2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumSpeaking out to Ivanka, a hate enabler, is what we all should be doing
This woman supported her Daddy who:
-again wants to put Muslims on registries
- wants to put Latinos in camps and send Dreamers them back to lands they dont even remember - take away healthcare from 20 million people
- grab women's pussies and walk in on naked 15 year old beauty contestants
What don't some of you get about these are not normal times? Trump is not Romney, McCain or even GWBush. He is a Cheney or worse. His daughter Ivanka supported him, enabled him, sits in on meetings with him. We need to make this country so uncomfortabke for them that they will be be like Bush and Cheney, not able to show their faces ever again without harassment. That is what resistance means. What this man did today to Ivanka on that plane is what resistance looks like. People are all pissed abiut Ivanka's children hearing this, while she supports sending other kids to camps. Are you people kiddng me, being upset about this?? We should be lauding this guy. Grow a damn spine!
And stop comparing apples and oranges, asking if we would like if this was dine to Chelsea Clinton. What would they yell at Chelsea? "Your mother wants to expand healthcare?" Yeah. Thats big.,

Crunchy Frog
(27,413 posts)I don't believe it to be an effective form of resistance, and think that it only serves to make our side look bad.
(7,581 posts)You are missing the firest for the trees. Bigly.
Crunchy Frog
(27,413 posts)
(7,581 posts)NobodyHere
(2,810 posts)
(30,079 posts)and you are missing the "forest" for the "firest", whatever that is.
(5,865 posts)greymattermom
(5,798 posts)and flying coach? What's wrong with this picture?
True Dough
(22,052 posts)You're advocating the public harassment of people with political views different than your own.
Imagine Barack Obama was on that airplane with Ivanka, Jared and their children. Now imagine Obama behaved towards Ivanka in the same manner as the guy who was escorted off the plane.
Not acceptable, is it? That's right, not even close.
There are legitimate means of expressing opposition. Shouting at people on a jet is not among them. They likely would have feared for their safety had that individual been allowed to remain on board. No need for that.
(7,581 posts)Put Muslims on lists, deport kids who have been here forever. I have no class? Good., i want courage to speak truth to harmful hateful power. Screw your wimpy definition of class.
Pardon my bad manners. Im more concerned abiut people in camps.
True Dough
(22,052 posts)I was pointing to the level of composure and dignity that the Commander-in-Chief exhibits. He doesn't reduce himself to shouting at political opponents. We should all follow that example.
And the rest of us can be just as vehemently against putting people in camps as you are, but we don't need to resort to "bad manners" to make ourselves heard.
(7,581 posts)On Israel? Or the Obama who didnt tell us about the hacking cause he didnt want to be "partisan"? The Obama who allowed the Republicans to steal our Supreme Court seat without even a whimper?
Obama's lack of fight helped get us Trump. He's a good man, but much like Jimmy Carter - he got easily rolled by the Republicans.
(14,249 posts)The President does the former without resorting to the latter.
And if you think that Trump has ever "humiliated" - or is even capable of humilating - President Obama, you've bought into the hype that Trump is selling, making you part of the problem.
(40,274 posts)This job is going to break him. Meantime, no engendering sympathy for the devil. Lay off the wife and kids in public.
(8,541 posts)Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)adigal
(7,581 posts)At what point will you take the goves off?
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)adigal
(7,581 posts)Why are Democrats such goddamn cowards and apologists???
Trust Buster
(7,299 posts)inappropriate.
(30,079 posts)Threads like this seem to attract those with lots of aggression and little common sense.
(5,619 posts)Are you kidding me with this bullshit justification?
Tump is the bad guy here. We have 63m fellow citizens that voted for him. Harassment isn't going to convince them that Trump is an idiot and that he shouldn't be re-elected.
How about we try actually solving problems? That'll work a lot better than bitching aloud about how someone should be on a private jet.
(11,936 posts)oberliner
(58,724 posts)That is, in fact, the exact opposite of what liberal and progressive values are all about.
(7,581 posts)No wonder the Republicans get away with what they get away with.
And as a very liberal progressive, i believe this IS what we do. Its the polite mushy middle who are afraid to say anything that might cause anyone to be unhappy with them.
