2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumAnother thing I don't get is progressives who love Tulsi Gabbard but rail against blue dogs
Some of the very same progressives who want to boot out blue dogs.
Again, if that's the most progressive person who can get voted from her district, then I am ok with it, because ultimately i want the most liberal person to win. No point running a purer liberal who will lose.
However, I don't get on the one hand wanting more progressive politicians, but championing Tulsi Gabbard.
What gives?
Gabbard has been a favorite of Fox News, where she diverged from the typical Democratic Party line on the term Islamic extremism. Democrats such as Bernie Sanderswhom Gabbard endorsedhave stayed away from such phrases because, they argue, it suggests that the United States is at war with the Muslim religion itself.
In March, Gabbard was the only Democrat and one of just three members of Congress to vote against a resolution condemning violence by the Assad regime against civilian populations.
Bad enough US has not been bombing al-Qaeda/al-Nusra in Syria. But its mind-boggling that we protest Russias bombing of these terrorists, Gabbard wrote in September, on the first day of the Russian intervention in Syria.
The Hawaii congresswoman was also one of just 47 Democrats who voted for a bill that would make it all but impossible to admit new refugees into the United States.
Gabbard often sounds more like a hawkish Republican than a potential future Democratic leader. She has blasted President Obama for failing to talk about Islamic extremism. And she recently tweeted this criticism of the president's perceived weakness and hypocrisy in Syria:

(42,649 posts)I also know people who are generally progressive, but on one particular issue they might be quite conservative.
Guns are one such issue.
Support for the Israeli State is another issue.
The Muslim issue is another area.
(58,724 posts)It's just called Israel.
(42,649 posts)from the citizens.
I do not condemn the citizens for the many illegal actions of the government.
(58,724 posts)That seems sort of odd to me.
It is one thing to refer to the "Netanyahu government" - and condemn their policies accordingly.
But the name of the country is still Israel.
(42,649 posts)critics are accused of being anti-Semitic. The obvious implication being that any criticism of the State of Israel translates into anti-Semitism. And this is not directed at you.
Personally, I don't think people are accused of being antisemitic merely for criticizing the state of Israel, but I guess that's a whole other discussion that we don't need to get into here.
(14,026 posts)JCanete
(5,272 posts)JHan
(10,173 posts)Has she ever used strong language in condemnation of Assad?
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)who is a major RW douchebag who allowed a genocide in his state
(58,724 posts)That's throwing that word around rather loosely.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)in india, most liberals call it a genocide.
(58,724 posts)There is a specific definition of genocide that most liberals accept.
Speaking of liberals:
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Well, it is a great pleasure to welcome back my friend Prime Minister Modi and the Indian delegation to the Oval Office.
I still have fond memories of being honored by the Prime Ministers invitation to participate in Republic Day celebrations in India and the incredible hospitality and warmth that was shown by the people of India during our visit.
So again, I want to thank my friend Prime Minister Modi for his leadership. I know that whenever he visits, it is a source of great pride and excitement not only for the people of India, but the remarkable Indian American community here in the United States that are a symbol and a testament of the deep bonds of friendship and family that exist between our two countries.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)liberal friends and family from india.
Obama has to make nice with many terrible leaders, Modi is just one of them. He doesn't want to start WW3 nor should he.
(58,724 posts)It seems, as an outsider, that what occurred does not fit the definition of genocide, but I shall defer to your personal experience that most liberals in India believe that it does.
One could argue that members of Congress also have to make nice with world leaders for the same reason Obama does. Being the first Hindu in the US Congress, it seems not that unusual that Gabbard would establish a friendly relationship with the PM of India.
(26,467 posts)msongs
(70,701 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)It used to be that progressives and liberals had common cause, but that seems less so in recent years.
Many progressives are outright hostile to classic, liberal values.
(55,894 posts)nor her ties to Republicans.
(135,425 posts)Her animus towards them is unbridled. And her close ties to Sheldon Adelson.
It's incompatible with Democratic Party values.
(58,724 posts)From a recent interview:
(135,425 posts)Her friendship with Adelson is nothing but a thing, then?
She does not share our values. From the DB link:
In March, Gabbard was the only Democrat and one of just three members of Congress to vote against a resolution condemning violence by the Assad regime against civilian populations.Both Trump and Gabbard share a common friend: billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson. The Hawaii Democrat reportedly introduced an Adelson-backed bill that would outlaw online gambling. Earlier this year, Gabbard won a Champions of Freedom Award at The World Values Networks annual gala, co-hosted by Adelson.
