2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumTake a pledge not to watch tRump's inauguration.
You won't find me watching! I'd rather eat dirt!

(14,505 posts)Arkansas Granny
(31,933 posts)InAbLuEsTaTe
(24,820 posts)radical noodle
(9,483 posts)I have no intention to watch that fiasco.
(141 posts)It doesn't really matter if I watch it or not. There is not some survallance van tracking me to see what station I'm tuned into.
jodymarie aimee
(3,975 posts)do you really want to go back to the gut punch of Nov 9th waking up?
Cracklin Charlie
(12,904 posts)The terrible ratings alone should drive him up the wall.
As for watching any of it, I couldn't do it if he paid me. I can't stand his, or any of those people's (his family, campaign people, or appointees) face.
A story about my dad, a survivor of the Bataan Death March, and a Japanese prison camp:
When I was younger, from time to time, a story would come on the teevee that mentioned General Douglas MacArthur. My dad would immediately get that channel switched. He could not look at General MacArthur. Sometimes an actor would be playing MacArthur, not even the real MacArthur, like on MASH...channel switched.
He couldn't deal with thinking about that man.
I feel the same way about Trump.
(20,035 posts)Not plan on watching the maggot mess.
(7,244 posts)What I hope we get to see on the news is nationwide protests!
(36,974 posts)
(2,205 posts)Vinca
(51,675 posts)SCVDem
(5,103 posts)Sure hope it happens!
(36,594 posts)The Genealogist
(4,738 posts)I've got better things to do with my time than watch that tiny-handed cheeto preen on live TeeVee.
Warren DeMontague
(80,708 posts)iluvtennis
(21,065 posts)neeksgeek
(1,217 posts)AgadorSparticus
(7,963 posts)No way could I stomach it.
(9,812 posts)"I'd be equally as willing for a dentist to be drilling"
Richard D
(9,614 posts)Madam45for2923
(7,178 posts)meow2u3
(25,063 posts)I can't stomach even looking at this creep, let alone listening to him. Besides, I don't want to give my cats a heart attack!
I'd rather have the rest of my teeth extracted--without novocaine--than listen to one more word from Agent Orange from anywhere other than a prison cell!
(3,047 posts)wont be watching.
(26,582 posts)I had no plans to watch it anyway.
(15,628 posts)Won't be watching for the next four years. Ive got better things to do.
(6,441 posts)I wasn't going to watch anyway.
The Velveteen Ocelot
(123,358 posts)I'd rather be thrown naked into a Turkish prison.
I'd rather lance an infected hemorrhoid with a plastic party fork.
(20,035 posts)
(34,648 posts)Let me know if something terrible happens. I'll just check here and wait for DU to tell me that the shit show is over
(67,112 posts)that M$M often hides.
(5,813 posts)Lint Head
(15,064 posts)DesertFlower
(11,649 posts)"law and order" recorded.
(30,699 posts)disruptions from protesters, maybe also booing, some shows of disrespect etc. and him making an ass of himself.
Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)Don't add your eyes to his ratings.
(30,699 posts)save me from the old heave ho.
(307,983 posts)me to watch it.
(3,424 posts)except some sports, etc. but I sure watched every minute of President Obama's.
Not this horror. Damn, I hate that the Obamas have to be there.
I'll check here and get the telling of it all.
(32,323 posts)NO way would I watch. NO WAY.
(26,263 posts)...watch even if I could.
I further vow never, EVER, to use the title president when referring to him.
I will only ever call him DFT - Donald Fucking Trump.
Auntie Bush
(17,528 posts)But also add a few other vitriolic names...NEVER president!
Crunchy Frog
(27,413 posts)CajunBlazer
(5,648 posts)NastyRiffraff
(12,448 posts)I remember the eager anticipation I had for the Obama inaugurations, particularly the first. I was working as a salesperson in a furniture store for the first one, and my boss covered for me while I watched the it on the big TV the store had.
I'd rather chew razor blades than watch Dump be sworn in. He will never be my president.
(96,446 posts)The next day I am going to join millions of women and men across the country in mass protests of Mad King Donald and his enablers.
See you in Los Angeles!
(119,105 posts)Stop towel abuse!
(22,240 posts)TexasBushwhacker
(20,854 posts)USALiberal
(10,877 posts)True_Blue
(3,063 posts)I couldn't stomach watching it anyway.
(31,443 posts)audience.
(1,474 posts)It seems a bit silly to suggest that one should simply ignore that of which one does not approve.
We gotta know our enemy; just ask Sun Tzu.
(962 posts)for the duration.
Charles Bukowski
(1,132 posts)I wasn't planning on watching anyway. The less I see of that repugnant piece of shit over the next 4 years, the better.
(33,549 posts)No pledge necessary from me. Just the thought of it already makes me want to puke.
(29,559 posts)In which case I may tune in.
(24,365 posts)No tv or radio for me.
(159,262 posts)Chipper Chat
(10,218 posts)that he has to be there.
(12,240 posts)You couldn't pay me to watch!
I can't stand to see his face just the amount of pics on stuff I go online is sickening.
(639 posts)Duke Silver
(3 posts)and I am doing my damnedest to get others to not watch either.
(13,365 posts)Adrahil
(13,340 posts)You couldn't pay me enough to watch that buffoon debase the Presidency.