So when do you think liberals should speak up? Before or after they march your Muslim neighbors off to camps?
(58,724 posts)Love trumps hate every time.
(7,581 posts)And the poor snowflakes flying to hawaii disturbed by a gay citizen that her Daddy wants to re-educate with electroshock therapy. And other children put in Detainment camps before being sent back to a place they don't even remember.
Have you no sense of justice here? Are liberals really so weak-kneed?
I think people should be kind to one another, even those we disagree with.
(7,581 posts)to camps.
I'm sure your Latino and Muslim neighbors will appreciate your kindness as well.
(58,724 posts)Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said in a statement that 121 people were taken into custody in Georgia, Texas and North Carolina in recent days and will soon face deportation.
The U.S. government has the largest immigration detention system in the world, and that is nothing to be proud of. The underlying problem with immigration detention is that most detainees are only guilty of being in the U.S. without authorization, which is a civil offense, not a crime.
Yet detainees are treated like criminals, held behind bars and barbed wire, often in remote locations. In fact, in at least one respect, immigration detainees are treated worse than criminals: Criminal defendants have the right to a speedy adjudication and to court-appointed legal counsel. Immigration detainees do not.
Latinos are already being sent to camps and/or deported under Obama. I would still be courteous to him and his family if we were on the same airplane.
(92,466 posts)... to immoral acts
My point is that there are things that Obama has done as president that some liberals and progressives object to (drones, for another example). That does not mean that people should be rude to him or his family on an airplane. I don't understand why being courteous to people, even those we disagree with politically, is so controversial.
Grey Lemercier
(1,429 posts)whathehell
(30,079 posts)the march toward Muslims in camps gets ever closer.
(17,493 posts)supporters would when Trump lost the election.
Aren't we supposed to be better than the ultra conservatives who voted for Trump?
(7,581 posts)We just said some mean things to a grown woman who enabled her hatemonger Daddy.
(9,527 posts)Most of us believe in rising above this sort of base harassment.
(7,581 posts)Apologists and cowards fear to speak out.
I am disgusted by what I'm reading on DU lately. If we start behaving like Trump and his supprters in order, ostensibly, to beat Trump and his supporters, what's the point of beating them if we're going to be indistinguishable from the.v
Or are we falling in to the "end justifies the means" bs - which is exactly the excuse that the people on the other side give for their behavior.
(2,297 posts)The kids were probably terrified. Indefensible behavior. This was not a press conference or political event.
(7,581 posts)Cause you might upset the children.
(30,079 posts)The OP probably thinks harnessing one's anger for use in appropriate venues is "selling out".
(1,817 posts)Trump is a fair target, but going after a mom with her young kids present is just rude. It makes no difference to me who is her father.
(7,581 posts)She helped get him elected. She has been on his transition team. She has sat in on meetings. She wants an office in the West Wing. She IS trump and she doesnt have a right to an opinion-free zone around her. Listen to Michael Moore - we need to speak to them every chance we get. Wake up! This man wants to hurt many of us.
So we drag ourselves down to the level of scaring little kids.
Can't go there with you.
True Dough
(22,052 posts)believe the OP is on the wrong path.
Apparently he or she believes in the credo, "If you can't beat 'em, join 'em." At least when it comes to a complete lack of decorum.
I'm glad most of you are above that sort of juvenile/criminal provocation.
(7,581 posts)Ivanka is with her Daddy in meetings. She is part of his team. He wants to harm my fellow Americans. Im so glad that you're ok with that, or at least ok enough to not want to, oh heavens!!!!! Say something to her publicly.
Here's YOUR credo: don't be impolite, even when they are marching Muslims into camps, re-educating Jews, and shipping children back to countries they dont even remember. God forbid you upset the pretty blonde lady as she flies to Hawaii.
No wonder they kick our asses. Spineless, and afraid to take a moral stand.
(7,681 posts)is not standing up to evil.
(7,581 posts)And since I'm in NYC and from NYC, i may see her someday.
You know how GWBush and Cheney cant show their faces anywhere in America. This is how it should be for this whole bunch of Trump snakeoil sakesmen and women.