More light reading:
(58,724 posts)She has never said anything about hating Muslims. In fact, she always talks about how she loves people of all religions (citing "the Aloha spirit" , and that it is only the political ideology that underpins groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda that she has a problem with.
She always makes a point to separate the political ideology and the religion and to repeat that the vast majority of the follows of the religion of Islam do not subscribe to the political ideology that a small minority of them do.
The vote in Congress you point to does not mean that she "hates Muslims" - in fact, most of the truly virulent Muslim-haters among the Republicans in Congress voted in favor of that bill.
I would also mention that "Telesur" is not exactly the most objective source in the world. They are certainly no fans of Hillary Clinton at that site, that's for sure.
(135,425 posts)Go back to when she was less known, and not parsing her words.
She is no friend to the Muslim community.
The TELESUR report is republished from other cites--go on and cut, paste, look for it. They weren't the originators.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that the article is false?
Tulsi has more in common with her right wing Pa and Modi than she does with "liberal" causes.
She's logged more time on Fox News than Romney, fachrissakes.
How dare Obama meet with MUSLIMS--they're the enemy, after all
(58,724 posts)You can go back as far as you like. If you can find a statement where she says she hates Muslims, please post it (if you think she is saying that in the video you provided, then that is something you are hearing rather than something she is saying).
At no point does she say that Obama should not meet with Muslims or that Muslims are the enemy.
Whether or not she is a "friend to the Muslim community" is something one can discuss, but your claim was that she has a "hated of Muslims" and she doesn't.
The Telesur report is indeed a cut and paste of items from other sites packaged in a way to try to present as negative a perception as possible. That's what I mean when I say they are biased. Selective out-of-context quoting couched with blatant editorializing is what biased sources do.
Those of us who support progressive and liberal values do not have a problem criticizing ideologies that are antithetical to those values, such as the various radical Islamic terrorist groups operating around the world or the white supremacists/white nationalist groups doing likewise. To be critical of such groups is not to be an enemy of Muslims or white people.
But I have a feeling we are not going to agree on this point, so I will leave it there.
(135,425 posts)Look, you can like her all you want. You're not going to convince me that she means well.
She's a hater and she does not represent my values. She wasn't too nice to gay people, either, just a few short years back:
The apple does not fall far from the tree. Take a look at the tree and you'll see.
(58,724 posts)Especially with respect to her friendliness to Modi, but also with respect to the other issues you raised?
(135,425 posts)She learned how to be Hindu from her momma.
You're not seriously suggesting that intelligent people can't overcome cultural or religious biases and stereotypes?
(58,724 posts)I wasn't suggesting anything, I was just asking if you thought her religion had anything to do with anything. Clearly, you think her father's religion in an important factor.
(135,425 posts)her Hindu faith made her an automatic Muslim-hater.
(58,724 posts)I was asking primarily if you think her affinity for Modi has to do with her being Hindu, and secondarily if that had any role at all in her perception of radical Islamic terrorists groups. Again, I will reiterate that she is not a Muslim-hater and has repeatedly made that very clear.
(135,425 posts)are insulting and hurtful. If Muslims say--and they DO --that her comments are untoward, they are the arbiters, not her, or her defenders. She can't fling out invective (like she did with her hateful LGBT comments) and then walk it back without people noticing.
Even the damn Socialist Workers certainly have her number:
(58,724 posts)I have already directed you to quotes that illustrate that fact. Muslims are not a monolithic group. The fact that some Muslims may find things she said to be insulting or hurtful does not mean that she hates Muslims. She is a good friend of Keith Ellison (the first Muslim elected to Congress) and is supporting his bid to be DNC Chair.
I support @keithellison for DNC Chair. Keith is our best choice for an open, transparent DNC. #DNCChair
I have also explained that her position on the LGBT community has evolved over time, and that it is unfair to continually cite a quote from 12 years ago when she has since repeatedly disavowed that position and has worked in support of gay marriage and LGBT equality (and has the voting record to show for it).
The "Socialist Worker" does not like any Democrats. They regularly attack Obama, Clinton, and every other Democrat under the sun, including Bernie Sanders.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)well that's fine, she is better than a rabid republican, but what she aint is progressive
(135,425 posts)She's "progressive" on some things, but they don't make "progress" for minorities and oft-victimized segments of our society.
(58,724 posts)Dakota Access Pipeline
Floor Speech
Dec 1, 2016
This weekend, I am joining thousands of veterans from all across the country at Standing Rock to stand in solidarity with our Native American brothers and sisters. Together, we call on President Obama to immediately halt the construction of this pipeline, respect the sacred lands of the Standing Rock Sioux, and respect their right to clean water. The truth is whether it is the threat to essential water sources in this region, the lead contaminated water in Flint, Michigan, or the threat posed to a major Hawaii aquifer by the Red Hill fuel leak, each example underscores the vital importance of protecting our water resources.
