radical.
Trump is going to be the president. The countries only hope is that in the 2018 election cycle Democrats can regain control of congress.
(82,383 posts)even if R, would be sensible enough to see Orange Toxin cannot be in charge of the nuclear codes.
Generic Other
(29,000 posts)Although that would be the right thing to do.
But at this point, I'd even accept John McCain, Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush! Oh shit, I actually said that!
(7,391 posts)will reject the votes of any faithless Trump electors, and then the House will choose Trump.