(10,291 posts)
(21,065 posts)...black/brown ppl, muslims, etc...but when someone calls them out, they whine. GMAFB. Where were they to come out and say NO to the Trumpite racist shite woman that harassed the two Hispanic ladies in JC Penney on Wednesday. GAH
(22,236 posts)There is a time and place for everything, but that wasn't one of them.
(7,178 posts)Screw these fascists! KKK endorsed!
(7,581 posts)Fla Dem
(26,307 posts)store who harassed the 2 Hispanic women in line in front of her. Her behavior was despicable and deplorable. We are above that.
(7,581 posts)One woman harassed two people because they were Hispanic.
One man who is half of a gay couple approached a public figure and took her to task for what her Daddy has said and what he is going to do: register Muslims, ship back Dreamers, re-educate gays, start nuclear wars. If she cant take the heat, dont go sit in on Daddy's meetings and have an office in the West Wing.
The woman was hateful. This man called out hatred. See the difference?
We all have an obligation to call out hatred. Ivanka does NOT have a right to be immune from our public opinions. Im glad not everyone is as cowardly as those who wont stand up to evil.
(63,221 posts)
(21,065 posts)gutter with them. We have to FIGHT back. We cannot play nicey nice dems and let them walk all over us. Enough is enough
(7,581 posts)We are going to have a POTUS who is a loose cannon, at best. I know that's scary, which is why people are afraid to think about it. This ivanka woman is part of his team, not like his other daughter who isnt, or Baron, his young child. She deserves all the shit she gets. The guy spoke up to her, most kids hear worse at the ballfield. Gloves off, folks. The old rules dont apply.
(21,065 posts)EffieBlack
(14,249 posts)We don't beat them by becoming them.
Charles Bukowski
(1,132 posts)undocumented immigrants splitting up thousands of families in the process...
But don't say anything mean to Ivanka because it might upset her children.
(7,581 posts)And even if he is, dont upset her chillddrrreeennnnnnnn!!!!!!!!! God help us all, dont raise your voice near the children!!
Charles Bukowski
(1,132 posts)adigal
(7,581 posts)An office in the West Wing?
How stupid.
(21,065 posts)TrekLuver
(2,573 posts)away with it. That includes his children.
LOL People are pissed that Ivanka's poor poor sheltered children need to hear this. Yeah well have they heard the shit their dear old grand daddy has said? I'm sorry but if I ever got the chance I would say whatever I want...kids there or not....it's too important.
We don't just have a regular run o the mill Republican asshole on our hands here. And also they still have DONE ABSOLUTELY NOT ONE THING to reach out to the rest of us. NONE OF THEM have even thrown a bone our way. He and his skank family can keep it...I DON'T WANT THEIR OLIVE BRANCH...he can shove that right up his tight ass. So if they get harassment...THEY DESERVE IT. FUCK YOU TRASHPOT SLUT TRUMPS
(21,065 posts)Hamlette
(15,554 posts)not sure what I would do if I found out my father had done a tiny bit of what Trump has done, I could forgive him a lot but not all of it. I'd like to think I'd walk, separate myself from him. Maybe if you are raised to believe money is a God, it would be hard to give it up but how does she excuse what he's done? I couldn't do it.
So, you have to factor into the equation. The best thing to do is watch them and boycott anyone who sells her stuff.
(96,446 posts)...family structure.
3 Don't expect her to see her family as anything other than normal and successful.
4 She is an adult and making decisions for which she should be held accountable.
5 Public transportation when she is travelling with her small kids is NOT the place for threatening confrontations. How much of a talk with the SS or Daddy's private security guards do you really want to undergo?
6 The OP is clinging to a rather bizarre notion of personal confrontation that is going to lead to nothing but bad legal trouble if she tries it.
(2,064 posts)and when we have just lost a close election, we don't need to be scaring off swing voters who may well vote Democrat in the midterms or 2020.
If you want to heckle Ivanka at the podium, fine. If you want to protest at functions whaler she is present, fine. If you want to tell her she's the Daughter of Lucifer himself, fine. But screeching at her on a plane in front of her small children while other passengers video record the episode works to Ivanka's (and her dad's) advantage by painting her and her family as the victim.