100 percent ratings from Planned Parenthood, National Parks Action Fund, Americans for the Arts, Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, ACLU, Hispanic Federation, Human Rights Campaign - Position on Marriage, Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, and on and on.
(135,425 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)I also included ratings from other organizations related to a variety of other topics.
With respect to "Xenocrypt's" post on Daily Kos from four years ago (before she got to Congress), that seems less relevant than groups evaluating her since she has actually been in Congress.
In terms of her public position statements:
Standing Up for LGBT Rights and Marriage Equality
I believe that equal treatment and opportunity are fundamental rights for all Americans. Discrimination on the basis of national origin, sexual orientation, disability, religious belief, gender, or race undermines core American principles of respect and individual freedom. We have an obligation to fight against discrimination, whatever the form. I will continue to work with partners at the federal, state, and local level to ensure all individuals are treated equally under the law regardless of race, sex, religion, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Cosponsored HR 197: The Respect for Marriage Act
Repeals the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)
Campaign Finance Reform
Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is committed to campaign finance reform, taking big money superpacs out of politics, and empowering the people and their voices in our democracy.
Civil Liberties
Our number one priority is keeping the American people safe. We do that by focusing our resources on those who actually pose a threat to our safety while upholding the freedoms and civil liberties of the American people - not by continuing this dragnet spying on millions of Americans.
There is no evidence to date that those programs have made our country more secure. Not a single tax payer dollar should be used to fund a program that spies on innocent Americans, violating the principals of liberty and freedom that so many have fought and given their lives for.
Universal Healthcare
Our present healthcare system is organized by and for the benefit of big insurance and pharmaceutical companies and not the American people. This must change.
Womens Rights
Tulsi is committed to defending a womans right to choose, which government has no place infringing on. She has a 100% voting record with both Planned Parenthood and NARAL.
Note: That is just a sampling - check her website for more.
(135,425 posts)She has a history of right wing hatred. Let's go back in time....
Tulsi said THIS:
Putin cheerleading amd criticizing POTUS, complaining about NOT bombing--yeah, not my kind of rep.
She also said this:
"To try to act as if there is a difference between 'civil unions' and same-sex marriage is dishonest, cowardly and extremely disrespectful to the people of Hawaii who have already made overwhelmingly clear our position on this issue... As Democrats we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists."
She has walked that back, too.
I will not be convinced that she has actually changed. I think she calculates what the traffic will bear.
I'm simply not a fan.
Bottom line? I don't live in her district. If I did, I'd be working to swap her out.
(58,724 posts)She explains that metamorphosis quite interestingly in numerous interviews. She talks about her very conservative upbringing and how her views on social issues changed over time to what they are today. It hardly seems fair to judge someone based on quotes from 12 years ago when they have since disavowed those positions and have acted in support of gay marriage and equality for all.
With respect to Syria, I don't think any liberal supports ISIS or Al-Qaeda taking control of that country. Certainly there is significant disagreement over how to prevent that from happening, but I think everyone agrees that is a complex situation.
To quote Bernie Sanders, "What weve also got to do and this is tough stuff is work with Russia, work with Saudi Arabia, work with Iran, all of whom have common interests in opposition to ISIS.
(135,425 posts)She's all over Fauxsnooze, and snuggling with Pootie....oops, I mean Trump.
And BANNON endorses her?
I don't think that mendacious pond scum is stupid--he knows what he's getting. Why would he be supportive of her as the token Dem if she wasn't prepared to toe the line?
If she takes a job with the Trump administration, she might as well just keep on going, and cross back over the bridge.
(58,724 posts)You have certainly encouraged me to look more closely into her past positions and to read more items from people who are critical of her. I always like learning from my fellow DUers, and I respect those who are able to have such a courteous back and forth even in the face of strong disagreements.
Out of curiosity, what do you think the US position should be vis-a-vis Syria?
(458 posts)She's against condemning Syria and funding the various rebel groups because we've been down this road before.
First we were condemning Saddam. Next we were all like "We have to overthrow him because he's evil!"
And we got ISIS while the MIC got oodles of money.
What's the best thing to do about Syria? Nothing.
(307,983 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)And ridiculous article.
Obama has a good relationship with Modi also.
radical noodle
(9,483 posts)It's been all about who supported and who didn't support Sanders.
(26,467 posts)Instead of liberal once the rethugs had gotten successful in making liberal a dirty word, so to speak.