How damn stupid are we? The last thing we need to be doing is ginning up support for these people, but that's exactly what the guy on the plane did, and what the OP seems to think is smart activism, but in reality is stupid politics. There are far more effective ways of confronting the Trumps while BUILDING support for progressive politics and Democratic politicians.
(7,581 posts)You can just go tuck your tail between your kegs and hide while resisters actually do resistance.
I bet a mortgage payment that if Muslims were having to register, you wouldnt put you name on that list. You still wouldnt speak out to Ivanka in Public because of "the optics" and her special, sheltered children. How about if they marched Muslim children into camps like we have done in our not so distant history? Would you still worry about optics and upsetting her children? I bet you would.
The difference between us and Republicans is they take a no-holds barred approach and they are fighting to hurt people. Even when we are being hurt, Democrats want to be kind and mannerly and polite. Even when it may be life or death.
(2,064 posts)I've actually been hauled off to jail for fighting what I believe in, but I've always aligned myself with others who hold the moral high ground. If you want to sink to the level of some of the vermin on the alt-right, have at it. It'll be a losing effort, I guarantee you, as they will beat you with experience at being a POS.
(14,249 posts)petty public displays of anger and bitterness. They strategize and fight smart. They don't yell at people on airplanes.
They think three steps ahead. They consider and plan impacts and outcomes and then strategically target actions to achieve them. They don't yell at people on airplanes.
What were the impacts and outcomes of that action? Did he cause Ivana Trump to rethink her position on anything ot to even consider his point of view? Did he provoke anyone on the plane to reconsider their support for Donald Trump? Did a single substantive thing change as a result? No. He just yelled at someone on an airplane and then got his ass thrown off.
(2,064 posts)Might have felt good for a minute or two, but actually hurt far more than it helped.
The last thing we need is to be making the Trumps sympathetic characters.
It's a fantastic way to earn her and, by extension, him sympathy. Do people supporting the guy really think this will win converts to the cause?
Battle Trump politically not by lashing out at his people.
(7,178 posts)...and proceed with your Nazi and or Putin plans!
Awesome idea eh!
Ivanka knew what she was doing.
(2,892 posts)spinbaby
(15,261 posts)Was Ivanka flying coach? Really?
(4,019 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)the job should just quit and get another job?
The right wing's "tough guy" approach means they should be able to handle it.
As to her kids, doesn't she want them to learn to be tough as she advocates? That was an example she could use to tell them to be tough and not be affected by someone talking mean.
(42,649 posts)But she is rich and rich people have different rules.
(4,492 posts)treestar
(82,383 posts)taking up the right wing mantra that people should be tough and learn to deal with it without needing a safe space, etc. But then as hypocrites they "whine" (the word they always use for us not wanting to hear certain things) if they are referred to in any generalized manner: racist, sexist, etc. But their stance towards us is that they are so tough that they don't cry about these things.
Anyone who would say respond to sexual harassment by leaving and getting another job, because you are so strong and tough (or to not complain about it) is taking up that stance.
Throd 2.0
(62 posts)Also, carrying so much anger all the time wouldn't be personally healthy anyway.
(13,776 posts)From what little I've seen of her away from the campaign, she seems okay. Of course she doesn't understand what life is like for people living paycheck to paycheck, but most people don't understand what the lives of others are like. If she is willing to have an open mind and listen to a variety of opinions, she could be a valuable ally--maybe the only person around Trump who can influence him for the better. For example, I would really be surprised if she were homophobic.
I'm happy to keep an open mind where she's concerned. So far, she hasn't said anything that I'm aware of that's nasty or racist or anything like that. She might be staying close to him and sitting in on meetings, etc, because she knows her country needs her influence. Or maybe not... but I'm willing to wait and see.
(17,235 posts)might be able to keep her father contained and under control. While you might call her an enabler, I think she actually is a stabilizer.
(2,056 posts)Not acceptable.
(14,249 posts)they justified their unprecedented rudeness to him - something we thought was completely out of line.
(2,297 posts)In fact, Obama was warning Trump not to go after Michelle, who honestly became as big a party voice after the convention as Hillary was.