So now there's a difference? What is it? I'm curious. Not snarking.
(23,907 posts)I like that Gabbard has been speaking out on Syria.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)her general tone on Islam bothers me, but i also don't decide on any one issue.
but if you are the type to want all blue dogs out, then i dont get your position on Ryan or Gabbard. (you = one)
(458 posts)Just out of leadership positions.
We've let Third Way Dems run the party for far too long. And the only times we haven't been throttled by the Randians is when they shoot themselves in the foot.
But when the progressives took over in 06-08 we wiped the floor with them.
When given the choice between a conservaDem and an actual Republican, people tend to vote for the actual Republican.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)Tulsi Gabbard, a favorite of both progressives and Trump senior counselor Steve Bannon, met with the president-elect Monday to make a plea: Leave Syrias dictator alone.
....the Hawaii congresswoman has also been a defender of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad and Russias Vladimir Putinstances that align with the incoming administrations foreign policy.
Gabbard, a favorite of incoming White House senior counselor Steve Bannon, is the first congressional Democrat approached to have a face-to-face meeting with Trumpand the first Bernie Sanders supporter to do so as well. Sensing criticism from the left for taking a meeting with Trump, she put out a statement in which she justified her foreign policy meeting as necessary so that the left and right could find common ground.
But she also included pro-Assad apologia in the mix, arguing that the United States should not confront Russia because it could lead to conflict and indicating that the Assad regime should remain in place, calling any attempts to remove him as illegal.
....I shared with him my grave concerns that escalating the war in Syria by implementing a so-called no fly/safe zone would be disastrous for the Syrian people, our country, and the world, Gabbard said. It would lead to more death and suffering, exacerbate the refugee crisis, strengthen ISIS and al Qaeda, and bring us into a direct conflict with Russia which could result in a nuclear war.
That might sound like standard issue progressive anti-war rhetoric, but coupled with her past statements and actions, its more of a plea to let Assad be. In March, for instance, Gabbard was the only Democrat and one of just three members of Congress to vote against a resolution condemning violence by the Assad regime against civilian populations.
And she has long been a defender of the Putin regime, writing for example in September 2015, on the first day of the Russian intervention in Syria, Its mind-boggling that we protest Russias bombing of these terrorists. Russia is responsible for attacking U.S.-backed opposition forces in Syria, an aid convoy delivering relief to civilians, and medical facilities.
By taking the meeting with Trump and making such a statement afterward, critics argue, Gabbard is giving the Trump administration the guise of bipartisan support for ignoring Assads war crimes, which include bombing civilian populations and the use of chemical weapons. Gabbard and Trump also see eye to eye on closing the door on refugees....
She does not share my values.
(458 posts)When did we become the final arbiters of how a country should or should not handle violent rebel groups? Who gave us the right?
And perhaps more pertinent here, what if a removal blows up in our face?
I'm a little sketchy about doing anymore regime changes in the Middle East. Last time we did that, we got ISIS for the trouble. And let's be honest, every time we do get involved in the region, we tend to make things worse.
(135,425 posts)that doesn't mean we should kiss his ass, either. Or smile and pretend he, or Putin, are benevolent leaders who represent an actual constituency.
I'm just stunned at the degree of parsing, here.
Our values do not support pandering tyrants.
Not buying this excuse-making shit at all.
(10,173 posts)Good posts btw, A tyrant is still a tyrant.
(52,004 posts)
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)geek tragedy
(68,868 posts)presented to them
(55,894 posts)I supposed links should have been added. But you know there's a continent here who work the system STILL.
Bashing a Democrat. LOLOLOL!
She's a DINO with ties to Republicans.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Because this is not an attack on her, it's an attack on holding strange positions on her while wanting to kick out other conservative Dems
(55,894 posts)IYKWIM.
(2,897 posts)It's part of the reason that Marcy Kaptur is raking in those progressive "Our Revolution" dollars even though she's pro-life.
(15,522 posts)The revolution should be about principles. Not who cozies up to the Big Boss. The whole thing is a con.
(44,059 posts)PatsFan87
(368 posts)but whether someone will take on corrupt, entrenched power or whether they'll turn the other cheek and benefit from that corrupt system. I may not agree with Tulsi on every issue, but I respect her for stepping down from the DNC to support Bernie. Everyone knows you don't want to cross the Clintons and Tulsi was warned about doing so. She did what she felt was right anyways. She did the same in 2004 when she joined the military instead of running for reelection. And I liked that she was an outspoken critic of the Dakota Pipeline when a lot of our Democratic leaders were silent.
There's a difference between someone having a different stance on an issue and someone having a different stance on an issue for political gain/fundraising purposes/personal enrichment, etc. Tulsi has shown she's willing to give up her position/power to do what she thinks is right. I respect the hell out of that.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)after going after Clinton
I seem to also remember, that Tim Kaine was the first person outside of IL to endorse Obama, and HRC picked him as her VP..
the idea that the clinton's are a vengeful couple is a right wing myth, which some parts of the left wing just LOVE to parrot.
(44,059 posts)That is, apparently, enough for some.
She sure doesn't represent Liberal values.
(5,272 posts)in solidarity on the core issue out of which all others spring, even if these people have their heads up their asses on one matter or another? It proves that left-wing liberals aren't all about the perfect being the enemy of the good?
That said, those things suck about her. why don't you pull up a candidate and lets see if nothing sucks about that one?
(59,038 posts)someone who is a favorite of a white supremacist?
She's constantly on Fox bashing Obama. She'd get throw off of DU for that.
We don't need her in this party, let her join the repugs where her views seem to mesh.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)i am ok with it. but let's not pretend she is some progressive goddess.
(5,272 posts)promoting her for certain positions within the party, which is not the same thing exactly.
(72,296 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)MADem
(135,425 posts)EffieBlack
(14,249 posts)Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)I think some Bernie people have a soft spot for her because she resigned from the DNC in protest of what a lot of people saw as DWS' pro-HRC bias(I hope we all agree now that, in the future, whoever chairs the DNC has an obligation to be totally neutral during the presidential primaries), but I agree with you that, in terms of her actual policies, she's not all that progressive.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)after that we get to support our fucking nominee.
and she is not 'all that progressive', she's a conservative democrat.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)BTW, I wasn't defending Tulsi, so I'm not sure why you lashed out in that second line-I mean, are you going to snap at me even when I AGREE with you(which I think I probably do about 88% of the time in terms of actual issues)?
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Cuomo, who is far more liberal, elicits random conspiracy theories from you.
and I think the DNC was fair till it became clear Sanders would not win, which happened two weeks after super Tuesday.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)And I've spoken with nothing but respect towards Secretary Clinton since I endorsed her, before the convention. Other than one or two phrases I shouldn't have used towards the Secretary, I spoke respectfully of her even before that.
If Tulsi WAS a Clinton supporter, she wouldn't have resigned from the DNC for the reason she did and no one would have heard of her, so the analogy you use there simply doesn't exist.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)and people who are actually doing a lot of good in the democratic party, i find really odd.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)This is a guy who has refused to support his own party in its efforts to take over the New York State Senate(thus guaranteeing that MOST of what Democrats want doesn't happen in New York). He does all he can to thwart the progressive agenda of NYC Mayor Bill DiBlasio. Who supports charter schools rather than fighting to improve the public school system. Who is just fine with continued cuts in social services and with stigmatizing the poor.
Why would you go to the mat for THAT guy?
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)and i am ok disliking some of his stances, much like you are about Tulsi. Difference is I don't make up strange allegations about Tulsi.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)I asked in one thread(using phraseology I later thought better of, and deleted) if it was possible that Cuomo might have tried to undermine Zephyr Teachout's chances of winning in a Congressional race...this was based on the fact that she had challenged him the Democratic nomination for governor(something she had every right to do and something she did in a purely issues-based and high-minded way) and that it is far from unheard of for a politician in New York to try and get payback on a former opponent(in New York Democratic politics, it's pretty much the way of things...why do you think there's a five-member bloc of Democratic state senators there who are supporting Republican control of that chamber even though there's a numeric Democratic majority there now?
I apologize for the wording, but it was a reasonable thing to wonder about, given the relationship between those two.
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)it's like my merely asking 'do you think bernie tried to sabotage hillary, so he could be in news till his dying breath'. maybe it sounds legitimate to some people as a question, but for most it reads like an unfounded allegation.
Ken Burch
(50,254 posts)And there was reason to wonder.
BTW, there are tons of threads here BLAMING Bernie for Hillary's defeat. Are you going to denounce those?
La Lioness Priyanka
(53,866 posts)Creating allegations by way of questions are not
(30,481 posts)Gothmog
(159,262 posts)FSogol
(47,214 posts)The suspicious part is all elected Democratic Senators and Congressmen are suspect by that group, but they love rabble-rousing outsiders who never seem to win.
The bottom line is governing is difficult, but tearing things (and people) down is easy. We are entering the age of the wrecker.
Trumpy and company plan on destroying a lot of stuff for economic advantage.
(8,541 posts)I'm not sure that I'm in this group anyway because I don't hate blue dogs either. I'd rather have them than Republicans.